Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

: Blog items

Owls Class Home Learning Monday 1st March, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 8:19pm

Monday 1st March  

Good morning Owls class, today is our last Monday of home learning together before we are back in class next week. You have worked so hard these past few weeks and I am so proud of you. I am really looking forward to seeing you on our daily zoom call at 9:40am this morning so please come along, you will need a pencil (or some different colours if you have them) and a piece of paper.

Today I have a handwriting task and a No Outsiders task for you. Mrs. Campion has set your phonics task for this week.

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

Please follow Mrs. Campion’s instructions for Read, Write, Inc this week.



Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. We will be completing our work on the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are k, r, u, y.

Please see the lesson video on Tapestry


No. Outsiders

To link in with your learning about eggs in writing, we are going to complete some work all about celebrating differences using the story ‘Egg’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnett.

For your task, I would like you to decorate 3 eggs. If you don’t have eggs at home, or craft materials to decorate your eggs, please download the sheet and colour the eggs in.

As an extra challenge can you write a sentence all about your eggs being different?


Your lesson video is on Tapestry for you.



Dear Children and Families,

This week, we are thinking about Lent and the significance behind this special time as we approach Easter. Many Christians abstain from something to represent the sacrifice that Jesus made when he went into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to pray. We have explored the idea of creating good deeds and acts of kindness as well during the time of Lent to show Jesus love to our friends and family. 


Follow this link to watch Mr Cliff’s worship filmed in our church, St John’s, as he explains this special time of Lent in our Christian year.




This week’s clubs are

PE with Mr. Ault

Here is the link to Mr. Ault’s PE club this week: https://youtu.be/lCpiFazSYEo 

Craft Club with Miss. Gillam

What can you make using recycled materials? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a rocket, a fairy house or some egg carton flowers?  



Cave Gallery  

Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment 

Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery?  

The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community. 

The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March. 




As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Owls Class Home Learning Monday 22nd February, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 10:08am

Monday 22nd February  

Good morning Owls class, Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Hoskins and I hope you had a really lovely half term at home with your families and that you are ready to get started with a new half term of learning. I am really looking forward to seeing you on our daily zoom call at 9:40am this morning so please come along and share something from your half term.

Today I have a phonics task, a handwriting task and an RE task for you.

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.

Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Please watch the lesson video and practise reading the special friends words.

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling, and longer words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ


Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. We will be learning how to write the next three letters from the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are j, m, n  

Please see the lesson video on Tapestry



Last week saw the start of a very special time in the Church’s calendar, Lent. Lent is a special time where Christians get ready for Easter. In today’s lesson video I will talk to you about what Lent means for Christians. For your task today I would like you to make a Lenten promise and share it on a footprint. You can download and print a footprint from the blog/tapestry or you can make your own footprint to write your promise onto.


Your lesson video is on Tapestry for you.


Here is the link to Mrs. Powell’s worship video for today: https://youtu.be/2c69EUY9_tY 

Cosmic Yoga

Today, as part of our mindfulness work, I would like you to have a go at this 5 minute super yoga safari stretch. Click on the link to take you to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybPwuaGoa9E&list=PL8snGkhBF7nhTxJt1M7d6A7mmD3kK6wE1&index=10



This week at Lostock, we are introducing some Foundation subject clubs for you to take part in if you want to. These are completely optional but if you are looking for something to do in the afternoons once you have completed your tasks from our daily blog, then these will be perfect for you. The clubs are presented by different teachers from across our school. This week’s clubs are

PE with Mr. Ault

Mr. Ault shows you how to play a throwing target game.

The link is: https://youtu.be/afwa0muF0UE 

Craft Club with Miss. Gillam

What could you create using a cereal box? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a puppet theatre, a toy car or your own musical instrument today? 

The link to this week’s craft club is: https://youtu.be/Y8VmlLWBC90  

Cave Gallery  

Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment 

Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery 

The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community. 

The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March. 




As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Owls Class Home Learning Monday 8th February, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 6th Feb 2021 @ 11:50am

Monday 8th February  

Good morning Owls class and welcome back to another week of home learning. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Hoskins and I are so proud of how hard you are all working at home and in school so keep it up.  

Today I have a phonics task, a handwriting task and an e-safety task for you.

There is also a link for today’s Worship and a fitness challenge for you to try.

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

Just like you did last week, I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.

Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

The powerpoint lesson is available to download below or in video format if you would prefer .

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling, and longer words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ


An important part of our learning in school is learning all about technology and how to use technology safely. Tomorrow is national internet safety day and so we will be learning about how to stay safe when using the internet today. After you have watched the video I would like you to try and make an e-safety poster or record a message. Have a go at making a penguin mask using a paper plate or perhaps drawing or painting a penguin for a poster. You will need some craft materials if you have them. If not, pencil and paper is absolutely fine.


Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. We will be learning how to write the next three letters from the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are p, h, i  

Don’t forget to hold your pencil properly, just like I showed you last week in our Zoom call.

Please see the lesson video or alternatively see the PowerPoint.


