Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Our blogs

Toucans week beg. 2.3.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 4:32pm


Maths –CGP book pages  70 and 71 Coordinates .



PE will be with Mrs Whittingham on a Thursday and Mr Ault on a Friday but please ensure PE kits are in every day in case we have extra slots.



Our spelling words after half term will focus on common mistakes. The children will be tested on Friday 6th March

Who’s, it’s, you’re, there’s, their, whose, your, they’re, won’t, want



We will continue our Literacy work based on The Selfish Giant


Science – we will continue to explore our unit on healthy eating. Please bring in some empty food packaging so we can examine the nutritional contents.


As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

Year One - WB 2.3.20, by Miss Gillam

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 7:09am

Starlings have had a fantastic first week back after our half term holiday.  We have loved discovering our new class text, completing our final gymnastics session and got to meet an very interesting visitor. Can your Starling tell you about John McCorkell and what important messages he taught us?

We have another busy week ahead of us.

In Writing, we will be delving into our new story, The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth.  We will write recounts, descriptive sentences and our own diary entry, thinking about the characters and setting in the story.

In our number work, we will be continuing to focus on subtraction by crossing 10. We will solve subtraction word problems using number tracks, bead strings and ten frames to help us.  

In our topic lessons, we will be continuing to learn about the history of transport. We will consider how transport has impacted travel and tourism, discussing how and when the world became more accessible and why.


  • We hope you are continuing to enjoy your bed time story books. Please remember to record these stories in your homework diary. This will count towards your three reads, earning you a raffle ticket and entry into our prize draw.
  • PE will now be every Monday with Mr Ault
  • We will be dressing up for World Book Day next Wednesday 4th March

Maths Challenge:

Can you complete the challenge grid? Choose a number between 1-10 and solve the problems.  Remember, it will be the same number in the star each time.

Thank you for your continued hard work and support at home.


Have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Gillam and Mrs Southern

Week beginning 24.2.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 5:50pm

Hi everyone,

The children have had a brilliant final week back after half-term. They have begun to write their final piece based on the book 'Arthur and the Golden rope'. They have made a fantastic start and will continue to finish this in the new week and then we will begin exploring our new class book.

In maths, the children have finished looking at short division and are now exploring fractions, looking at equivalent fractions to begin with.

A note was given in the final week before half-term about maths homework. The children will have their homework checked this week (Friday. Please continue to make sure your children are practicing times tables in a way that is most memorable for them or on TT rockstars. 


CGP maths book (page28)


TT rockstars

Spellings (see in link attached)


Thank you for your continued support. 

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Week Beginning 02.03.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 5:12pm

Firstly, I would like to thank all the lovely family members who joined us for our Science lesson today – The children loved having you there!

What a great few days we have had in Robins class. I have particularly enjoyed watching the children plan their own informative texts about whales – They have learnt so much from the book ‘Big Blue Whale’. Looking ahead to next week, the children will be using their plans to write and edit their own informative texts about the dangers whales face and how we can help to protect them.

In maths, we will be concentrating on written methods for division. We will also be consolidating our knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

Our fantastic ‘Adrift’ project will commence next week. It will be kicked off with a theatre performance of ‘Adrift’ on Wednesday afternoon. Following on from this, we will be considering what the term ‘home’ means to us – Thank you to the children who have already sent in a photo of the outside of their house. If you haven’t already, please could these be sent in for next week. We will also be defining the term ‘migration’ and considering the movement of people all the way back in the Stone Age.

In science, we will be finishing our topic by comparing and grouping the skeletons of different animals. We will define the terms ‘Exoskeleton’ and ‘Endoskeleton’.


Our spellings for the test on Friday 6th March will continue to look at words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’:

chalet, sachet, ricochet, crochet, machinery, pistachio, parachute


Please try to read with your child and practice their spellings/ times tables daily. We have noticed a huge improvement with this – Keep it up Robins! 



