Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Our blogs

Week beginning 20.1.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 20th Jan 2020 @ 6:48pm

Hi everyone,

Skylarks have had an exciting week learning about perimeter and area in maths. As there homework for this week, instead of doing their homework book, I would like them to tell define what perimeter and area are to their friends and family. Next week, we will be continuing to look at this and then going back into our multiplication and division; starting with multiplying 2 digit numbers.

The children had two visitors this week, who came in to speak to them about managing finance. There was a 'grandfather' figure who told them a story about his grandchildren and how he needed to save, estimate and total costs to buy all his grandchildren things that they wanted. The children really got on board and involved with this and it was fantastic to see their maths skills playing a big part in this. 

In writing, we have been looking at new, unfamiliar language and using dictionaries and iPads to decifer what the words mean. The children have been introduced to their new book and have begun to predict what the book may be about and the plot of the story. They will be using expanded noun phrases and relative clauses to describe the main character 'Arthur'.



Spelling (I am sending home spellings that we have already looked at this term, but I feel there is still a gap so would like to revisit them).

Maths (Tell a family member or friend what perimeter and area are and how you calculate them).

Times tables rockstars


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Y2 Wk beg 20.01.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 5:46pm


Swallows have had a fabulous week using our new Power Maths books, ask the children all about them! We enjoyed a productive Booster session on Thursday, these will run for the whole term on a Thursday evening until 4.15pm.

This week we are beginning our new book The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. The children will be asking questions about the characters and writing dragon descriptions. We will also explore how to write a persuasive letter to Mrs Powell to ask for her help with the pesky dragons.

Our maths work will contiue to focus on subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Please can all children read three times a week at home? This is vital to encourage their love of reading, fluency and understandng. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Times Tables Rock Stars has lovely games on for our children to consolidate their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

A little reminder that we have our SATs meeting onn  Monday 20th January at 2.30pm and 5pm in our classroom. Please come along to find out how we are supporting the children with this. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson


Week beginning 20.1.20, by Mrs Evans

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 1:29pm

Goldfinches have had a great week. It has been lovely to see their confidence already blossoming in swimming. We had a wonderful day out to Chester Grosvenor Museum where the children proved they could be very effective members of the Roman Army! We learned lots and are already using our new knowledge to support us in our Geography and History lessons.

Please help your child to become independent in their organisation by bringing their diary into the classroom every morning. We remind them every day to change their reading book when they need to and to bring 1 reading book and their diary home each evening. We are aware that some of our children are carrying stacks of books to abnd from school! We love their enthusiasm but want to lighten their load!  If your child is enjoying reading their own books at home, these don't need to come into school.

Please can we also politely ask that your child brings a book bag (if they have one) or a small bag rather than a large rucksack as we simply do not have the space in the cloakrooms. Thank you.

Coming up:

Writing- a big link with the fact that Vesuvius erupted in the same year as Chester Fortress was completed. We will be writing historical accounts from the point of view of ficticious people affected and displaced by the volcanic eruption.

Reading- we will be focusing on word meanings

Spelling: focusing on Y3/4 statutory words in the third column.

You should have received a highlighted copy of the 2nd column words from the Y3/4 Statuatory word list next week. The highlighted words are the words your child spelt correctly. Please continue to help your child work on the words your child misspelt.

Maths- Consolidating the use of practical equipment to support multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks coconut times tables game. 

Times table tests- we are increasing these to twice a week (where possible) this term as the children are working so well through their tables. Please keep up all the hard work to support their learning at home as it is really working! Keep an eye on their progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly.

RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.

History- using our knowledge of the Fortress at Chester to help us design our own fort in Northwich. 

Geography- Reviewing the route taken by the Romans as their empire grew and including the capital cities and main rivers in the UK, France, Switzerland and Italy. A lovely activity to do at home ids to use Google maps to explore these countries.

