Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Skylarks: Blog items

Skylarks WB 27.06.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 4:19pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

What a fantastic week we have had! The highlight of the week has to be Northwich Sings on Tuesday evening. The children behaved exceptionally all day and sang so beautifully. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!


Next week (W.B. 27.06.22)



Please send party-wear costumes into school ASAP for the KS2 production.

Tuesday 28th June: KS2 performance 1.30pm and 5pm.

Thursday 30th June: KS2 performance 1.30pm and 5pm.


In English this week, we will continue to publish our persuasive information texts on landfill. The children worked so hard on their first drafts and I can’t wait to read their final pieces of published writing.

In maths this week, we will be extended our understanding of fractions and decimals to include thousandths. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In science we will focus on the question: What causes day and night? We will use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.

In our topic lesson, we will be working on the project set for us by the Refill Shed in Davenham: to design their new window display to help spread their message and encourage more people to visit. We will also consider what we can do to become more sustainable in our own lives.

In art we will continue to look at the artwork of our focus artist: Leonardo Da Vinci. Next week, we will analyse his artwork including the techniques he has used and we will consider how his sketches make us feel.

In RE, we will continue with our learning on Islam, extending our understanding of how Ramadan and Eid are celebrated.

In PE, we will continue to learn our dance for the KS2 production.

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should page 34 of the homework book this week to be returned by Friday 1st July.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 1st July will be the next 10 words from the Y5/6 statutory word list:

symbol, system, temperature, thorough, twelfth, variety, vegetable, vehicle, yacht, restaurant


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 20.06.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 19th Jun 2022 @ 3:49pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Skylarks have had another super week and have been busy rehearsing for both Northwich Sings and our KS2 Production.


Next week (W.B. 20.06.22)


Please send party-wear costumes into school ASAP for the KS2 production.

Tuesday 21st June: Y5 will be taking part in Northwich Sings. They should come to school in their blue jeans, coloured tshirt and sensible footwear and should bring extra snacks and a packed tea in a named, disposable bag – No school bags or lunch boxes please. Parents are invited to arrive at 6.10pm to watch the performance.


On Monday, the children in Years 5 and 6 will receive first aid training where they will be taught how to make a 999 call and how to deal with various medical emergencies.

In English this week, we will be editing and publishing our persuasive information texts on landfill. The children have worked so hard on their first drafts and I can’t wait to read their final pieces of published writing.

In maths this week, we will be focussing on converting between decimals and fractions. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In art we will continue to develop our drawing skills by learning how to draw realistic human faces in proportion and with different expressions.

In PE, we will continue to learn our dance for the KS2 production.

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete the worksheet on fractions/word problems this week to be returned by Friday 24th June.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Thursday 23rd June will continue focus on words ending in the suffix ‘-cious’:

Vicious, atrocious, ferocious, audacious, precious, auspicious, vivacious, unconscious

Please encourage your child to look any unknown words up in the dictionary or online as this will help them to use and apply these words in their writing.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 13.06.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 3:18pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Another fantastic week in Skylarks Class. We had a super day on Tuesday celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We have another exciting week ahead…


Next week (W.B. 13.06.22)


Friday 10th June: Whole School Sports Day starting at 1pm – Parents are invited to come along with their camping chairs and running shoes to support their children on the day. Please ensure your child wears their normal PE uniform (white t-shirt, black/navy shorts/leggings/joggers and suitable running shoes) on this day.

Tuesday 14th June: Year 5 Violin and Cello Concert – Parents are invited to join us in the school hall at 2.30pm to watch the children showcase their talents. Please ensure your child has their instrument in school on this day.

Friday 17th June: Party-wear costumes to be in school for the KS2 production please.


In English next week, we will use our research and plans to help write our own persuasive information text about landfill. We will be working to apply all of our learning from last half term, including using a formal tone, higher level conjunctions, fronted adverbials, a range of modal verbs, parenthesis and well-developed factual information.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our text ‘Pollution: A Look Behind the Scenes. Our focus will be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning, as well as inferring the thoughts and feelings of others.

In maths next week, we will be moving on to learn about decimals. We will begin by learning about the place value of decimals, focussing on how to read and write decimals up to two decimal places. We will then move on to look at converting between decimals and fractions. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In Science, we will continue our learning on ‘Earth and Space’. Next week we be looking at the sun, moon and planets and will focus on describing the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun and the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth.

In art we will continue to develop our drawing skills by learning how to draw realistic human faces in proportion and with different expressions. We will also begin to look at the sketching work of Leonardo da Vinci.

In RE, we will be introduced to the five pillars of Islam and will explore the meaning of community for Islamic people. We will also explore how Ramadan and Eid are celebrated.


Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete the worksheet on fractions this week to be returned by Friday 17th June.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 17th June will focus on words ending in the suffix ‘-cious’:

Spacious, pugnacious, luscious, suspicious, conscious, delicious, gracious, malicious


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x




Skylarks WB 06.06.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 11:30am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

I hope you have all had a restful and fun-filled half term. We can’t wait to welcome you back into school tomorrow for a day of Jubilee Celebrations.


This week (W.B. 06.06.22)



  • Tuesday 7th June: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Whole School Picnic.
  • Tuesday 7th June: Please remind children to bring their violin or cello to school on this day.
  • Friday 10th June: Whole School Sports Day starting at 1pm – Parents are invited to come along with their camping chairs and running shoes to support their children on the day. Please ensure your child wears their normal PE uniform (white t-shirt, black/navy shorts/leggings/joggers and suitable running shoes) on this day.
  • Tuesday 14th June: Year 5 Violin and Cello Concert – Parents are invited to join us in the school hall at 2.30pm to watch the children showcase their talents.