Here is the link to Mrs. Powell’s worship video today: https://youtu.be/SzhHnSOuuQo 


Fitness Challenge:

Have a go at this Dance challenge and dance along to ‘I wanna be like you’ from The Jungle Book  



As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Owls Home Learning Blog Monday 1st February, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 30th Jan 2021 @ 4:23pm

Monday 1st February  

Good morning Owls class and welcome back to another week of home learning. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Hoskins and I are so proud of how hard you are all working at home and in school so keep it up.  

Today I have a phonics task, a handwriting task and a ‘No Outsiders’ task for you.

There is also a link for today’s Worship and a fitness challenge for you to try.

This week is a special week called ‘Wellbeing Week’, normally in school we would be having special shared Worships together and completing lots of fun activities like Yoga lessons in school. Because we cannot all be together at the moment, it has to be a little bit different. We have prepared a Wellbeing plan for you, you’ll be able to download it from Tapestry and the class blog. Please have a look and try out some of the suggested activities throughout the week and show us your efforts on Tapestry. We can’t wait to see them!

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

Just like you did last week, I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.

Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

The powerpoint lesson is available to download below or in video format if you would prefer .

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling, and longer words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

No Outsiders

You did so well with your No Outsiders task last week and I know you’ll do a super job this week too!

In today’s lesson you will be celebrating your unique, special selves. There is only one of you in the whole wide world and that is what makes you special. I am going to read the story ‘Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly’. After reading the story, I would like you to draw a picture of yourself with lots of the things that you love and make you unique so please have some paper and some colours ready.

You will find the powerpoint version attached below, or please click to watch the video above.


Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. I would like you to write 3 new letters. Today we are learning about a different letter family called the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are l, t and b.  

It is really important when writing that we hold our pencil correctly so please have a look at the picture of me holding my pencil. In our Zoom call today I would like you to bring a pencil along so we can practise holding our pencils.

Please see the lesson video or alternatively see the PowerPoint.


Mrs. Powell has recorded a special worship video to launch Wellbeing week. Please click the link to find the video:  https://youtu.be/oPSLE27lh-0





Fitness Challenge:

For today’s fitness challenge I would like you to have a go at ‘Jack Jack’s Super Shapes’ challenge. 



As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Owls Home Learning Monday 25th January, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 23rd Jan 2021 @ 12:44pm

Monday 25th January

Good morning Owls class and welcome back to another week of home learning. I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to get lots of fresh air despite the cold, wet and snowy weather!

Today I have a phonics task, a handwriting task and a ‘No Outsiders’ task for you.

There is also a link for today’s Worship and a fitness challenge for you to try.

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

Just like you did last week, I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.

Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

The powerpoint lesson is available to download below or in video format if you would prefer .

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling, and longer words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

No Outsiders

No Outsiders is an important part of our learning at Lostock Gralam, we believe that it is good to be different and we learn together about how people can be different and how a family like our school family is made up of lots of different, special individuals.

In today’s lesson we will be reading the story ‘Hello Hello’ by Brendan Wenzel. After reading the story, I would like you to draw a picture so please have some paper and some colours ready.

You will find the powerpoint version attached below, or please click to watch the video on Tapestry.

The story video is available by clicking this link: https://youtu.be/MGF53N9lmYI .


Today I would like you to practise some handwriting. I would like you to write 3 new letters. Today we are learning about a different letter family called the ‘curly letters’ family. They are e, f and s.

Please see the lesson video or alternatively see the PowerPoint. Today I have modelled on the screen how to write each letter.


Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq0u-LIaDv0&feature=youtu.be

Reflection: Mrs Powell’s message today was about our Christian Value of RESPECT. Make a hand poem of your own all about respect. Who and what do you want to pray for at the moment? You could draw around your own or an adult’s hand, cut it out and write an idea on each finger like Mrs Powell shared in her worship.



Fitness Challenge:

For today’s fitness challenge, I would like you to try the jumping dice activity. You will find it by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p6L7vObWgI


As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Owls Home Learning Blog Monday 18th January, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 9:57pm

Monday 18th January

Good morning Owls class and welcome back to another week of home learning. Just like we usual on a Monday, I will be with you today instead of Mrs. Campion. Today I would like you to do some phonics, some RE and some handwriting.

Read, Write, Inc.

Just like you did last week, I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.


Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Your lesson powerpoint is attached. The video version is available on this link: https://youtu.be/yQZXDkddm_4   

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling,  and 'read longer words'. Your lesson powerpoint is attached. 




Today we are continuing on with our learning of Jesus as King. We will look at some pictures which show Jesus as a good king and we will also learn about an example of a bad King.

For today’s task, I would like you to have a go at making a paper crown, if you don’t have materials for making a crown I have attached some printable templates for you below. You will also find these on tapestry.

The video link to today’s lesson is: https://youtu.be/tLAG5YycOto

You will also find the powerpoint version attached below.


Finally for today, I would like you to practise some handwriting. I would like you to write 3 new letters from the ‘around letters’ family. They are d, g and q.