PE will now take place on a Tuesday (Gymnastics)

Wednesday 4th March: World Book Day for Lostock

Wednesday 4th March: Adrift Theatre Performance


As always, please pop in to see us if you have any questions or queries.

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

24.2.2020, by Mrs Campion

Date: 23rd Feb 2020 @ 8:07pm

Welcome back!! Hope you have a wonderful half term. 

On Tuesday, we will be reading the story 'Mr Wolf's pancaskes' and making our own pancakes and seeing if we can flip them! We will be writing instructions on how to make them afterwards. We will also be learning about the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and Lent.

In Maths, we will be learning all about 2D and 3D shapes and using mathematical vocabulary to describe them. We will be looking at what shapes roll and do not roll and why. 

Please continue to read with your child at home and record it in their diary so we know how they are getting on. Thank you so much for your continued support and as always, if you have any questions please come and ask.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins. 

Week beginning 24.2.20, by Mrs Evans

Date: 14th Feb 2020 @ 11:44am

Another hard working week in Goldfinches which began with a visit from our PCSO Susie who helped the children focus on their online identity and making safe online choices. 

Coming up:

Please send in any empty, clean plastic bottles (milk bottles, lemonade bottles, juice bottles) and any small cardboard boxes (tissue boxes, small cereal boxes) into school straight after half term.

We are looking forward to our Science Come and Join us session on Wed 26th February 2pm.

Worship on Thursday 27th will be about Disability with a workshop to follow.

The Parents meeting Llandudno is on 10th March 3.15pm (approximately half an hour) 

Writing- continuing to explore 'When the Giant Stirred' to build up to planning our own story.

Reading- we will conclude 'Seen and Not Heard'

Spelling: Y3/4 words - 4th Column

Maths- Division and finding the Area of shapes.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. To help your child prepare for the Y4 time tables check have a go at the Maths Frame Multiplication check game. This will allow you to play the full check and adapt it to focus on specific times tables. It is set up very much like the National Times tables check will be in June.


RE- Our RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.

History and Geography - Using all our knowledge to create a non-chronological report on Volcanoes.

Science and DT  Electricity. We will be applying our knowledge of circuits to design and make a torch.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks please (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics on  Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our focus this half term.

We hope you all enjoy a well deserved safe and restful week off,

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 


Toucans week beg. 24.2.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 8:20am


MathsPercentages pages 38 and 39.

The children should now have completed Section One – Number & Place Value, Section Two – Calculations and Section Three – Fractions, Decimals & Percentages

If all of this is done they can to Practice Test 1.



PE will be with Mrs Whittingham on a Thursday and Mr Ault on a Friday but please ensure PE kits are in every day in case we have extra slots.



Our spelling words after half term will focus on words ending with –ible and -able. The children will be tested on Friday 28th February

reliable, understandable, possible, reliably, possibly, understandably, terrible, responsible, terribly, responsibly



We will continue our Literacy work based on The Selfish Giant


KS2 Come and Join us on Wednesday 26th February at 2pm


As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

Week beginning 10.2.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 12th Feb 2020 @ 6:57pm

Hi everyone,

The children have had a brilliant final week before half-term creating their plans for their final piece of writing for Arthur and the Golden rope.  After half-term, the children will be starting to write their new piece and complete them by the end of the week and have time allocated to edit and improve their pieces of work. 

In maths, the children have been looking at short division working to divide up to 4 digit numbers by one digit. The children will come back after half-term and begin to look at fractions. 

A note was given last week about all the homework in the CGP maths books that the children should have completed. Over half-term, if your child hasn't made a start to page 24, this will need to be done for the first Friday back in school. 

Please make sure your children are continuing to go on TT rockstars as they are realising how important it is in our multiplication and division units, to know their times tables.


CGP maths book (page 24)


TT rockstars

Spellings (see in link attached)


Thank you for your continued support. 

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Week Beginning 24.02.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 12th Feb 2020 @ 1:15pm

Can you believe another half term is over? The children have worked extremely hard yet again and deserve a restful break.