Science- Electricity is our new topic. We will be learning the names of different components of a circuit.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics will now be on a Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Athletics festival- You will have received information about Y4 taking part in the athletics festival on Fri 24th January 1pm-3pm. Please ensure your child has appropriate PE kit, footwear, a healthy snack and water bottle. 

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.

We look forward to another wonderful week!

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

Year 1- WB: 20.01.20, by Miss Gillam

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 5:45am

Starlings have had yet another busy and exciting week. We welcomed Phil into our classroom last Friday, who delivered our fantastic Creepy Crawly Show. Every single Starling touched or held one of the creatures Phil brought to see us. How brave and adventurous you all were! Check our school Twitter page for photographs.

Next week, our maths focus will be on addition and subtraction. We will learn how to add by counting on, find and make number bonds and add by making 10. To support your Starling with this at home, please continue to focus on both reading and writing numbers to 100 and finding one more and one less than any given number up to 100. The more secure the children are in number, the easier their calculating will become.

In Writing, we will be continuing with our unit of work based on the wonderful story ‘The Lion Inside’. We will be writing recounts based on mouse’s journey to meet the lion at the top of the craggy old rock. We will then explore character, making comparison to our work on character last week. We will discuss how the characters change as we move through the story and spend time reflecting on how we, as both friends and as learners, can be a little bit more mouse!

In our topic lessons this week we will be enjoying a religion focus afternoon and continuing to learn about animals in our science lessons. We will be identifying and naming a variety of common animals including, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will even begin to use this scientific knowledge to make a PowerPoint in our computing lesson with Mrs Hulse, copying and pasting images of animals found online.

We are holding a Reading Meeting about how to support your child with reading at home next Wednesday 22nd January. You should have received a letter in the book bag with more information. If you have any questions or do not have a letter and let us know.

As always, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to speak to us.

Miss Gillam

Toucans week beg. 20.01.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 4:23pm

The children have settled well back into school and have had a busy week with the start of our Boosters. These have been taking place during worships, at lunchtime and in the afternoon.

We have also been getting ready for our class worship which will take place on Wednesday 22nd January at 2.30pm. We would like to invite you to see the fantastic work that your children have been doing and stay for a cup of tea and a biscuit afterwards.



The children will continue with the Maths Booster book that they had last term. Could they please do p. 33 and 34 – Adding and Subtracting Fractions.

Also your child has been given two other revision books, one on Reading and one to revise SPAG. We ask that they complete one of the 10-minute test each week. They can do more if they wish and then can mark the work themselves. If they bring the books back on a Wednesday so we can check if they need any extra help.



This term PE is on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault. However, please keep PE kit in school all week as we might have extra sessions!



Our spelling words next week will focus on words with Silent Letters. The children will be tested on Friday 24th January.

calm, autumn, climb, guest, talk, half, guilt, knee, lamb, know



Adding and subtracting fractions.



We are continuing our writing linked to our work on the tiger with a diary entry written from Mowgli’s point of view.



This term we will be designing and making our World War 2 shelters. Could you please send in any boxes that we could use, around the size of a shoebox, also any other recyclable materials that may help in our construction of these Anderson Shelters.


As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick


20.1.20, by Mrs Campion

Date: 15th Jan 2020 @ 8:49pm

Owls class are working so hard at the moment and it is wonderful to see. 

Next week in Literacy, the children will be introduced to our new class text 'The Naughty Bus' after receiving their parcel last week. In the story, the London bus is the little bys favourite toy so on Tuesday, the children are invited to bring in a toy from home to share with the class. Please can this be something that can fit in their book bag and nothing electrical/expensive/contains lots of parts that can get lost! The children will use their toy to explain why it is their favourite and write about in Literacy, We will begin to think about what you might see in London and create our own labelled maps.

In Maths, we will be learning about number 7 and looking at the seven days of the week and colours of the rainbow. We will be recording the weather using a days of the week chart.