Please see the lesson video here: https://youtu.be/JrBHibEgND4

On tapestry, I have attached a video of me showing how to write each letter. You can find the same video by clicking this link https://youtu.be/Xdl5f14UHWQ


 The link to Mrs. Powell's worship video is https://youtu.be/X5ZbQyPFjNY 


Today, please enjoy the story ‘Rhyme Crime’ by Jon Burgerman. Please click on the link to find the video https://youtu.be/2lkuJbUAJeE .



Fitness challenge

In class, we really enjoy starting our afternoon with some cosmic kids yoga, it relaxes our mind after a busy morning and helps to keep our bodies active while we are stuck inside! Today, for your fitness challenge I would like you to take some time to complete the cosmic yoga lesson ‘Betsy the Banana’ by following this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40SZl84Lr7A


As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Last Monday there were many technical issues with the tapestry app so please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Home Learning 13.1.21, by Mrs Campion

Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 7:50pm

Good Morning lovely Owls class,

Thank you for all of your hard work at home. You are making me so proud how hard you are working. Keep it up!

Here are today's lessons:

RWI Phonics- I have included the videos that you need to watch today. Remember, there are a few videos to watch so feel free to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever works best for you. Just a reminder that all videos are available from 9:30am onwards. Here is the link to the home page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ 

Set 1 videos: Set 1 Speed sound lesson, Set 1 Word Time Lesson and Set 1 Spelling Lesson. I have included a few extra challenge words on your slide today. These words have our special friends in. I wonder if you can have a go at reading them with your grown up? Here is the link for today's Power point https://youtu.be/DyNadwV89tU 

Set 3 videos: Set 3 Speed Sound Lesson, Set 3 Spelling Lesson, Read longer words video. https://youtu.be/3R-C0N_-8nM 

Topic- Today, we are going to do some Topic work. We will be learning all about jobs and which job you would like to do when you are a grown up. See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.

Maths- Weight-See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link.

Worship- Today for our worship, we would like you to take part in a guided meditation on My Smiling Mind, just like we do in school. Follow the link: https://app.smilingmind.com.au/ 

In order to access the resources at the link you will need to sign up to a free account (it only takes 2 minutes!) Once you have signed up, select the age category ‘12 and under’. Then you need to select which type of mindfulness activities you are interested in. Once finished, if you click the option to view all the programmes it will let you select resources for ‘3-6 year olds’ and you will now have access lots mindfulness sessions that are great to help you relax, unwind and switch off after a busy day of home learning.

Story time- I have included a link to a story for today. Hope you enjoy it. https://youtu.be/2EfDL__Aebs  Here is also a reminder of the login for Oxford Owl where you can access RWI books including blending books online. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students  Username owlsclass2021 Password: Owls2021

Please continue to share all of your home learning by clicking reply with an observation at the bottom of the home learning page.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Home Learning 12.1.21, by Mrs Campion

Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 6:05pm

Hello lovely Owls and welcome to another week of online learning.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a fantastic day of home learning with Mrs O'Marah yesterday.

Here are today's lessons:

RWI Phonics-See the PowerPoint attached where you will find the videos that you need to watch today. Remember, there are a few videos to watch so feel free to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever works best for you. Just a reminder that all videos are available from 9:30am onwards. Here is the link to the home page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ 

Superhero writing- See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point please use the video link.
I have included the RWI mat to help you with letter formation. Remember how important it is to form your letters correctly Owls class making sure you start and end your letter in the correct place.

Maths- Number formation-See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link.

Funky Fingers- At school Funky Fingers is part of our routine so today I thought we could do some dough disco! If you do not have play dough do not worry you can take part without it. Enjoy excercising those fingers! Remember it is so important as strong fingers help with your writing. Here is a link for today's Funky Fingers activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9D5lfqZF3o 

Worship- Here is the link for today's worship. I hope you enjoy the 'Open the Book' story. This is also your story for today. We really miss having 'Open the Book' in school. Today, it is the story 'The Storm on the Lake' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRd7-PaoUaI&feature=youtu.be

Grown ups- I am looking forward to calling all of you today at some point so I can check in and see how you are all getting on. I look forward to speaking with you.

Please continue to share all of your home learning by clicking reply with an observation at the bottom of the home learning page.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Owls Home Learning Blog Monday 11th January, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 3:19pm


Monday 11th January

Good morning Owls class it’s Mrs. O’Marah here. Just like we usually do on a Monday, I would like you to do some phonics, some RE and some handwriting today.

I have read a story called ‘Farmer Duck’ which you need to listen to before you complete your RE work today. It is just an audio version of the story but I have included a link to a video version here so you can see the pictures:  https://vimeo.com/56772821

Read, Write, Inc.

Just like you did last week, I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today.

Please find the instructions here:  https://youtu.be/oN8W7Cp83Vw

Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 4 videos: speed sounds, spelling, red words (2), and read and hold a sentence (2). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ



Every Monday morning we share a story as part of our RE work. Today we are beginning a new unit of work all about the Kingdom of God. We will be thinking about Jesus as king.