In English this week, we will be working hard to plan our own persuasive information text about landfill based on our book ‘The Paper Bag Prince’ by Colin Thompson. We will use our learning from last half term, as well as additional research to help us note and develop our ideas around the problems, benefits and alternative to landfill sites.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our text ‘Pollution: A Look Behind the Scenes. Our focus will be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. We will also recap inference questions, deciding how the author might feel about the topic, justifying our answers with evidence.

In maths, we will celebrate the Jubilee with an activity based around multiplying fractions. We will also celebrate our ‘Let’s Count’ day on Thursday with activities based around graphs and statistics, helping the children gain a better understanding of the Census; what it is and why it’s important. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In Science, we will start our new topic on ‘Earth and Space’. The children will first consider what they already know about the topic, before learning about the spherical shape of the sun, Earth and moon. We will look at scientific evidence that has been used to support and refute the idea that these bodies are spherical.

In Art we will be developing our drawing skills by using a variety of pencil grades to create texture. We will also learn how to draw bodies in proportion and from different perspectives.

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.


Homework and Spellings

There was no homework or spellings set over half term so there will be no quiz this Friday. New homework and spellings will be set on Friday 10th June for the week after.

Please do encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 16.05.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 3:49pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

It has been a beautiful sunny week in school and Skylarks Class have continued to work hard!


Next Week (W.B. 16.05.22)


Tuesday 17th May: Please remind children to bring their violin or cello to school on this day. They may bring them in on Monday to prevent forgetting on the day of our music lesson.

Wednesday 18th May: Skylarks will have an additional PE session on this day and so they should wear their PE kit to school.


In English next week, we will continue to explore our new book ‘The Paper Bag Prince’ by Colin Thompson. We will focus our week on letter writing using both informative and persuasive features. We will first plan and write a letter to the council informing them about the ‘Poison Pool’ and urging them to do something about it. We will also conduct research about landfill sites in the UK to help broaden our understanding of the problem.

In Shared Reading, we will read our new text ‘Pollution: A Look Behind the Scenes. Our focus will be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning

In maths, we will continue to solve problems involving adding and subtracting fractions. We will then move on to multiplying fractions, starting with unit fractions where the numerator is always 1. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In Science, we will continue to explore our topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about the changes which humans go through as they develop from a baby to old age. This fits in with our RSE curriculum which will be delivered mostly through our science lessons.

In history and geography, we will continue to explore our ‘Global Neighbours’ topic. This week, we will be learning courageous advocates from around the world. We will explore the questions: Who are they? Why are they courageous advocates?


Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete the worksheet on multiplying fractions this week to be returned by Friday 20th May.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 20th May will continue to focus on the suffixes -ant and -ance:

distant, relevance, assistance, substance, important, brilliant, tolerance, reluctant


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 09.05.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 8:01am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

What a great week we have had in Skylarks Class – it has been lovely to hear the children singing so beautifully whilst learning our songs for the Northwich Sings Festival taking place at the end of June.


Next Week (W.B. 09.05.22)


Tuesday 10th May: Please remind children to bring their violin or cello to school on this day. They may bring them in on Monday to prevent forgetting on the day of our music lesson.

Wednesday 11th May: Skylarks will have an additional PE session on this day and so they should wear their PE kit to school.

Friday 13th May: Skylarks Class will attend Church with Years 4 and 6.


In English next week, we will continue to explore our new book ‘The Paper Bag Prince’ by Colin Thompson. We will begin the week by learning about Modal Verbs and writing sentences to describe the poison pool using modal verbs to indicate degrees of possibility. We will then build on this learning throughout the week to create a paragraph about the Poison Pool using modal verbs and fronted adverbials to aid cohesion.

In Shared Reading, we will read the first chapter of ‘The Last Wild’ by Piers Torday. Our focus will be on drawing inferences, including characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives. We will use our ‘visualising’ and ‘thinking out loud’ techniques to help us draw inferences and justify our answers.

In maths, we will continue to look at adding and subtracting fractions. The children are now confident performing these calculations and so we are focusing on lots of reasoning and problem solving questions to help deepen our understanding. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In Science, we will continue to explore our new topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about the changes which humans go through as they develop from a baby to old age. This fits in with our RSE curriculum which will be delivered mostly through our science lessons.

In history and geography, we will continue to explore our ‘Global Neighbours’ topic. We will be looking at the examples of Chester and Stockholm to see how cities around the world are already making steps to become more sustainable.

In RE, we will conclude our learning on forgiveness by writing a diary entry from a Christian point of view explaining their beliefs around forgiveness and justice, making links to the bible verses we have studied.


Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete the worksheet on adding and subtracting fractions this week to be returned by Friday 13th May.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 13th May will focus on the suffixes -ant and -ance:

Hesitant, elegance, defiant, observant, tolerant, expectance, distance, instance


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? 

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 02.05.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:58pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Another fantastic week for Skylarks Class! The children have worked so hard to write and edit their biographies about Chris Hadfield this week and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them. Well done everyone!


Next Week (W.B. 02.05.22)

Reminder: School will be closed on Monday for May Bank Holiday.

In English, we will begin our new unit of work based on the book ‘The Paper Bag Prince’ by Colin Thompson. During our first few lessons, we will explore the theme of plastic in the ocean, discussing and debating our thoughts and feelings. We will also begin to compare and contrast the different settings in the story, with the aim of writing a setting description using adverbial phrases for cohesion.

In Shared Reading, we will begin to read our new class text ‘Pollution: A Look Behind the Scenes’. Our focus next week will be on drawing inferences, including characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives. We will use our ‘visualising’ and ‘thinking out loud’ techniques to help us draw inferences and justify our answers.