We are holding a Reading Meeting about how to support your child with reading at home. You should have received a letter in the book bag with more information. If you have any questions or do not have a letter just come and let us know. 

As part of our weekly blog, we will be setting a weekly tapestry challenge for you to take part in. Once you have completed the challange if you can please upload onto tapestry and we will share in class.  This weeks tapestry challenge is a 3D shape hunt. What 3D shapes can you find around your house? Name the shape and discuss the properties with your child using the vocabulary faces etc.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support and come and see us if you need anything.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins

Week Beginning 20.01.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 15th Jan 2020 @ 5:21pm

Another super week for Robins! I am extremely proud of how hard the children have worked this week to produce their own fantasy stories.

Next week, Robins Class will begin their new non-fiction text in our Writing lessons. We will begin by listening to sound effects and will make predictions about what our book might be about. We will then unpick the text page by page throughout the week.

In maths we will continue to look at multiplication and division – specifically multiplying and dividing by 8. We will also use our 2, 4, and 8 times tables to do some problem solving.

In science, Robins will be learning about the different food groups and their functions. We will be thinking about the consequences of not eating a balanced diet. In topic, Robins will be continuing to think about Stonehenge. They will be deciding whether it really is the biggest achievement of the Bronze Age. We will begin by researching the other achievements of this time period and then we will hold a class debate.


Robins spellings for the test on Friday 24th January will look at words with the suffix –ation.

Temptation, information, plantation, alteration, limitation, relaxation, adaptation, consideration


Please try to read with your child daily, as well as practice their spellings and times tables.

As always, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to speak to us!

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

Week beginning 13.1.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 4:55pm

Hi everyone,

Skylarks have had a fantastic week completing their work on The Lost Happy Endings. This week, they have started to look at their new book 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' which will link nicely to our Vikings topic work. 

In maths, the children have been looking at using factors to grapple with them to secure their understanding of factors and prime numbers. They have also been looking at squared numbers and cube numbers. In the following week, we will be looking at using the inverse operations and looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 

Over the next few weeks, the children will be mapping out which countries the Vikings came from and where they migrated too. We will be delving deeper by looking at the counties that they moved too in the UK. The children will be looking into the reasons as to why the Vikings migrated.

Cheshire Fire Service will be coming into school Friday 17th January in the afternoon to talk to children about how to keep safe and what to do if a fire was to occur. 


Reading- please keep up with the reading at least three times a week


Times tables rockstars

CGP maths book (page 16)


Thank you 

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

9.1.2020, by Mrs Campion

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 7:24pm

What a brilliant first week back the children have had. They have worked so hard and settled back in. It is lovely to have them back.

Next week, we will be learning all about the number 6 and number 7. We will be looking using a dice to play board games with each other. 

We are starting our new topic all about Journeys and transport. We will be introduced to our new story 'The Naughty Bus' with a special delivery to our classroom and will be drawing and labelling our own bus. We will be discussing if they have ever been on a bus and what journey they went on.

As always, thank you for your continued support and please ask if you need anything or have any questions.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.

Year One - Week Beginning 13.1.20, by Miss Gillam

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 5:04pm

Starlings have had a super first week back after the Christmas break. They have explored tens and ones in maths and have written super predictions and described settings in our writing lessons. We have loved being back into the routine of Read Write Inc and have had lots of lovely catch up chat’s with our wonderful friends. We are all so excited to start our new ‘Animal Explorers’ topic tomorrow with an exciting (and slightly terrifying) Creepy Crawly Show.

In our writing lessons we have now started reading the exciting story ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. Next week we will be describing and comparing characters from the story. We will also hunt for words in the text with an –ed, -er, -est, or -ing ending and write exclamative sentences based on mouse’s thoughts.


Next week, the children will continue to focus on place value in our number work, identifying how many tens and ones numbers to 20 have. They will both compare and order numbers.  


In our topic lessons, we will be creating an exciting explorer vehicle for Sunny the meerkat to travel around the world in. We will also learn about animals and their structures in our science lessons.


