Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

School Council & Pupil Parliament

Children are at the heart of everything we do and Christ is the light that guides us.



School Councillors 2023-24


You asked, we answered...

  • We have met with contractors and designed the new play areas in school.
  • We are working with Mrs Powell to make lunchtime even better on the playground.
  • We asked for new benches so that we could sit and chat to our friends during break and lunch and we have these now!
  • We have a pupil takeover day each year which we plan and help raise money for the things that we want in school.
  • We wanted some fish and now we have fish tanks in school. 
  • The cloakrooms were always busy so after we spoke to Mrs Powell, every class got their very own designated cloakroom.
  • We wanted more school discos so now we have them more!
  • New playground equipment and a storage box to keep it all in on the playground. This was bought with the profit from our very successful cake sales.
  • We asked our classes to think of themes for World Book Day then have a demoncratic vote to choose the best one. 
  • We asked for more time to spend in the garden area and forest schools.

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Our Pupil Parliament Representatives 2023-24:




"Hello. We are the Pupil Parliament representatives for 2023-24. Our job is to attend meetings with other local schools in the Northwich area to discuss real life problems and address issues in our local community and in the wider world. 


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