In maths, we will be looking at subtracting fractions with different denominators, including mixed numbers. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE, we will continue to explore our theme ‘forgiveness’. We will read from the book of Corinthians (2:5-11) and explore the following questions: What can Christians learn from this passage? What does it teach them about God and forgiveness?

In Science, we will begin to explore our new topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. Next week, we will be looking at the changes which humans go through as they develop from a baby to old age. This fits in with our RSE curriculum which will be delivered mostly through our science lessons.


Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete the worksheet on adding and subtracting fractions (including mixed numbers) this week to be returned by Friday 6th May.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 6th May will be the next 10 words from the Year 5/6 statutory spelling list:

prejudice, privilege, profession, programme, pronunciation, queue, recognise, recommend, relevant, rhyme

Please remember these words are a lot more difficult than our spellings that follow a specific rule. If your child is finding them tricky at home, please choose 5 to focus on.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 25.04.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 8:10am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Skylarks have had a fantastic first week back after Easter. The children have worked very hard, particularly in our tricky work on fractions.  I am really looking forward to all of our exciting learning planned for the summer term.


Next Week (W.B. 25.04.22)

In English, we will be using our research on Chris Hadfield to help us plan and write an autobiography. We will apply our knowledge of adverbials, relative clauses and parenthesis to make our writing cohesive and engaging.

In Shared Reading, we will finish reading our text ‘Exploring Space’. Our focus will continue to be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.

In maths, we will continue our learning on adding and subtracting fractions. We will be looking at trickier problem-solving questions involving different denominators and will use our knowledge of improper fractions and mixed numbers to convert our answers. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE, we will continue to explore our theme ‘forgiveness’. We will read two verses from the books of Matthew and Luke and will compare what Jesus says in each. We will then use drama to show how the Pharisees acted and how they should have acted instead, taking account of Jesus’ teachings.

During our history and geography day, we will continue with our whole school ‘Global Neighbours’ project where Skylarks Class will explore Global Goal number 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’. Next week we will focus our learning on land use and environmental inventions which have been created to help make the world a more sustainable place.

In Science, we will be concluding our learning on living things by comparing the living things found in our local environment and comparing them with other plants and animals around the world. We will also learn about the 19th century Botanist ‘Joseph Banks’.

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete the worksheet on adding and subtracting fractions this week to be returned by Friday 29th April. The answers for this homework will be available in school so that the children can mark their work.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 29th April will continue to focus on the ‘ee’ sound spelt ‘ei’:

either, deceit, ceiling, receipt, deceiving, seizure, received, perceive


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 18.04.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 8:03am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

What a fantastic Spring term we have had in Skylarks Class. I am so proud of the hard work and dedication that the children have shown. We have loved learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, exploring the life cycles of various animals and plants, and learning all about the ISS and Chris Hadfield in our English lessons. I can’t wait to see where our learning takes us in the Summer term.

happy easter.jpg


After Half Term (W.B. 18.04.22)

School will return as normal on Tuesday 19th April 2022. Please remind your child to bring in their instrument on this day for our music lesson.

There will be a Cake Sale after school on Wednesday 20th April – KS2 classes to bring in cakes please.


In English, we will be recapping the key events in our book ‘The Darkest Dark’ by Chris Hadfield. We will then spend the week planning, writing and editing our final piece; a formal biography about Chris Hadfield.

In Shared Reading, we will finish reading our text ‘Exploring Space’. Our focus will continue to be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.

In maths, we will continue our learning on fractions. We will be focusing specifically on adding and subtraction fractions with different denominators. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

During our history and geography day, we will continue with our whole school ‘Global Neighbours’ project where Skylarks Class will explore Global Goal number 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’. During the first week back, we will be exploring the questions ‘What are natural resources?’, ‘Why are they running out?’ and ‘How can we be more sustainable?’

In Science, we recap how flowering plants reproduce through sexual reproduction before moving on to learn about asexual reproduction in plants. We will explore how plants can reproduce using runners, tubers, bulbs and cuttings

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



There will be no maths homework or spellings to learn over the Easter holidays. We will set new spellings and homework during the first week back, ready to be handed in WB 25.04.22.

Please do encourage your child to do a little bit of reading each day over the holidays. A magazine, newspaper or even a menu is a great way to encourage this.

The following websites are also great for times tables practice:




Have a wonderful half term everyone – Let’s keep our fingers crossed for some sunshine!

Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 21.03.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 4:18pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Skylarks have had another super week of learning this week. The children were super stars on our trip to Tatton Hall and learnt so much new knowledge.


Next Week (W.B. 21.03.22)

In English, we will be continuing with our book ‘The Darkest Dark’ by Chris Hadfield. We will be focussing on writing a recount of Chris’ ‘strange night’ using our timelines from this week. In our writing, we will be using adverbials of time, place and number to link across paragraphs. We will also be carrying out our own research about the first moon landing using a variety of sources, including videos and non-fiction texts.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our text ‘Exploring Space’. Our focus will continue to be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.

In maths, we will continue our learning on fractions. Will be consolidating our understanding of equivalents, improper and mixed number fractions and will apply this knowledge in comparison questions.

In RE, we will continue to explore what Jesus teaches people about forgiveness. We will be learning about the difference between forgiveness and justice and will debate the question: ‘Can forgiveness and Justice go hand in hand?’

During our history and geography day, we will continue with our whole school ‘Global Neighbours’ project where Skylarks Class will explore Global Goal number 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’. Next week we will be thinking about the human impact on geographical features. We will explore both the positive and negative impact that humans have on the world.

In Science, we will be focusing on plants and how they reproduce. We will learn new vocabulary such as ‘fertilisation’, ‘pollination’ and ‘asexual reproduction’.