To start our unit off, I would like you to listen to the story ‘Farmer Duck’ by Martin Waddell. Please listen to the story first before you complete the RE lesson.

Here is the link to the story: https://youtu.be/U7DKCEa6e0s

The link to the lesson video is: https://youtu.be/UErRxj4f9wA 




Finally for today, I would like you to practise some handwriting. I would like you to begin with 3 letters from the ‘around letters’ family. They are c, a and o.

Please see the lesson video here: https://youtu.be/76zahXKs494

On tapestry, and also below I have attached a video of me showing how to write each letter.


As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



Collective worship is an important part of our day in school and we really enjoy watching Mrs. Powell's worship videos in class. Mrs. Powell has recorded a video for you to watch at home so please click on the link https://youtu.be/3pPOy7E5WNQ and watch this at some point today. 

In her worship video, Mrs. Powell mentions a creation story video. You will find the link to that story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLHB_hNk42g 




Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

Home Learning 8.1.21, by Mrs Campion

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 1:39pm

Hello lovely Owls and happy Friday to you all.

Thank you to all of you and your grown ups for working so hard this week. You have blown me away with how your enthusiasm and hard work. Well done. Each day can you please 'Like' the Tapestry home learning post so that I know that you have been able to access them. Thank you.

Here are today's lessons:

RWI Phonics-See the PowerPoint attached where you will find the videos that you need to watch today. Some of the videos are quite fast so please pause it if you need a little more time. There is also an option in the settings of the video to slow down the speed of the video. There are several videos to watch. You may want to do them all together or to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever is best for you. If you are unable to access the Power point please use the video link.  
Just a reminder that all videos are available from 9:30am onwards. Here is the link to the home page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Superhero writing- See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link. Before today's writing lesson you need to watch the story for today.

Reading-Hope you enjoy the class story I have recorded for you all today. It will also help you with your writing task.

Maths- Shape pictures-See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link.

5-a-day- At school, we really enjoy doing the 5-a-day fitness videos. It helps us to have a brain break in between our learning. I thought you might like to access these at home so have included the username and password for you. There are lots of different videos to choose from and thought you may like the superhero one today. Here is a link to the website: https://player.5-a-day.tv/  Username:lost9261 password: Ns9h0an6

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It will be Mrs O'Marah on Monday for your home learning and I will be back on Tuesday.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and everything that you have shared. Please continue to share all of your home learning by clicking reply with an observation at the bottom of the home learning page.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Home Learning 7.1.21, by Mrs Campion

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 2:29pm

Thursday 7th January 2021

Hello my lovely Owls.

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful learning with me. It really made me smile.


Grown-ups- Following the technical difficulties experienced yesterday the home learning will be posted both to Tapestry and School Spider each day for you to access. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we adjust to this new way of working online.

Here are some lessons I would like you to have a go at today:


RWI Phonics-See the PowerPoint attached where you will find the videos that you need to watch today. Some of the videos are quite fast so please pause it if you need a little more time. There are several videos to watch. You may want to do them all together or to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever is best for you. J If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link.  


Superhero writing- See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1rHxwM150I


You can access many online reading books on the Oxford Owl website using a login. There are also RWI books that you can read online.  Ask a grown up to help you login and explore one of the reading books today.

To explore the books go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and Oxford Owl for school and login as a student.


Username: owlsclass2021

Password: Owls2021



At school, we love doing Cosmic Yoga. I have found a superhero one which I thought you would enjoy at home today.

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnO-lGEMOXk


As always please share your learning with me on Tapestry.


If you scroll to the bottom of the activities page where the home learning is set on Tapestry, there is an option to reply with an observation linked to the home learning.


I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins



Home Learning 6.1.21, by Mrs Campion

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:12am

Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning lovely Owls.
I am so sorry that I did not get to see you all on Monday but I heard that you all had such fun in the ice and snow! I will miss seeing you all very much but looking forward to seeing all the things you get up to at home.

Each day I will set you some activities that you can do at home. We will do Phonics everyday like we do in school and then there will be one other activity for you to do during the day. Each day we will do something different. Please remember to share what you do at home with me on Tapestry. It's a great way for us to keep in touch!
Our home learning Power points will be guided by a recording of my voice which will explain what to do (like I do each day in class). Just click on the little speaker icon on the power point page). Grown ups- If you have trouble accessing the sound on the Power points I have also included a video version of the Power point. You might just need to pause it at different parts.
Just like at school, remember to have your busy time between all of your hard work and choose what you would like to play with at home. At school, we have little bursts of learning, followed by times where we play because we know playing is learning!

RWI Phonics-See the PowerPoint attached for the links for today’s RWI lessons. You follow the different links on the Power point depending on what group you are in for Phonics which will take you to videos you can watch. There are several videos to watch. You may want to do them all together or to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever is best for you.

