Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Owls Class Home Learning Monday 1st March

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 8:19pm

Monday 1st March  

Good morning Owls class, today is our last Monday of home learning together before we are back in class next week. You have worked so hard these past few weeks and I am so proud of you. I am really looking forward to seeing you on our daily zoom call at 9:40am this morning so please come along, you will need a pencil (or some different colours if you have them) and a piece of paper.

Today I have a handwriting task and a No Outsiders task for you. Mrs. Campion has set your phonics task for this week.

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

Please follow Mrs. Campion’s instructions for Read, Write, Inc this week.



Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. We will be completing our work on the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are k, r, u, y.

Please see the lesson video on Tapestry


No. Outsiders

To link in with your learning about eggs in writing, we are going to complete some work all about celebrating differences using the story ‘Egg’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnett.

For your task, I would like you to decorate 3 eggs. If you don’t have eggs at home, or craft materials to decorate your eggs, please download the sheet and colour the eggs in.

As an extra challenge can you write a sentence all about your eggs being different?


Your lesson video is on Tapestry for you.



Dear Children and Families,

This week, we are thinking about Lent and the significance behind this special time as we approach Easter. Many Christians abstain from something to represent the sacrifice that Jesus made when he went into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to pray. We have explored the idea of creating good deeds and acts of kindness as well during the time of Lent to show Jesus love to our friends and family. 


Follow this link to watch Mr Cliff’s worship filmed in our church, St John’s, as he explains this special time of Lent in our Christian year.




This week’s clubs are

PE with Mr. Ault

Here is the link to Mr. Ault’s PE club this week: https://youtu.be/lCpiFazSYEo 

Craft Club with Miss. Gillam

What can you make using recycled materials? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a rocket, a fairy house or some egg carton flowers?  



Cave Gallery  

Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment 

Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery?  

The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community. 

The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March. 




As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

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