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Thursday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 29 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 25th March.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 25th March will be the next 10 words from the Year 5/6 statutory word list:

muscle, necessary, neighbour, nuisance, occupy, occur, opportunity, parliament, persuade, physical


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 14.3.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 10:11pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Skylarks have had another super week of learning this week. It has been particularly wonderful to see the children bring all of their history and geography learning together to design a new civilisation, taking human and physical features from each of the civilisations we have learnt about.



Skylarks Trip: We can’t wait to visit Tatton Old Hall on Friday 11th March for our Viking and Anglo-Saxon living history day. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform, sensible shoes and has a warm, waterproof coat. Packed lunches must be in a disposable plastic bag clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children should arrive into school promptly at 8.30am.


Next Week (W.B. 14.03.22)

In English, we will be starting our new book ‘The Darkest Dark’ by Chris Hadfield. We will be using noun phrases and relative clause sentences to help us write a setting description and a description of Chris Hadfield and his early life.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our text ‘Exploring Space’. Our focus will be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. We will be learning about the difference between fact and opinion and identifying examples of each within the text.

In maths, we will be learning all about fractions. We will explore equivalent fractions and will also learn how to convert between improper and mixed number fractions. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE, we will be exploring what Jesus teaches people about forgiveness in two different bible verses from the book of Matthew. Children will be encouraged to think about whether the advice given by Jesus should still be followed today.

During our history and geography day, we will begin our whole school ‘Global Neighbours’ project where Skylarks Class will explore Global Goal number 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’.

Next week is also British Science Week and this year’s theme is ‘growth’. Linking with our topic work, we will carry out various activities which explore the concept of sustainability. We will learn about where our energy comes from and how we can become more sustainable global neighbours.

Our PE day this term is on Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 28 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 18th March. This homework is looking at equivalent fractions.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 18th March will continue to focus on words ending in the suffix -ence:

innocence, difference, influence, violence, conference, experience, obedience, patience


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 07.03.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 11:21pm


Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?


What a super week back we have had in Skylarks Class. It was fantastic to see so many of the children dress up for World Book Day. We had a fun-filled day sharing our favourite stories, hearing from an author and performing our own poem for Starlings class!



Parents Evening: Parent phone calls for Skylarks class will take place on Tuesday 8th March between 8.30am and 12pm. Face to face appointments will take place after school on Tuesday 8th March and Wednesday 9th March. If you have not yet booked your time slot, please contact the school office.

Skylarks Trip: We can’t wait to visit Tatton Old Hall on Friday 11th March for our Viking and Anglo-Saxon living history day. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform, sensible shoes and has a warm, waterproof coat. Packed lunches must be in a disposable plastic bag clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children should arrive into school promptly at 8.30am.


Next Week (W.B. 07.03.22)

In English, the children will be continuing their learning on performance poetry with Miss Wilson. They will be using their plans to write their own free verse poem on the theme of refugees. Children will apply all of their learning on the features and structure of poems.

In Shared Reading, we will be starting our new text ‘Exploring Space’. Our focus will be on identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.

In maths, we will be consolidating and applying our knowledge of written methods of multiplication and division to help us solve tricky problems. We will then be moving on to learn about fractions, in particular equivalent fractions. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

During our history and geography day, we will recap the chronology of the different civilisations we have studied over the past 3 years, such as the Stone/Bronze/Iron Age, Shang Dynasty, Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Children will then compare these civilisations and explain which they would prefer to live in, using their understanding of these time periods to justify their answer.

In art, we will continue to study the Viking Jelling style of artwork. We will be applying our learning on sketching to produce a final piece of artwork inspired by this style. We will then self and peer assess to evaluate our work.

Our PE day next week will be on Wednesday due to our trip on Friday. yYour child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 26 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 11th March. This homework is looking at problem solving using written multiplication and division.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Thursday 10th March will focus on words ending in the suffix -ence:

Absence, evidence, independence, intelligence, silence, confidence, competence, magnificent


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?


Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 14.2.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 4:09pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?


What a super week we have had this week. I have particularly loved watching the children plan their own myths this week. It is clear they have thoroughly enjoyed our books inspired by Norse mythology this half term and they have really taken on board all of our learning. I already can’t wait to read our final stories next week.


Next Week (W.B. 14.02.22)

In English, we will be using our story plans to write our own myths which must include superhuman characters, appropriate settings and exciting quests. We will be aiming to apply all of our learning from this half term on relative clause sentences, using commas accurately and using dialogue to move the story along.

In Shared Reading, we will finish reading our book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’ which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. Our focus next week will continue to be on making comparisons within the text. Will Odd manage to save Asgard from the Frost Giants?

In maths, we will continue to focus on written methods of multiplication. We will look specifically at the column method to multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.  We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE we will continue with our humanism topic. We will be using all of new knowledge about humanism to help us decide how a humanist might react and what they might say in different scenarios.  

In science we will continue to work on our science topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. We will recap our learning from last week on the life cycle of a butterfly, before moving on to look at the life cycle of a frog. We will then use a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences between insects and amphibians.  

During our topic day we will be extending our knowledge past the Anglo Saxon era and will be considering what happened when the Vikings invaded Britain. We will learn about the Viking raids, Danelaw and Danegeld.


Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 24 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 18th February. This homework is looking at written multiplication. Children are familiar with the column method which we use in school.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Thursday 17th February will be the next 10 words from the Y5/6 statutory word list:

Identity, immediately, individual, interfere, interrupt, language, leisure, lightning, marvellous, mischievous


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 07.02.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 4:33pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ? 

We have had a great week in Skylarks Class. It has been wonderful to see the children so engaged in their learning, especially during our work on the Anglo Saxons. The children worked so beautifully together to research our enquiry question ‘How did the Anglo Saxons change Britain’s identity?’


