Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Snow and Bad Weather Policy


Children are at the heart of everything we do and Christ is the light that guides us.



Snow and Bad Weather Policy

Any decision taken to close the school in snow or bad weather will be taken as quickly as possible bearing in mind the school’s aim of keeping the school open whenever possible.

We shall endeavour to make any decisions on the closure of the school by 7.30am.

In the event of closure we will send a group text to all parents for which we have a mobile number. If you currently do not receive text messages from the school, please contact the school office with a number we can text you on, as the number we have for you may be out of date. We will also post a notice on the HOME page of our website

CWAC post a list of school closures on their website or you can check their Twitter feed of closed schools.

We will inform local radio stations Heart and Signal who announce a list of school closures in the region.

In the event of heavy snow fall during the school day that causes us to be concerned about children’s welfare in relation to returning home, we will again text for immediate collection and update the school website, the CWAC website and inform the local radio stations mentioned above.

It is always difficult to make the right decision due to the unpredictability of the weather, we will aim to do this as swiftly as we can. Please rest assured that any decisions taken will be based around ensuring that your children are kept as safe as possible.

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