Just a little remind about home reading. Please can the children read with an adult at home at least three times each week as this is so important for their progress. Thank you for all of your continued support. It is lovely to welcome such happy, smiling and hardworking children every day.


Please come and see Mrs Southern or I if you have any questions or concerns.

Miss Gillam

Y2 Wk beg 06.01.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 5:02pm

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.

Thank you for our many Christmas gifts and wishes, it was very kind of you.

It has been lovely to see the children again this week and listen to their stories from the Christmas holidays.

We have been very busy with maths investigations this week, applying our addition skills to help us to solve problems and puzzles.

The children are writing a non chronological report about Owls linked to our text The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark. Their use of commas and adverbs has been excellent.

Next week, we will be focsing on subtraction of 2 digit numbers, introducing our new text The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward and exploring moral questions about the Titanic before moving onto learning about the invention of the aeroplane by the Wright brothers. 

Our spellings are words that have the suffix ed to make them in the past tense:

waved, shaded, liked, phoned, cycled, replied, cried, married, chatted and stopped.

Please come and see myself or Mrs Elson if you have any questions.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice

Week beginning 13.1.20, by Mrs Evans

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 4:16pm

Happy New Year to you all and we hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday.

Goldfinches have settled into 2020 well and have shown some wonderful focus, ideas and listening this week.

Please help your child to become independent in their organisation by bringing their diary into the classroom every morning. We remind them every day to change their reading book when they need to and to bring 1 reading book and their diary home each evening. 

Coming up:

Writing- we will be completing the last few writing activities based around Escape From Pompeii over the next couple of weeks. Our big focus this term is ensuring our handwriting is joined and fluent and editing our own work for accurate punctuation.

Reading- we will be continuing to work through our assessment paper to learn how to edit and improve our answers and to focus on how to scan and skim the text effectively for the relevant information.

Spelling: focusing on words with the 'sc'  e.g. scissors, scene, scent.

You will receive a highlighted copy of the 2nd column words from the Y3/4 Statuatory word list next week. The highlighted words are the words your child spelt correctly. Please continue to work on the words your child misspelt.

Maths- Consolidating the use of practical equipment to support multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks Hit the Button game. I have sent some paper copies of 6x division by 6 or 9x table this week.

Times table tests- we are increasing these to twice a week (where possible) this term as the children are working so well through their tables. Please keep up all the hard work to support their learning at home as it is really working! Keep an eye on their progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly.

RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.

History- Hands on History for the day at Chester Grosvenor Museum on Wednesday 15th Jan. Please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves as part of the day will be spent outside. Please also provide a snack and their water bottle as well as packed lunch unless you have ordered a CAT BAG.

Science- Electricity is our new topic. We will be learning the names of different components of a circuit.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics will now be on a Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Extra PE lessons: Goldfinches will have an extra PE slot a couple of times a term with Mr Ault. Their first extra slot will be this Monday 13th Jan as well as having their new weekly lesson of PE on Friday 17th Jan.

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.

We are all looking forward to another action packed, productive and fun filled half term!

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

Toucans week beg. 13.01.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 8th Jan 2020 @ 5:51pm

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope everyone has had a lovely rest and are ready for a busy term ahead.

We have begun our Booster sessions in preparation for the SATs in May. These will all take place during the school day as you will have seen on the letter which you hopefully received this week.


This term PE is on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault. However, please keep PE kit in school all week as we might have extra sessions!


Our spelling words next week will focus on the Year 5 6 Exception Words. The children will be tested on Friday 17th January.

These are quite difficult so encourage your child to talk about the meaning of each word and to come up with a strategy to help remember how to spell it e.g. Draw around the image, trace around the word etc.

leisure, language, privilege, restaurant, achieve, secretary, stomach, yacht, soldier, physical


We have started using our new Power Maths books and our topic is fractions.