Next Week (W.B. 7.02.22)

In English, we will be planning our own myths based on our book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We will use what we have read to plan our own heroes, villains, settings and quests before sequencing the main events in our own innovative plots. We will be using everything we have learnt this half term to help us with the planning process.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’. Our focus next week will continue to be on drawing inferences and making comparisons within the text. We will use our inference skills to decide how characters feel before comparing these feelings to those of different characters. 

In maths, we will be looking at written methods of multiplication. We will be learning how to use the grid method as well as the column method to multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.  We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE we will continue with our humanism topic. We will be thinking about the different celebrations that humanists hold throughout the year, focussing specifically on humanist naming ceremonies.

In science we will be thinking about our science topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. We will be looking at the life cycles of amphibians and insects, before using a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences between these groups.

During our topic day we will continue to develop our understanding of the Anglo-Saxon era. We will be investigating the ancient Anglo Saxon burial site Sutton Hoo and the artefacts that were found here. We will ask and answer our own questions to help us understand what we can learn from these artefacts left behind.


Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 25 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 11th February. This homework is looking at written division. Children are familiar with using the bus stop method which we use in school.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 11th February will continue to look at words ending in the suffix –ent:

Urgent, dependent, obedient, violent, silent, innocent, frequent, ancient


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 31.01.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 6:41pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

Another super week for Skylarks class! The children have worked exceptionally hard in their writing lessons this week and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading their recounts. We also had a super topic day where the children were immersed into life as an Anglo-Saxon. We can’t wait to learn more!


Next Week (W.B. 31.01.22)

In English, we will finish reading our book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We will use what we have read to summarise the key events and create a timeline to show these. We will also spend time investigating the features of the story, such as using varied openers, dialogue, paragraphs and creating superhuman characters with magic objects. This will then help us plan and write our own myth over the coming weeks.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’. Our focus next week will be on drawing inferences and making comparisons within the text. We will use our inference skills to decide how characters feel before comparing these feelings to those of different characters.  

In maths, we will continue to work on finding the area of shapes, in particular compound shapes. We will also solve some tricky investigation style questions which will require the children to apply their knowledge of both area and perimeter. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE we will continue with our humanism topic. This week we will be exploring the key ingredient for happiness according to the humanist viewpoint.  

In science we will be thinking about our new science topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. We will begin to look at life cycles, comparing the differences in the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. We will also compare the life cycles of animals in our own local environment with other animals around the world, suggesting reasons for similarities and differences.

During our topic day we will continue to develop our understanding of the Anglo-Saxon era. We will use a range of sources, such as books, the internet and artefacts to help us build knowledge?and understanding of the?Anglo Saxon?era and the impact it had on the British way of life.


Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 50 and 51 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 4th February. This homework is looking at area which we have been learning how to calculate this week in school.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 4th February will be words ending in the suffix –ent:

Confident, absent, different, patient, magnificent, efficient, decent, intelligent


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 24.01.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 10:15pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

What a busy week we have had in Skylarks class! This week we have been super story tellers, magnificent mathematicians and amazing artists. My highlight of the week has most definitely been seeing the children’s superb art work inspired by Monet and Turner. Well done everyone!


Next Week (W.B. 24.01.22)

In English, we will further explore our new book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We will start by using our story maps created last week to help us write a recount of Arthur’s journey across the sea to Valhalla. We will also be looking at how we can use adverbials to introduce new ideas and connect sentences/paragraphs.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’ which the children are thoroughly enjoying. Our focus next week will be on making comparisons within the text. We will compare and contrast the viewpoints of different characters, as well as how characters change throughout the book.

In maths, we will be exploring how to calculate, compare and estimate the area of different shapes, included irregular shapes. We will look at the multiplication method as well as counting squares to help us. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE we will continue with our humanism topic. Our focus will be on the humanist view on why humans are special. We will explore the theme of curiosity which is a key strand in humanism.

In science we will be thinking about our new science topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. We will start our topic by researching David Attenborough and the work that he has done.

During our topic day we will start by placing the Anglo Saxon and Viking era on a timeline so that we can compare this to other periods of time that we have studied, such as the Romans. We will also play a Saxon Settlement game to help us understand where they came from and to, before locating and labelling these places on a map.

In DT, we will use what we learnt during our tinkering day to design our own mechanical system that uses a level and a pulley. It must help us answer the question “How did people in the past move things?”


Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 23 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 28th January. This homework is looking at mental multiplication and division.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 28th January will be the next 10 words from the Y5/6 statutory word list:

existence, explanation, familiar, foreign, forty, frequently, government, guarantee, harass, hindrance


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 17.01.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 8:17am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

We have had a super week of learning in Skylarks Class and I have been very impressed with how the children have settled back into our school routines. Well done Skylarks!


Next Week (W.B. 17.01.22)

In English, we will further explore our new book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. As we read through the story, we will collect and innovate noun phrases to describe the characters, animals and setting. We will then use these noun phrases to help us write a poem about the Norse world. We will also do some work around summarising and create a story map to show what the character Arthur encountered on his journey to Valhalla.

In Shared Reading, we will continue to read our book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’. Our focus will be on drawing inferences, such as characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives. We will also be focussing on developing our vocabulary and will use dictionaries to explore the meaning of new words in context.

In maths, we will be exploring how to measure and calculate the perimeter of both regular and irregular shapes. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In science we will be thinking about our new science topic ‘Animals, including Humans’. We will start the topic by considering what we already know about the changes humans go through as they develop to old age. We will also ask some questions which we aim to answer over the coming weeks.