During our first week back after half term, we will be continuing to look at written methods of multiplication and division. In our writing lessons, we will begin by looking at the features of a variety of persuasive information texts. We will then be planning our own texts which will inform people about whales and persuade them to help in the effort to protect them. In our reading lessons will continue to practice the skimming and scanning techniques to retrieve information quickly from the fiction text ‘The New Boy’.

On Wednesday 26th February you are invited to our KS2 Come and Join Us at 2pm which will have a Science focus. We will be identifying why we need a skeleton and exploring the bones that make up the skeletal system.


Our spellings for the test on Friday 28th February will look at words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’:

Chef, chute, machine, brochure, moustache, chandelier Chicago


Please try to read with your child and practice their spellings/times tables where possible over the half term.



Friday 14th February: Please send your child to school with an old t-shirt or shirt (named) for our art day.

Wednesday 26th February: KS2 Come and Join Us – we would love it if you could join us at 2pm for a fun science lesson.

Thursday 27th February: All children will take part in a Disability Awareness Assembly and Workshop.


As always, please pop in to see us if you have any questions or queries.

Have a safe and restful half term.

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling


10.2.2020, by Mrs Campion

Date: 8th Feb 2020 @ 9:19am

Wow I can't believe it is the last week before half term already. The weeks are flying by! 

The children enjoyed their London bus visit and the work that followed was amazing. 

In Maths, we have now learnt all of our numbers to 10 and we will begin to compare two and three sets of numbers using vocabulary such as more than/fewer than. 

In Literacy, we will be continuing to look at the journey of Naughty Bus and writing lists of the different food he has driven through. 

It is our come and join us session on Wednesday at 2pm. It would be lovely if you could come along!

It is internet safety on Tuesday so we will be learning about different ways to stay safe online. 

Thank you for all of your continued support. 

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.

Week beginning 10.2.20, by Mrs Evans

Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 10:24am

What a healthy week in Goldfinches! We have enjoyed an extra PE session, continued to make great progress in swimming, made a healthy Greek Salad and enjoyed some calming peer massage while reflecting on Children's Mental Health Week. 

Coming up:

In preparation for our next DT project, please could you send in any empty, clean plastic bottles (milk bottles, lemonade bottles, juice bottles) and any small cardboard boxes (tissue boxes, small cereal boxes) into school with your children over the next couple of weeks.

Please note our Parents meeting for the Llandudno trip is on 10th March 3.15pm (approximately half an hour) 

Computing and PSHE- Internet Safety Day. We will have a visit from our PCSO to learn more about staying safe online. 

Writing- we love our new class story 'When the Giant Stirred' and will be practising using speech punctuation as the characters on the island discuss some important issues.

Reading- Begining to read 'Seen and Not Heard' after all our thoughts and predictions. We will infer what the characters may be thinking and doing.  

Spelling: revision of double consonants in the middle of words (e.g. shopping, little, swimming, dripped). I have sent a little game home to play with your child to support this.

Maths- Division and using our multiplication facts to support.  Division of TU by U and division with remainders.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Table Mountain- who can reach the summit in the quickest time? Perhaps you could have an adult vs child competition on the 2-player setting!

Times table tests- we are continuing with twice a week tests (where possible) this term as this is having a positive impact on their progress through the tables. Keep an eye on your child's progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly. Please support your child to have their diary in school daily.

RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God and we will be continuing to discuss the Parable of the Great Feast.

History- finding out about the Celts who resisted the Roman invasion and weighing up the reliability of different historical sources.

Geography- Using all our knowledge to create a non-chronological report on Volcanoes.

Science- Electricity. We will be testing conductors and insulators within a simple circuit.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks please (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics on  Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.

We look forward to another wonderful week!

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

Y2 Wk beg 10.02.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 6th Feb 2020 @ 10:40pm


This week we will be focusing on our multiplication skills, our rapid recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables and learning how to multiply numbers outside of known facts eg 14 x 5. We will be exploring the connections between multiplication and repeated addition eg 5+5+5+5 = 4X5. The children will also be focusing on the associated division facts.