We are continuing our writing linked to our work on the tiger


This term we will be designing and making our World War 2 shelters. Could you please send in any boxes that we could use, around the size of a shoebox, also any other recyclable materials that may help in our construction of these Anderson Shelters.


You will shortly be receiving a letter about homework plans for this term which will link closely with our Booster sessions. We will be using the CGP revision guides like the one that the children had last term.

As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

Week Beginning 13.01.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 8th Jan 2020 @ 8:08am

What a great first week back after Christmas! Robins have settled back into school life very well and have produced some excellent work.

Next week, Robins will continue to look at multiplication and division in maths – specifically multiplying and dividing by 4. In our writing lessons we will be using all of learning from our book Winter’s Child to plan, draft and edit our own fantasy stories (I’m already looking forward to reading these)!

In topic we will be using maps to locate counties and cities in the UK. We will begin by locating where we live and comparing this to the location of Stonehenge. We will also be commencing our new science topic where we will be learning about animals and humans and what they need to stay fit and healthy. We will begin our topic next week by sharing what we already know and what we would like to find out. Robins will also begin their new art topic by looking at pottery from the Stone Age and identifying the techniques and patterns that were used.

As you can see, we have a very busy but exciting week ahead of us!

Robins spellings for the test on Friday 17th January will continue to look at homophones:

Meet and meat

Great and grate

Bear and bare

Break and brake

Week and weak


Please try to read with your child daily, as well as practice their spellings and times tables.

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please pop in to speak to us!

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

Week beginning 06.01.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 7th Jan 2020 @ 8:28pm

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a lovely and relaxed Christmas holiday. Skylarks class came back to school in such a positive manner and showed just how much they have grown since the beginning of this academic year. 

The children have been thrown in at the deep end this week by beginning to write their final piece of writing to conclude our book 'The Lost Happy Endings'. The children have really enjoyed reading this story and recreating their own fairytale story incorporating dialogue and using techniques such as: personification, metaphors and similes. 

In maths, the children have started looking at prime and squared numbers and have worked really well with our new scheme 'Power Maths'. The children have all showed initiative and enthusiasm for what they are learning about; which is brilliant. 

Looking into the new week, we will be starting our new class book and will be looking into cubed numbers, explore using factors and using the inverse operations. 


Spellings (see attachment)

Maths CGP book (Page:19)


Times tables rockstars


Reminder: The children will be showing off their musical talents next week in church, so please come down and watch their performance on Tuesday 14th January at 2:30pm.


Thank you for all your continued support.

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

6.1.2020, by Mrs Campion

Date: 4th Jan 2020 @ 10:13am

Happy New Year everyone. Hope you have all had the most wonderful Christmas.

A big thank you from myself and Mrs Hoskins to say thank you so much for all the warm Christmas wishes, cards and gifts, We were both overwhelmed by your kindness. 

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back this week and hearing all about their Christmas news. 

This week, we will be finishing off our fairytale topic by designing and labelling a wolf trap for the three little pigs. In Maths, we will be exploring all the different ways we can split up the number 5 and begin to look at adding two single digits together. 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.

Week ending 20.12.19, by Mrs Evans

Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 8:56pm

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. We wish you all a safe, happy and relaxing break.

Thank you so much for your kind cards and gifts- they are much appreciated.

This week: 

The children produced their best writing so far in Y4 with some fantastic historical diary writing based on the events in Pompeii in AD79 and our class text 'Escape from Pompeii'.

We have had a Christmassy end to the term with card making and an RE afternoon exploring the Christmas Story from the point of view of the shepherds. I'm so proud of the work Goldfinches produced. I'm sure you enjoyed the latest ukulele performance of 'Last Christmas' today aswell!  The pantomime was thoroughly enjoyed by all this morning.

Coming up in January: 

Back to school Mon 6th.

PE will be gymnastics with Mr Ault on Mondays and Swimming on Tuesday afternoons.