Maths-Shapes- See the Power point attached. See if you can collect some shapes from around the house and sort them.

Story-Every day in class we always share a story together. I have recorded a video to share. Hope you enjoy listening and discuss what happened with your grown up. What happened? Who are the main characters?

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Owls Home Learning, by Mrs Campion

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:22pm

Please find all of Owl's Home Learning on Tapestry.

Thank you.smiley

Friday 5th June, by Mrs Campion

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 6:20pm

Good morning Owls and welcome to Fun Friday! Another week has passed! 
I have attached some activities that you might like to do today. Please remember to share all of your fun with us on Tapestry.
•    Maybe today you could have a Disney day, make some yummy treats and watch your favourite film!
•    Here is a recipe to make some chocolate cereal treats https://tasty.co/recipe?0=%252F3-ingredient-chocolate-cereal-treats&slug=3-ingredient-chocolate-cereal-treats&canonicalUrl=https%253A%252F%252Ftasty.co
•    Watch this video to help to learn a magic trick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl_Mr_4JZwk
•    Relax and enjoy a story time: https://www.oliverjeffers.com/books (These are stories by one of my favourite authors Oliver Jeffers. We have read some of his stories together in class.)
•    This is a lovely animated story called 'Treasure' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOo7pl052Ww

To finish our Maths this week you need to make a trail for the snail. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

I am very excited that some of you will be returning to school on Monday. I cannot wait to see you. Don't worry if you are not coming back to school just yet. I will still be checking in with you everyday and sharing lots of activities that we do in school that you can also do at home. We have made a little video to share what school is like. It looks a little different but we will still be having lots of fun together. Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UUeSDIQIgU&feature=youtu.be

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am super proud of you all.
Love from Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell: Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
•    White makes us feel cold.
•    Red makes us feel warm or angry.
•    Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
•    Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
•    Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
•    Black makes us feel sad.
•    Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.

When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.

Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.

How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?

Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’

Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.


Thursday 4th June, by Mrs Campion

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 4:34pm

Good Morning Owls and welcome to Thinking Thursday!
The weather has turned very rainy all of a sudden so these activities might help to fill a rainy day at home. My boys have enjoyed going out in the rain and jumping in lots of puddles. Leo really likes finding big muddy ones the best!


Here are some of the links to some of today's activities.
•    Learning some new tricky words videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4
•    You can use some of these words for the tricky post it activity to help you to remember them.
•    I know lots of you love to draw so here is a link of videos to help you draw lots of different things http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob
•    If you want some quiet time today why don't you relax and listen to an online storytime: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ9gKPJ8qTNCCkghPHxRDi1xsZAbOaq_U
•    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOSzoWxvyvg&t=180s- This is a story about being special. (You are all very special)

I have also included a reading challenge sheet.

Remember you do not need to do all of these activities just choose the ones that you think you will enjoy!

In our Maths the snail certainly has an adventurous journey!
Today he is on another journey. Can you see where he goes, who he meets and if it is an odd or even number? 

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Love from Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
•    Who are we grateful to?
•    Who has helped us recently?
•    Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
•    Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?

Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.

Wednesday 3rd June, by Mrs Campion

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 6:23pm

Good Morning Owls. Hope that you enjoyed lots of animal fun yesterday. 

Today is 'Around the World' Wednesday. I have attached some ideas that you might want to do. Maybe choose a place that you would like to visit and find out about it, write some facts and draw a picture.  I cannot wait to see all the wonderful things you do.

Here are the links to help with some of the activities:
Make a clock https://www.boredteachers.com/videos/diy-in-the-classroom/teaching-how-to-tell-time-interactive-diy-clock
Quiz time link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ysFP8dysAo (Scroll to 8minutes 30 seconds for the quiz!)
Duplo challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQMxPspueZI
Lets go link https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-australia-like-year-1-wk2-1

Listen to the story of 'The Snail and the Whale.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZAtKDaFU6c
Look at each page and see if you can find how many problems or dangers he might come across.
Write or tally the number or just tell your grown up. Could you make a numbered list?
Which do you think was his biggest problem? For here is the link for today: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/

I have included a video of a story I would like to share with you about an animal adventure. I hope that you enjoy it. 
We miss you all very much and hope to see you soon. We are so proud of you. I hope you have a wonderful day. 

Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins

Message from Mrs Powell: 
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.

Tuesday 2nd June, by Mrs Campion

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:19pm

Good Morning my lovely Owls.
Hope you all had a wonderful Outdoor Monday in the sunshine. I went into school yesterday and did a video with Mrs Hoskins, Mrs Esling and Mrs Judge showing you round the classroom and some of the changes we have made. We have some new dolls that Mrs Powell has bought us and some new happy land things.

Today is Animal Tuesday. I know how much you all love animals. I have included some ideas of activities you might like to do and some sheets you might want to print off on Tapestry. Don't worry if you do not have a printer as you can do them on paper or in your exercise book.