Our writing lessons will be based around setting descritpions of dragon habitats as well as instructional leaflets for how to take care of a dragon. The children are really engaged with this text and are enjoying the wide variety of writing that we are producing as well as learning new skills such as creating questions, commands and exclamation senences. 

We have our 'Come and Join Us' on Wednesday 12th February in the afternoon. This will have a Science focus, we will be exploring food chains in preparation for our residential visit to Delamere Forest. Please bring a coat hanger and be ready to get creative!

Thank you for all of your support with reading at home. This is so important for our children. Please remember to sign the children's reading diaries each time you read with them. We would like to see three comments a week please in order for the children to earn their raffle ticket. 

Please come and see myself or Mrs Elson if you have any questions.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Toucans week beg. 10.2.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 6th Feb 2020 @ 4:57pm


Maths - Could you please spend this week checking that all work is up to date in the Maths Homework book. The children should have completed Section One – Number & Place Value, Section Two – Calculations and Section Three – just Fractions and Decimals as we will be working on Percentages next week.

If all of this is done they can to Practice Test 1.



The children will have 2 PE slots with Mr Ault on Friday 14th February.



Our spelling words next week will focus on words with hyphens. The children will be tested on Friday 14th February

Co-operate, re-enter, re-open, co-ordinate, co-own, re-explain, re-energise, co-operated, re-opened, re-entered



We will continue our Literacy work based on The Selfish Giant


As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

Week beginning 3.2.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 5th Feb 2020 @ 4:58pm

Hi everyone,

Thank you for attending our class worship, the children had a really enjoyable time sharing their knowledge with you. There was such a great atmosphere and sense of pride when you all came to look at your children's books. 

This week the children have been doing some fantastic pieces of writing, they have planned and written a recount of Arthur's journey through the sea using relative clauses, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials to link the paragraphs together. Next week, we will be planning our own fantasy story using our book 'Arthur and the Golden rope' to guide us. 

In maths, the children have been grappling with long multiplication and putting it into practice. We will continue to rehearse this for the remainder of the week, before moving on to short division next week. 


A note will be coming home this week to remind the children of the maths homework they should have completed by the 14.2.20. Therefore, I won't be setting anymore homework this week but if the children would like to get a headstart before the homework for half-term then they will need to complete page 24.


Thank you for your continued support. 

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Week Beginning 10.02.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 5th Feb 2020 @ 4:42pm

Welcome back to Robins Class Blog – We have had another super week and the children have worked extremely hard!

As we look ahead to our final week of this half term, we have lots of exciting things coming up. In our writing lessons we will be using drama to help us produce a piece of writing where we will be writing in role as a character from Michael Morpurgo’s ‘This Morning I Met a Whale’. We will also be using a range of non-fiction information texts and the internet to learn more about the human impact on whales and how we can protect them. In maths, we will be looking at a variety of ways we can multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.

In History, the children will be using the internet to research the achievements of the Iron Age and will then decide which achievement they feel is most important, giving a reason for their choice. In Science, we will be using a Venn Diagram to compare and group animals based on what they eat.


On Friday 14th February, Robins will partake in an art day where we will use clay to construct a pot, replicating Stone Age pottery. 

Please send your child to school with an old t-shirt or shirt with their name on it. This can then be kept in school to wear during our art lessons.



Due to our Art Day, Robins spelling test will take place on Thursday 13th February. Our spellings this week will continue to look at words with the ‘c’ sound spelt ‘ch’:

scheme, chord, orchid, chemist, mechanic, technical, stomach, monarch


You should have now received a permission slip for your child to attend our school trip to the Liverpool World Museum on 3rd June 2020. If you have any questions or queries regarding this, please pop in to see me.


Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

Y2 Swallows class Wk beg 3rd February 2020, by Mrs Rice

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 4:40pm


Swallows have had a fabuous week and are really enjoying our new text The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. The children have written 'Beware of the Dragons!' posters for the school and persuassive letters to Mrs Powell. We have been using money to calculate objects and find different ways of making the same amount. 