Maths will focus on methods of multiplication.

Writing will be completing the last part of our Escape from Pompeii focus.

Science will be exploring electricity and circuits.

Geography and History will continue to focus on the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

RE will be our new Christianity topic of Parables.

Our trip to Chester Grosvenor Museum is Wednesday 15th January.

And finally, thank you all for your support this term.

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan.






Toucans week beg. 16.12.19, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 18th Dec 2019 @ 5:13pm

Wow! What a busy term we have had with fantastic trips to Safety Central and the Imperial War Museum and of course an amazing production of Aladdin. Thank you to all the children who have worked so hard to learn their lines, songs and dances. The acting was great too! It was a delight to see their smiling faces after each production. Thank you to the parents for providing the first class costumes and for the beautiful flowers for Mrs Whittingham and the staff enjoyed all the chocolate treats!

We would like the children to have a complete rest from school work over the holidays as they will have a very busy Spring term! Therefore, we are not setting any homework for the first week back. Spellings for that week will be revising the rules that we covered in the Autumn Term to ensure these are secure.

However, over the Christmas, we would like the children to save cardboard boxes and other materials that they think may be useful when we build our Anderson Shelters as part of our DT project in January.

We wish you all a very happy Christmas

Thanking you for your support

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

Week Beginning 06.01.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 18th Dec 2019 @ 4:37pm

Can you believe we have reached the end of our first term already! I would first like to thank everyone for their support over the Autumn Term. Thank you also to the children for working so hard!

After Christmas, we will begin to look at Multiplication and Division in maths. In our writing lessons, we will be finishing our book 'Winter's Child' in the lead up to our 'Big Write' at the end of the topic. In history and geography, we will continue to look at the Stone Age, making comparisons to the Bronze and Iron Ages. 

Our spellings for the test in the first week back will focus on Homophone (words that sound the same but have different meanings):

no, know, write, right, where, were, wear, we're

Please remember to read and practice your child's times tables with them over the holidays!

Reminder: School closes at 2pm on Friday 20th December

Have a restful Christmas and a very happy new year!

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

Week ending 16.12.19, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 11:24am

Hi everyone,

What a lovely week the children have had designing and making their own mini Viking shields. The children have had a fantastic first term in year 5 and I am extremely proud of how much they have progressed already.

When the children come back in he new year we will be continuing with multiplication and division in maths. In Literacy we will be completing our final write for the book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ which the children have throughly enjoyed. 

In the new new year we will be looking in more detail into the Vikings and looking at animals including humans in Science. The children will continue to have their cello and violin lessons on a Tuesday afternoon and PE will be on a Monday and Wednesday; please ensure all children have the appropriate and full kit they need for the Winter months.

i would like to apologise for the spellings I gave to the children on the week beginning 25.11.19. There were two spelling mistakes due to the formatting that the document is written in the spell check doesn’t work and I made a couple of typing errors. Therefore, I have resent the spellings to the children and they have been uploaded to this blog; they will be tested on these words the first week back after Christmas.

Please have a lovely, well-deserved rest over the Christmas break and a Happy New Year to you all.


thank you for all your continued support this term!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

w.c 16.12.19, by Mrs Campion

Date: 15th Dec 2019 @ 7:12pm

Can you believe it is the last week of term already?! It was lovely to see so many of you at Open afternoon sharing all of the children's work.Thank you for coming along.

Another busy, but exciting week in school. It is our Angel Express Christmas production on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Church, Thank you so much for all the wonderful costumes you have provided the children look fantastic.We hope that you enjoy all the wonderful singing and dancing. The children have worked so hard and we are super proud of them. On Tuesday, we are having a wonderful Christmas lunch in school and on Thursday, the whole school is off to the Panto! We will be sitting with our buddies on the coach and at the panto which I am sure they will be very excited about. To end an exciting week, we will be heading to Church for our carol concert. 