During our topic day we will focus on our Design and Technology project on leavers and pulley mechanisms. This will link with our learning on the local area and Anderton Boat Lift, which uses huge pulleys to make it work. We will have a tinkering session where we will explore these different mechanisms and how they work.

We will also have an art day next week where we will be exploring the colours and techniques used by Monet and Turner. We will then use these techniques to create a piece of inspired artwork.


Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 21 and 22 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 21st January. This homework is looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.  


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 21st January will focus on words containing the -ibly suffix:

incredibly, responsibly, possibly, horribly, terribly, visibly, sensibly, accessibly


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 10.01.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 10:02am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. It has been so lovely to welcome the children back into school this week.

This week we have started our new book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd-Stanton in our English lessons. We started by asking questions about the book and building new vocabulary about the ancient Norse world and the Gods.

In maths we have been learning about square and cube numbers, as well as revisiting the four operations.

During our topic day, we consolidated our understanding of our local area before comparing and contrasting Northwich with Llandudno. We looked at the human and physical features of each town before making comparisons between the two using a Venn Diagram.

In Science, we finished our Materials topic with a study into the Scientist ‘Spencer Silver’. Ask your Skylark what he discovered and why he is important!

In RE, we began to think about our new theme ‘Humanism’. We started our topic by asking our own questions about Humanism which we aim to answer through our learning this half term.

The children also enjoyed completing their computing projects about how computers impact our lives. We added to our Key Note presentations after finding out more about the advancements of robots around the world and how social media is developing.


Important Reminders:

Parents Evening Phone Calls:

Parents evening phone calls for Skylarks Class will take place next week on Tuesday 11th January 2022. You will recieve more information soon about how to book your time slot through School Spider. 


Next Thursday (13th January) will be the final swimming session for Skylarks Class. Some children may continue to attend alongside Year 4, however you will be contacted separately if this includes your child.


Next Week (W.B. 10.01.22)

In English, we will further explore our new book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We will start the week by exploring the family tree of the Norse Gods before writing character profiles using relative clauses. We will also focus on developing our vocabulary next week, creating a glossary of new words and definitions.

In Shared Reading, we will start our new book ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’. Like our writing book, this story also focuses on the ancient Norse world ‘Asgard’. Our focus will be on drawing inferences, such as characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives. We will use our ‘visualising’ and ‘thinking out loud’ techniques to help us infer information stated and implied, justifying our answers with evidence from the text.

In Maths we will be revising inverse operations and how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-A-Day activities.

In RE we will continue to explore our topic on ‘Humanism’. We will read the book ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers to help us understand what Humanism is and the 5 main themes/beliefs.


Our PE day for the Spring Term will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.

We will also be having our final swimming session next week (Thursday 13th January 2022) so the children should come to school in their PE kit on this day as well.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 16 and 17 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 14th January. This homework is looking at square and cube numbers.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 14th January will focus on words containing the -ably suffix:

Understandably, suitably, miserably, comfortably, adorably, reasonably, considerably, predictably


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Skylarks WB 13.12.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 6:24pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

What a fantastic week we have had in Skylarks Class. The children have worked so hard on both their final pieces of writing and end of term assessments this week and we are so proud of them!!

Looking ahead to our final week of the term, we have lots of festive fun planned to say thank you for working so hard.


Next Week (W.B. 13.12.21)

In maths we will be applying our knowledge of written methods of addition and subtraction by solving tricky multi-step problems. We will use our reasoning skills to explain our methods and answers.

In our shared reading lessons, we will be finishing our book ‘Hansel and Gretel’. We will be looking specifically at the language the author uses to create a tense atmosphere.

In our RE lesson we will be reflecting on our ‘Incarnation’ topic. We will consider all of the titles given to Jesus in the bible, before answering the big question, ‘Why are these titles given to Jesus and are they helpful for Christians?’

In Art we will continue our work on colour. In our lesson we will explore the colour wheel and create our own tints, tones and shades of each hue on the wheel.

In RSE we will be exploring relationships. We will be learning about marriage in the UK and the laws surrounding this. We will also use drama techniques to help us understand what marriage vows are.

Unfortunately, swimming is cancelled this week (W.B. 13.12.21).


Please see below for details on all of the Christmas events we will be holding next week:


Monday 13th December 

Christingle – every child will make a Christingle and then take part in a service recorded by Vicar Andrew.  

Tuesday 14th December  

All children to enjoy a pantomime online with treats! 

Wednesday 15th December 

Christmas lunch and Christmas Jumper Day – we kindly ask a donation for St Luke’s hospice, children to come into school wearing a Christmas jumper or outfit (their own Christmas clothes).   

KS2 children will need to pay of a school lunch in the normal way. 

We will also hold the Christmas Fair for the children on this day. 

Thursday 16th December 

Whole School Church Service – led by Mr Cliff via zoom for all the children in the school. 

Friday 17th December 

School closes at 1pm, no Fun Foxes after school. Non uniform day just for fun! Party lunch for all the children and every class will have a Christmas party!   




In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 19 and 20 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 17th December. This homework is looking at factors and prime numbers.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 17th December will be the next 10 words from the Y5/6 statutory word list:

determined, develop, dictionary, disastrous, embarrass, environment, equipment, especially, exaggerate, excellent

Please remember that the words from the Y5/6 list are trickier than our spellings which follow a specific spelling rule. If your child is finding them really difficult, encourage them to focus on just 5 words to learn rather than all 10 ?


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x




Skylarks WB 6.12.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 4:00pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

happy december.jpg

Can you believe it is December already and the Autumn term is nearly over?

What a brilliant week we have had again in Skylarks Class. Thank you for always showing such enthusiasm and engagement in our lessons. Mrs Judge and I have been so proud of your wonderful writing and super maths work this week.