Next week we will be reading more of our story and writing instructions for how to take care of a dragon. We will be exploring the idea of change in maths and investigating habitats further in our science work. 

Our spellings this week are focusing on the suffixes 'er' and 'est'. 

bigger, slower, louder, wider, quieter, fastest, bravest, nicest, rudest, aeroplane.

Dates for you diary: 

  • Wednesday 12 February 2020 KSI Science Come and Join Us (please bring a coat hanger that we can make a food chain with!)
  • Monday 9th March 2020 2.30pm Fox Howl meeting.


3.2.2020, by Mrs Campion

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 12:31pm

This week we have a very special visit from a London Bus on Tuesday. We are very excited to learn more about London and the opportunities that the workshop will bring in our busy time.

In Maths, we will be looking at numbers 9 and 10 and using a 10 frame to see if we can count up to ten things confidently. We will also be looking at the relationship between 9 and 10 using one more and one less. 

In Literacy, we will be writing Thank you letters to the London bus company for our workshop and writing a recount using photographs about what we learnt from the visit. 

Tapestry Challenge- Shape hunt- Can you go on a shape hunt in your house/around the local area? What shapes do you see? Can you use mathematical language to describe them e.g. faces, sides, corners.Please upload your pictures to tapestry with what you found out.

Just a reminder that we aim for 3 reads a week. When you read with your child at home if you can please write it in the blue diary so that we know how they are getting on. Thank you.

Thank you for all of your support.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins

Toucans week beg. 3.2.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 12:45pm


Maths - Could the children please do p.36 and 37 Equivalent Fractions and Decimals. We have been working on these topics with the children this week in class so just remind them to think about the strategies that they have been using.  

Also your child has been given two other revision books, one on Reading and one to revise SPAG. We ask that they complete one of the 10-minute test each week. They can do more if they wish and then can mark the work themselves. If they bring the books back on a Wednesday so we can check if they need any extra help.



This term PE is on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault. However, please keep PE kit in school all week as we might have extra sessions!


Intra School Football Competition

On Friday 7th February in the afternoon we will be holding a football competition for Year 5 and 6. The format will follow the similar intra school rugby competition that we had in the Autumn Term when the children represented their House Teams. Please be mindful that our football pitch is not in the best condition at the moment so I’d advise old trainers and the children can bring in old tracksuit bottoms/hoodie to wear on the day instead of their usual PE kit.



Our spelling words next week will focus on ei and ie words. The children will be tested on Friday 7th February

piece, perceive, relief, deceive, achieve, ceiling, believe, receive, niece



We have begun work on our new book – The Selfish Giant



Talk to your child about their DT project and see if you can help them find any resources that they may need to construct their shelters.


As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

Week beginning 3.2.20, by Mrs Evans

Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 8:26am

Another busy week in Goldfinches where we have enjoyed predicting and finding about about our new class text: When the Giant Stirred. We have also enjoyed choosing photographs from the trip to Chester to include in an informative leaflet during our computing lessons.

Well done to all our children for taking part in the Athletics Event last Friday- they really brought out Mrs O'Marah's competitive side!

Coming up:

It is Goldfinches turn to have an extra PE lesson so they will have PE with Mr Ault on Monday and Friday as well as swimming on Tuesday.

Writing- becomming immersed in our new class story 'When the Giant Stirred'.

Reading- Using a story to make predictions, and infer what characters may be thinking and doing.  

Spelling: focusing on prefixes - il, im, in, un, dis

Maths- Division and using our multiplication facts to support us.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks coconut times tables game. 

Times table tests- we are increasing these to twice a week (where possible) this term as the children are working so well through their tables. Please keep up all the hard work to support their learning at home as it is really working! Keep an eye on their progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly.

RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.

DT- We will taste test ingredients to help us design a recipe for a Greek inspired salad. We will learn to chop salad vegetables safely. We will eat and evaluate our salads.

