Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Ofsted and SIAMS


Children are at the heart of everything we do and Christ is the light that guides us.


There is so much more to any school than Ofsted can ever capture. Please take 5 minutes to read our latest Ofsted report by following the link below. Here's a snippet from the beginning of our report:


Pupils enjoy coming to this welcoming, nurturing and caring school. Leaders and staff are
highly ambitious for the achievement of all pupils, including those with special education
needs and/or disabilities (SEND).


There is a strong sense of community at the school. Pupils feel safe. They said that their
friends, and the staff, look after them well. Leaders support pupils’ social, emotional and
mental health needs effectively. They ensure that the school’s vision to ‘put children at the
heart of everything’ is lived out on a daily basis.


Ofsted Report


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