Thank you for your continued support and please come and ask if you have any questions. 

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins 

Wk beg 16.12.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 13th Dec 2019 @ 12:55pm


Swallows have been very busy rehearsing for our Christmas production, Angel Express.

We are really pleased with the effort and enthusiam that the children are showing in rehearsals.

Thank you so much for the super costumes that you have provided. Next week we have our performances on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9.30am. Our Carol Concert is on Friday 20th December at 9.15am.

We will be having our Christmas lunch on Tuesday 17th and the school disco is on Wednesday 18th December. We are also visiting the pantomine on Thursday 19th December. What a busy but exciting week!

We will not have a spelling test this week, we will be focsuing on spelling the Y2 common exception words that were handed out in September. Please see me for another copy if you require one.

Thank you for all of your support at home with reading and times tables. The children have tables to play on Times Tables Rock Stars and books waiting to be looked at in Bug Club. 

As always, please ask me if you have any questions. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Week beginning 16.12.19, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 13th Dec 2019 @ 8:18am

Hi Everyone,

What a fantastic week Skylarks class have had. They have certainly been amazing Rockstars in the Christmas production and I am really proud of them and all your help to supply them with their fantastic costumes!

As we are winding down to finishing for Christmas, the children will be looking more into Viking art next week and will make a shield as part of our Design and Technology using the 'Jelling' technique. 

Please make sure your child is up to date with their maths homework. 

Remember next week the draw will be done for the reading prize for this year, so make sure you get every tick you possibly can!

Reminders for next week:

Tuesday: Christmas Lunch.

Wednesday: Mrs Judge will be bringing in some German foods to sample 

Thursday: Pantomime visit to The Grange Theatre

Friday: Carol concert in church.


Thank you for all of your continued support during this half-term.

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Week beginning 16.12.19, by Mrs Evans

Date: 12th Dec 2019 @ 9:07pm

What a wonderful week of performances we have had! Well done to all of the sparkling gems- we are so proud of how much you have reheared and how well you danced and sang. Despite all of the illness we have had this week- our performance was fantastic!

Thank you for all your support as an audience and as costume designers- the children looked amazing. 

Coming up:

We are still collecting for our Reverse Advent Calendar. Any donations will be gratefully received and thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far.

Tuesday: Christmas Lunch.

Wednesday: Mrs Judge will be bringing in some German foods to sample 

Thursday: Pantomime visit to The Grange Theatre

Friday: Carol concert in church.

Writing- Our diary writing will continue and will be inspired by a replica video clip of the eruption of Pompeii. We will be using drama to help us expolre our ideas.

Reading- we will be reading an extract from 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' as well as looking through the reading assessment paper together.

Spelling: we will be practising the words from the second column of the Y3/4 words

Maths- we will be going through our assessment papers this week.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks Hit the Button game.

RE- Christmas story

Geography and History - using a knowledge mat to consolidate all our learning about the Ancient Greeks.

PE- Outdoor PE on Monday with Mr Ault- supportive trainers and warm tracksuits please. 

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

Toucans Class Blog Week beg. 16.12.19, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 12th Dec 2019 @ 4:26pm


Wow! What a week we have had! The children have amazed us all with their performances in our play. Thank you to all the parents for providing the lovely costumes and for helping their children to learn their lines. The children were simply buzzing after each performance! A great well done Toucans from all the staff.                                                                                                               


As we finish at 2pm next Friday the children will not have PE with Mr Ault, however they will have PE with Mrs Whittingham on Thursday when they return from the pantomime in the afternoon.

 Maths Homework/Spellings

The children have worked so hard this term and we are very proud of them. We would like them to spend the last week of this term completing any outstanding maths homework and revising their spellings from this term.


Christmas dinner on Tuesday 17th December

School Disco Wednesday 18th December KS2 6-7pm

Pantomime at the Grange on Thursday 19th December

Christmas Carol Concert 9.15 am on Friday 20th December

 As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

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