History- finding out about the Celts who resisted the Roman invasion and weighing up the reliability of different historical sources.

Geography- learning about key counties in Britain that were important to the Romans (Kent, London Cheshire, Yorkshire) and looking at the road routes the Romans built.

Science- Electricity. We will be learning the names of different components of a circuit.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics twice this week- Monday and  Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.

We look forward to another wonderful week!

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

Week Beginning 03.02.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 9:56pm

Hi everyone,

We have had another fantastic week in Robins class!

Firstly, I would like to thank the children who have been bringing a smaller book bag to school this week – our cloakroom is looking much tidier!

In writing next week we will be retrieving information from our non-fiction text ‘Big Blue Whale’ to help us map the journey of the blue whale throughout the year. Children will work towards writing an explanation of where the blue whale migrates to and why using prepositions and adverbs to express cause.

In maths we will be looking at the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. We will also be looking at the patterns in multiplication and how we can use known multiplication facts to help us work out more difficult ones.

In geography we will be using maps and digital mapping tools to locate rivers in the UK, including the River Weaver. This week in Science, Robins will be carrying out research to help them compare and contrast the diets of different animals.

We have noticed during our weekly Times Tables quiz that children can recall multiplication and division facts but need to build up their pace in order to complete them within an appropriate time.


Robins spellings for the test on Friday 7th February will look at words with the ‘c’ sound spelt ‘ch’:

ache, anchor, chaos, chorus, echo, chemical, school, character


As always, if you have any questions or queries please pop in to speak to us.

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

Week beginning 27.1.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 8:36am

Hi everyone,

What a fantastic week Skylarks class have had, they had such a brilliant time learning all about the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and the Jutes at Weaver Hall museum. The children have been looking at where they come from and reasons behind why they migrated. 

In maths, the children are coming the the end of looking at perimeter and area. Next week, the children will be loooking at multiplication using the written method and then division using the short written method. 

Our class worship will take place on Wednesday 5th February at 2:30pm. Please come along to listen and celebrate your childrens learning that has taken place throughout year 5 so far.

Next Friday, the children will take part in an intra football competition in the afternoon with year 6. Please make sure all your children have suitable kits.


CGP maths book: pages 48 and 49

Times tables rockstars


Spellings (see attachment)


Thank you

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Week Beginning 27.1.20, by Mrs Evans

Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 9:36pm

Another busy week for Goldfinches designing their own Fortress in Northwich using their knowledge from last week's trip. They have also put a huge effort and focus into writing the final story for Escape From Pompeii and should be proud of how hard they worked.

Just a few reminders: No nail varnish, lip gloss or jewellery in school please. If your child needs to use vaseline/chap stick for sore lips please ensure they hand it to the class teacher to look after and they can apply it before going outside.

I have reminded the children again about keeping their home books at home and only taking their school book, or a book I have selected for them home each night along with their diary. 

Thank you to everyone for bringing in smaller bags/book bags/PE bags. It really has helped reduce the overcrowding in the cloakroom 

Coming up:

Writing- we will be starting our new class book next week..... your children will reveal it when they have discovered what it is!

Reading- we will be exploring a short story book to help us predict and infer ideas about characters.

Spelling: focusing on Y3/4 statutory words in the third column.

Maths- Consolidating the use of practical equipment to support multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers. Using our new Power Maths books to help with a range of presenting and solving calculations.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks- Arithmetic, Multiplication, Division, Factoring (Times table grid game which helps children focus on a mixture of tables)

Times table tests- we are increasing these to twice a week (where possible) this term as the children are working so well through their tables. Please keep up all the hard work to support their learning at home as it is really working! Keep an eye on their progress with the times table stickers which we put in their diaries weekly.

RE- Our new RE focus is Christianity and the Kingdom of God.

History- evaluating how reliable different sources of information are. Learning about Boudicca and her rebellion against the Roman army.