Here is a lovely activity making snail spirals using cotton buds. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/  https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Day-2-The-Snail-and-the-Whale.pdf 

I hope you have a wonderful day today and please share all of your animal adventures with us.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell: Pause for Thought: Be Kind Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk  We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds). Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week? Dear God, Please help us to be kind to those around us. Please help us to think about the needs of other people. Please help us to seek to live in peace. Amen.

Monday 1st June, by Mrs Campion

Date: 31st May 2020 @ 7:18pm

Good Morning my lovely Owls and welcome to another new month! How is it June already?
Hope you had a wonderful half term. Hasn't the weather been gorgeous? We have spent most of the week in the garden and going on lovely walks together. I went into school last week and met Teddy. He is very cute and cuddly. He likes digging a lot.
This week, I thought we could do something a little bit different so each day we are going to have a different theme with some activities linked to it that you may like to do at home. Remember you do not need to do them all just choose the ones that you like the best! You might even think of your own ideas linked to our theme.
Today is Outdoor Monday. I have included a picture with some ideas for today. Please remember to share with us on Tapestry. We love seeing you!

A little while ago, I read one of my favourite stories to you 'The Snail and the Whale.' This week there are lots of lovely Maths activities linked to this story on the White Rose website. Here is the link if you would like to try some of them. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/  On Iplayer you can watch an animated film of the story-https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000cslw/the-snail-and-the-whale 

I have uploaded this weeks reading onto Tapestry for you.
I hope you have a brilliant day and enjoy some outdoor fun.

We miss you all and remember we are so proud of you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Monday 25th May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 25th May 2020 @ 8:49am

Happy Half Term Owls. 

Good Morning. 
Hope you have all had a good weekend. 

As we enter the start of what should be another half term, and we embark on another, tenth, week of lockdown, we wanted to thank you all for the amazing work you have done to keep your children safe, support their home learning, and communicate with us here at school. You have done an incredible job and we want to make sure that you are looking after your own mental health needs in this time of uncertainty.
It is important that we take some time to do something that will make us smile. That will make our children smile and that will bring us together at such a tricky time. So have a look below at some of our suggestions and choose one thing every day that brings happiness.
• Enjoy a yummy breakfast together; pancakes, boiled egg and soldiers, bacon sandwiches or maybe your favourite cereal.
• Have a carpet picnic, or a garden picnic at tea time
• Make something that shows off what makes you special for the school sharing window and deliver it to school on Monday or Wednesday this week.
• Draw a picture for somebody in one of our local care homes
• Tell us about something you have done in lockdown that you’ve never done before. Have you learnt to ride your bike, or tie your shoelaces? Have you baked bread for the first time? Have you planted some seeds and nurtured them into flowers?
• Talk about your favourite things to do and have a favourites day. Eat your favourite breakfast, listen to or dance to your favourite song, sing your favourite songs together, play your favourite game, watch your favourite movie or tv programme, read your favourite book or comic, wear your favourite outfit, arrange a video chat with your favourite friends or family member.
• Find a new way of hugging! Right now, hugging is a tricky thing because we have to keep our distance. Can you find a new way to send a hug to somebody? Perhaps send a postcard, or create a picture or video of you doing something funny/showing off a new skill.
• Facetime, zoom, whatsapp – keep in touch with those people closest and most important to you.
• Create a calm box, a little like the Christmas Eve boxes that so many of us use, put your favourite snacks, pyjamas, movie inside and settle down together for a soothing evening.
Remember, we are collecting photos of you doing wonderful things during lockdown so send your photos into school so we can share them as a whole community.
Look after yourselves, be kind to yourselves and have a wonderful week.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Friday 22nd May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 5:00pm

Good Morning Owls and Happy Friday!
Hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday. I am enjoying going on my daily walks and discovering places that I didn't even know existed right by where I live. I am going into school today and hoping to ring some of your grown ups at home that I missed last week. it is lovely to hear how you are all doing and all the things you are enjoying at home.

Here is another special video for you today from everyone at school. I hope you like it! We love thinking of different ways we can let you all know we are thinking of you and missing you. https://youtu.be/ms3Y8qC9zWw 

It is hot chocolate Friday and I have attached a recipe for a cake in a mug if you would like to try it today.

I love seeing all of your 60 second challenges and how competitive you are! You are all super quick and it is great to see you continuing to try and not give up if something is tricky. Here is one you might enjoy today it is called catch and clap. Here is the link for lots more ideas if you would like to carry on next week. https://www.youthsporttrust.org/60-second-physical-activity-challenges 

Have a day off from online Maths today and if you would like to do some Maths why not practise writing out your numbers. Remember how we were working really hard to make sure they are all facing the right way. I have also attached the outdoor maths ideas that you might want to try.

Next week is the half term holiday so I will not be writing everyday but I will check in with you all on Monday to give you some fun activities that you may want to do to keep busy.