Thank you to all of our wonderful Skylarks who are working so hard at home as well. We are very proud of you and can’t wait to have you back in school soon!


Next Week (W.B. 6.12.21)

In our English lessons next week, we will be planning and writing our very own versions of ‘The Lost Happy Endings’. We will focus on giving detailed descriptions of both the setting and characters using figurative language, as well as how we can use speech to move the story along. I am already very excited to read our wonderful stories!

In maths we will continue to explore multiples, factors and prime numbers. We will also use our problem-solving skills to help us solve tricky questions around mental addition and subtraction. As always, we will continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In our reading lessons, we will read more of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and will continue to focus on the author’s language choice. We will analyse the vocabulary used, including figurative language, thinking about the effect it has on the reader.

In science we will be learning about reversible and irreversible changes. We will explore what happens to different materials when they melt, freeze, dissolve, evaporate, burn and rust.

In art we will explore the work of Monet Turner who will inspire our next piece of artwork. We will develop our knowledge of colour using hue, tint, tone and shade to create mood and atmosphere.


Our PE day this week will be Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.

Unfortunately, swimming is cancelled this week (W.B. 6.12.21).



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete page 18 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 10th December. This homework is looking at multiples.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 10th December will continue to focus on words containing silent letter T:

nestle, wrestle, thistle, jostle, whistle, Christmas, listener, glistening


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x










Skylarks WB 29.11.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 6:19pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?


We have had another super week of learning in Skylarks Class. The children have made myself and Mrs Judge very proud with their hard work and dedication to their learning.  

Thank you to all of our wonderful Skylarks who are working so hard at home as well. We are very proud of you!


Next Week (W.B. 29.11.21)

In our English lessons next week, we will continue to explore our book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray. During our lessons, we will be looking more closely at the characterisation of different characters. We will be focusing on how we can integrate dialogue into our writing to develop characterisation and advance the action.

In maths we will be starting to explore multiplication by learning about multiples, factors and prime numbers. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In science we will be recapping and reflecting on our learning from our ‘materials’ unit of work. We will think about the new knowledge we have acquired and will consider whether the questions we asked at the beginning of the year have now been answered through our investigations.

During our topic day, we will continue to work on our information leaflets about the Lion Salt Works. We will look at the process of making salt, the importance of the salt works and the effect the salt industry had on Northwich.

Our PE days this week will be Tuesday and Friday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. On Thursday your child will also need to have their swimming costume and towel in a plastic bag.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 64 and 65 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 3rd December. This homework is looking shape.  


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 3rd December will focus on words containing silent letter T:

fasten, listen, glisten, soften, castle, rustle, hustle, bustle


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x




Skylarks WB 22.11.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 8:39am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

We have had another super week of learning in Skylarks Class. The children have loved using their learning from our trip to the Lion Salt Works in their topic and science lessons. Our rehearsals for the Christmas play are also well underway and we can’t wait to show you what we have been practicing.



  • Christmas Play Costumes - Our class will perform a party scene dance so your child will need to wear party clothes (e.g. a colourful t-shirt and jeans/legging, a dress, sparkly shoes, etc.). Please do not go out and buy anything new for our performance, any type of party wear your child already owns will be perfect. We would like these costumes to be in school for Monday 29th November 2021.


Next Week (W.B. 22.11.21)

In our English lessons next week, we will continue to explore our book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray. We will be exploring characters more closely by completing a Venn diagram to compare the appearance and personality traits of 3 characters, before role-playing and writing out a conversation between these characters using inverted commas.

In our reading lessons next week, we will continue to explore our shared reading text ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman and Lorenzo Mattotti. We will be focussing on evaluating the authors’ language choice, including figurative language. This will link nicely with our writing lessons where we have been learning all about personification, similes, metaphors and alliteration.

In maths we will continue to look at line graphs. We will look again at how to draw our own line graphs and will work collaboratively with our peers to solve reasoning and problem-solving questions about statistics. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In RE we will continue to explore the titles given to Jesus at Christmas time. This week we will look at the titles ‘The Word’ and ‘Light’ and will explore what we think these titles might mean.

During our topic day, we will continue to work on our information leaflets about the Lion Salt Works. We will look at the process of making salt, the importance of the salt works and the effect the salt industry had on Northwich.

Our PE days for the Autumn will continue to be Thursday (Swimming) and Friday (Athletics) so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. On Thursday your child will also need to have their swimming costume and towel in a plastic bag.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 70 and 71 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 26th November. This homework is looking interpreting and drawing line graphs.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 26th November will be the next 10 words in the Year 5/6 word list:

Competition, conscience, conscious, controversy, convenience, correspond, criticise, curiosity, definite, desperate


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x






Skylarks WB 15.11.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 7:39am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

We have had another super week of learning in Skylarks Class. The children represented our school so wonderfully during our visit to the Lion Salt Works and learnt an abundance of new knowledge. I’m sure you have heard all about our trip from your child, but you can also see lots of photos from the day on our school Twitter @LostockGralamPr



  • Christmas Play Costumes - Our class will perform a party scene dance so your child will need to wear party clothes (e.g. a colourful t-shirt and jeans/legging, a dress, sparkly shoes, etc.). Please do not go out and buy anything new for our performance, any type of party wear your child already owns will be perfect. We would like these costumes to be in school for Monday 29th November 2021.


Next Week (W.B. 15.11.21)

In our English lessons next week, we will continue to explore our book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray. We will be focusing most of our learning around building characterisation. We will look at how difference language devices (e.g. similes, alliteration, metaphors) and speech can help to develop our characters within stories. We will also look at using figurative language devices in a winter poem. 