Geography- Reviewing the route taken by the Romans as their empire grew and including the capital cities and main rivers in the UK, France, Switzerland and Italy. A lovely activity to do at home ids to use Google maps to explore these countries. 

Art- we will be making links with Geography and flags of the world to contribute to the Y4 Art project which will be part of the Northwich Art Trail

Science- Electricity is our new topic. We will be learning the names of different components of a circuit.

PE- Swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Trunks (not baggy shorts) and swimming costumes please with hair tied back and earrings removed before school where possible. Gymnastics will now be on a Friday with Mr Ault and indoor kit (shorts and t-shirt) is required.

Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy is our new focus this half term.

We look forward to another wonderful week!

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan 

Toucans week beg. 27.01.20, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 8:15am

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for our class worship this week. The children loved sharing their work with you.


Maths - Could the children please do p. 32 Multiplying Fractions and page 35 Dividing fractions. We have been working on these topics with the children this week in class so just remind them to think about the strategies that they have been using.  

Also your child has been given two other revision books, one on Reading and one to revise SPAG. We ask that they complete one of the 10-minute test each week. They can do more if they wish and then can mark the work themselves. If they bring the books back on a Wednesday so we can check if they need any extra help.



This term PE is on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault. However, please keep PE kit in school all week as we might have extra sessions!


Our spelling words next week will focus on the Year 5/6 Common Exception Words. The children will be tested on Friday 31st January.

available, category, existence, controversy, explanation, identity, variety, ancient, occupy, vegetable


We are continuing our writing linked to our work on the tiger with a diary entry written from Mowgli’s point of view. Also non-fiction writing on a tiger.


Next week we will begin designing and making our World War 2 shelters. Could you please send in any boxes that we could use, around the size of a shoebox, also any other recyclable materials that may help in our construction of these Anderson Shelters.

As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick

27.1.2020, by Mrs Campion

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 8:10pm

The children are very enthusiastic about our new transport and journeys topic. They have been so busy drawing maps and making London buses. 

Next week, we will finish our London maps we are working on in groups for our new display and we will be using our new text 'The Naughty Bus' to write a sentence about who might be waiting at the bus stop for Naughty Bus! We are really focussing on our letter formation and thinking carefully about sounding out words when we are writing. 

In Maths, we will be comparing numbers 6, 7 and 8. We will be looking at different objects and deciding if it shows 6, 7 or 8. 

Thank you to all who attended the Reading Meeting. We hope that you found it useful and if you have any further questions please come and ask. 

Tapestry Challenge- as part of our new topic we are looking at different modes of transport. e are making  display of all the different types of transport we use and the journeys we have been on. If you use any mode of transport to go anywhere (car, train, tram, bus etc) please can you take a picture and upload onto tapestry so we can add to our display.

Have a a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support. 

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins. 

Week Beginning 27.01.20, by Miss Beattie

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 8:11am

Robins have had another busy and exciting week!  

Next week, Robins Class will continue reading their non-fiction text ‘Big Blue Whale’ by Nicola Davies. We will begin the week by finding similes used in the text. We will then generate our own similes and use these to create a simile poem all about whales. Towards the end of the week we will be retrieving information from the book to help us write an informative leaflet about whales and what/how they eat.

In maths we will be solving problems using multiplication and division. The children are absolutely loving our new Power Maths Books.

In History we will be making comparisons and contrasts between the Stone Age and the Iron Age using a lovely non-fiction text called ‘A Street Through Time’.

This week in Art, Robins will be carrying out an artist study on Bernard Leach, a British Studio Potter. They will be making close observations of his work, considering the story behind each piece of pottery.


Robins spellings for the test on Friday 31st January will continue to look at words with the suffix –ation. This week the ‘e’ must be dropped from the root word before the suffix is added.

preparation, admiration, sensation, exploration, reservation, imagination, restoration, adoration


We have noticed that more children are reading regularly at home – keep this up Robins! Parents, please try to remember to sign your child’s diary 3 times per week so they can earn their raffle ticket.

As always, if you have any questions or queries please pop in to speak to us.

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

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