Over the holidays, if you would like to do some reading there are some wonderful online stories that you can listen to. All you have to do is scan the code (remember the QR codes that we did in class) and it takes you straight to the story. I have included the ones for our age groups and more can be found on this website https://www.booksfortopics.com/storytime-online 

I hope you all gave a wonderful weekend and I will be in touch on Monday with some ideas for next week. Sending you virtual hugs and hope to see you all soon. We miss you and remember we are so proud of you all. You are such superstars!
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Thursday 21st May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 3:49pm

Good Morning Owls.
How are you today?I hope you have a lovely day today. It is another sunny one so hopefully you can enjoy some sunshine.

I love seeing all of your 60 second challenges. I wonder how many star jumps you can do in 60 seconds? Maybe you can compete against a family member!

Todays maths lesson is a recap of some of the things you have been learning at home: https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/review-lesson-a-maths-meeting-reception-wk5-4#slide-2 

Have a look at our 'Egg' story from this week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y73kXc4UiKM&list=PLE5MZB5pedUMQRHw2etfKDkufdGKDiPsU  This brilliant story is all about eggs…. But could it be about something else? How about bananas? Look at the page where we first meet the eggs. ( I have included it as a picture) Draw your own version using bananas. You will need to draw eyes and arms and legs on each banana and show the last banana looking a bit different. Can you think of a different fruit or vegetable to use? Draw and label your own picture of 7 fruits or vegetables, with the last one looking different. I can't wait to see what you decide to draw. You can either draw it on a piece of paper or print this sheet to help you.

I know how much you all enjoyed learning about Transport. If you would like to do some singing today and learn the transport song here is the link. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/foundation/transport-song-reception-wk5-3 

Remember our daily fitness challenge. We are on day 14 an today you need to skip for one minute!

Have a fantastic day Owls and keep smiling. We miss you and are proud of you.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell:
The definition of wise in the Oxford English Dictionary is ‘Having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgement’. When have you been wise, maybe you have been lost in a shop. This experience should have taught you always to stay near to the grown-up you are with, or should have led to you to learning exactly what to do if you got lost again. Being wise means learning from past experiences and carefully thinking about decisions that we make and things that we do now. What mistakes have you learnt from? I think we learn far more from the mistakes we make rather than the things that we get right!

Dear God
Please help us to be wise.
Help us to realize that there are consequences to everything that we do.
Please help us to make good decisions that will work out best for ourselves and for other people.

Wednesday 20th May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 3:12pm

Good Morning Owls. 
I think today is going to be a hot day. If it is maybe you could enjoy spending some time today in the sunshine. You could maybe play with the water. Remember to keep safe in the sun though. My boys always get fed up of me making sure they have their hats on and their sun cream!
It was great seeing you join in with the 60 second challenge. Here is a new one you could try today. It is called socks in the box.There is a long list of different challenges you can do. https://www.youthsporttrust.org/60-second-physical-activity-challenges

For maths we will be looking at different ways to share numbers up to 20 and if you can share a number equally. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/investigating-number-combinations-within-20-reception-wk5-3

On Monday, we looked at the story 'Egg' Here is the link if you would like to watch it again
The eggs in the story have the same pattern using two lines and a zig zag. Shall we give the eggs different patterns to choose from? Ask a grown up to draw you some egg templates and then you can create your own egg patterns so that all the eggs know they don’t have to look the same.

Daily fitness challenge day 13: lay on your back and paddle your legs like you are on a bike. 

Have a wonderful day in the beautiful sunshine. We miss you and are so proud of you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell:

Today I am going to introduce you to a very special person called Theresa. She lived more than 140 years ago.  She was born on 2 January 1873 and died on 30 September 1897, at the young age of 24. Her mother died when Theresa was just four years old, leaving her father with five children to look after. One of her sisters, called Mary, took over running the household, while her eldest sister, Pauline, took charge of telling the younger children about God.  When she was 14, Theresa decided that she wanted to dedicate her life to God, so she became a nun (someone who goes to live with others who give their lives to God). Theresa was made a saint in 1925. A 'saint' is a person who is a great example to us because he or she lived a special life and/or had special gifts.  Although Theresa didn’t have a very long life, she used every minute she had to care for other people. Her best-known saying is, ‘What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love.’ Theresa became known as someone who would show love to others by doing little things. Sometimes she gave flowers, sometimes she prayed, sometimes she showed love and attention to people who struggled with problems. Theresa knew that she wasn’t physically strong enough to carry out great deeds, but she made a big difference to people’s lives by the little things she did for them. Very often, though, it's the little things that have the greatest effect on people’s lives, the little things which show them someone cares.
Time for reflection
Close your eyes and think about a little thing someone has done for you that made you feel special or happy. It may have been a kind word, asking you to play with them or even giving you a special present.
Decide to do something today that will make someone else feel special.

Dear God
Thank you for people who do things for me that make me feel happy and loved.
Please help me to do something today to show someone that I care about them.

Tuesday 19th May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 7:46pm

Good Morning Owls. 
Hope you had a good day yesterday. Mrs Hoskins and I were both in school yesterday and it was lovely to see her. It is  so strange without you all there. We both miss you all very much. While I was at school I took part in the 60 second challenge. (I didn't do as well as I would have liked as my bean bag got stuck in my cardigan!) I used a bean bag but you can use anything you like a ball, a pillow, cuddly toy etc.
I have included a picture of my challenge to see if you would like a go today. 