In our reading lessons next week, we will continue to explore our shared reading text ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman and Lorenzo Mattotti. We will be focussing on identifying the themes and conventions in the story. We will be discussing the reoccurring themes and the ‘must-have’ characteristics of this type of story.

In maths we will be looking at line graphs. We will begin by learning how to read line graphs, before moving on to drawing our own. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In science, the children will investigate which processes are most effective for separating materials. We will use filtering, sieving, evaporating and magnetic attraction to separate different mixtures and solutions. This will link nicely to our work carried out at the Lion Salt Works on Tuesday.

During our topic day, we will use our learning from the Lion Salt Works to help us produce an information leaflet about the process of pumping brine and extracting salt, the importance of the salt works and the effect the salt industry had on Northwich.

Our PE days for the Autumn will continue to be Thursday (Swimming) and Friday (Athletics) so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. On Thursday your child will also need to have their swimming costume and towel in a plastic bag.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 48 and 49 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 19th November. This homework is looking finding the perimeter of shapes.  


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 19th November will continue to focus on words containing the suffix -able:

adaptable, predictable, knowledgeable, beatable, comfortable, reasonable, available, fashionable, miserable, believable

Please encourage your child to learn the root word before adding the -able suffix.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x





Skylarks WB 8.11.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:55am

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog ?

I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term. Skylarks have come back with such enthusiasm and have had a fantastic few days of learning!



  • Lion Salt Works Trip – Skylarks Class will visit the Lion Salt Works on Tuesday 9th November 2021. Please give your consent and pay using school gateway. Children should come to school in their full uniform (including a waterproof coat) and bring their packed lunch with them in a named plastic bag.
  • Christmas Play Costumes - Our class will perform a party scene dance so your child will need to wear party clothes (e.g. a colourful t-shirt and jeans/legging, a dress, sparkly shoes, etc.). Please do not go out and buy anything new for our performance, any type of party wear your child already owns will be perfect. We would like these costumes to be in school for Monday 29th November 2021.


Next Week (W.B. 8.11.21)

In our English lessons next week, we will continue to explore our new book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray. We will be recapping our learning on expanded noun phrases and will use these to help us write a short 100-word story about the main character Jub, as well as a character description of the witch. 

In our reading lessons next week, we will explore our new shared reading text ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman and Lorenzo Mattotti. We will be focussing on vocabulary and will evaluate the author’s choice of language, including the use of figurative language.

In maths we will be moving onto our new topic looking at graphs and tables. We will begin by learning how to interpret tables, before moving on to look at more complex two-way tables. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In RE we will continue our learning on our new topic on ‘incarnation’. We recap the different titles given to Jesus at Christmas time that we learnt about last week, before digging deeper into the title ‘Emmanuel’. We will discuss and research what this title means and present our findings in a pic-collage using our IT skills.


Our PE days for the Autumn will continue to be Thursday (Swimming) and Friday (Athletics) so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. On Thursday your child will also need to have their swimming costume and towel in a plastic bag.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime for your child to ask any questions or receive some support to complete their homework.

The children should complete pages 14 and 15 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 12th November. This homework is looking mental addition and subtraction, as well as using rounding to check answers.

Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 12th November will focus on words containing the suffix -able:

understandable, breakable, suitable, enjoyable, noticeable, changeable, adorable, reliable, enviable, bearable

Please encourage your child to learn the root word before adding the -able suffix.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x


Skylarks WB 1.11.21, by Miss Beattie

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 5:41pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks final blog of the half term ?

Can you believe it is half term already? And what a super half term it has been! I am so proud of each and every Skylark and everything that we have achieved during our first half term in Year 5.



  • Inset Day - School is closed for an INSET day on Monday 1st November 2021.
  • Lion Salt Works Trip – Skylarks Class will visit the Lion Salt Works on Tuesday 9th November 2021. Please give your consent and pay using school gateway.
  • Christmas Play Costumes - Our class will perform a party scene dance so your child will need to wear party clothes (e.g. a colourful t-shirt and jeans/legging, a dress, sparkly shoes, etc.). Please do not go out and buy anything new for our performance, any type of party wear your child already owns will be perfect. We would like these costumes to be in school for Monday 29th November 2021.


After half term (W.B. 1.11.21)

In our English lessons after half term, we will begin to explore our new book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray. We will explore the book page by page, asking relevant questions, making predictions and identifying characters, themes and conventions.

In maths we consolidate our understanding of addition and subtraction by using both mental and written methods to reason and problem solve. We will also have an active maths day on Thursday 4th November where will explore aspects of shape and measure through hands-on, practical exploration.

In science we will continue our learning on soluble and insoluble materials. The children will carry out their fair tests exploring dissolving which they planned before half term. In groups, they children will have to chose an appropriate way to record and present their findings.

In RE we will start our new topic on ‘incarnation’. We will begin by exploring the different titles given to people today, before comparing these to the titles given to Jesus at Christmas time.

During our topic day we will continue to look at our Year 5 theme of ‘Identity’. We will begin by recapping human and physical features, before going on a walk of our school grounds to identify some of these features in our local area. We will then use our knowledge of 6 figure grid references to help us draw a sketch map of our school grounds. In the afternoon we will further consolidate our understanding of 6 figure grid references by identifying the features of Northwich on an Ordinance Survey map.

We will also have a computing day on Friday 5th November 2021 where we will continue to work on our Keynote presentations about how computers impact our lives. We will look at the history of games and how they have developed over the decades.


Our PE days for the Autumn will continue to be Thursday (Swimming) and Friday (Athletics) so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. On Thursday your child will also need to have their swimming costume and towel in a plastic bag.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? Have a lovely half term everyone!

Miss Beattie x

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