Here is the link for today's Maths lesson finding one less of a number:
I loved seeing all of your egg pictures yesterday, Here is a link to the story if you would like to listen to the story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y73kXc4UiKM&list=PLE5MZB5pedUMQRHw2etfKDkufdGKDiPsU
It is not only the eggs who are different in this story. What else is different? Have you noticed all the different flowers? Go through the film again and count how many different types of flower you see. Maybe you would like to draw and number the different flowers. 

This week is Mental Health awareness week and I thought we could take part in the 7 day kindness challenge. Today is to send someone you haven't seen in ages a letter or postcard. 

Daily fitness challenge day 12- Do 6 cartwheels. (I would love to see your videos-please be careful though and only do them when you are with your grown up!)

Hope you all have a wonderful day and keep smiling. 
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell:
Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions. 
Off in the distance, the old man noticed a small boy approaching.  As the boy walked, he paused every so often and as he grew closer, the man could see that he was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea.  The boy came closer still and the man called out, “Good morning!  May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young boy paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,” the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”
The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”
The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!”
We all have the opportunity to help create positive change.  You might not be able to change the entire world, but at least you can change a small part of it, for someone. Break the big challenge down into smaller pieces and then take those one at a time – like one starfish at a time.  Remember you can achieve anything!

Monday 18th May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 5:53pm

Good Morning lovely Owls. 
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We have had a busy weekend doing lots of walking and lots of baking! We made a Victoria Sponge cake which was really yummy! We have got into a little routine that Saturday is a treat night for Leo because he gets to stay up a little late when Artie goes to bed.   He chooses a film he would like to watch on Disney+ and we have popcorn watching it. This weekend he chose Monsters Inc. It makes him feel very special and grown up.

I have included a few ideas of things that you may enjoy doing this week. Remember, you do not need to do them all they are just ideas to help you. 
One of the ideas this week is the 60 second physical activity challenge. There is a list of things you can do. I might try the bean bag throw challenge. https://www.youthsporttrust.org/60-second-physical-activity-challenges
If you do not have a beanbag you could throw a pair of socks instead!

At School we do No Outsiders and this week I am going to give some activities you can do at home linked to the No Outsiders story 'Egg.' Here is a link so that you can listen to the story:
Afterwards, I would like you to think about the different eggs in the story. There are three different eggs in this story. Can you draw them and show how they are different?

Here is the link for today's maths activity finding one less than a number up to 20 https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/finding-one-less-than-a-given-number-reception-wk5-1

Daily fitness challenge day 11: Balance on one leg for  30 seconds. (I might struggle with this one!)

As always, please share all your lovely learning with us on Tapestry. We love seeing what you are all up to.
Sending virtual hugs and missing you all very much. 
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x


Friday 15th May, by Mrs Campion

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 8:11pm

Happy Friday Everyone and Happy Hot Chocolate day!
Hope you enjoy the little video we have all put together for you. Hope you enjoy a hot chocolate today and thank you for being such superstars!

I was in school yesterday and I started to ring some of your grown ups. It was so lovely and I enjoyed catching up and hearing what lovely things you are doing at home. 

I wonder if you can find one more than a number in today's maths lesson: https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/finding-one-more-than-a-number-to-20-reception-wk4-5
I know lots of you are starting to enjoy doing sums so I have attached a little game that you can play to practise. 

We have learnt lots about different animals and habitats this week and today you can a  glass or plastic jar to make your own rainforest. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/foundation/my-rainforest-reception-wk4-5

Fitness challenge day 10- Take 10 giant steps!
How are you getting on with little jobs around the house? Leo and Artie are enjoying helping me set the table and prepare tea. 
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for all of your hard work at home. I am super proud of you all!
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

Message from Mrs Powell:
Here is a link for today's worship:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El7P2W7XrYo
Louis Braille was born in France in 1809 and was three years old when he lost his sight in one eye. By the age of five, he was completely blind. At that time, there was no help available for blind people and many of them would end up begging for food on the streets. Louis’ parents didn’t want that to happen to their son, so they continued to educate him in every way possible.

When Louis was 12 years old, he met an army captain who showed him a way of sending messages at night using raised dots and dashes. Louis saw the potential for a communication system for blind people and, by the age of 15, he had found 63 ways to use a six-dot cell in an area the size of a fingertip. In this way, he created Braille, a form of written language for blind people, which they can ‘read’ by feeling the raised dots of the Braille characters with their fingertips.
Let’s try to be people who have the courage to move forward, no matter what happens. At the same time, let’s remember that there are many people who can help us if we need to talk about our worries.
Dear God,
Whether I’m big or whether I’m small,
Sometimes I’ll try to be ever so brave,
And think about what God sees in me
And aim to be the best that I can be.


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