Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Skylarks WB 1.11.21

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 5:41pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks final blog of the half term ?

Can you believe it is half term already? And what a super half term it has been! I am so proud of each and every Skylark and everything that we have achieved during our first half term in Year 5.



  • Inset Day - School is closed for an INSET day on Monday 1st November 2021.
  • Lion Salt Works Trip – Skylarks Class will visit the Lion Salt Works on Tuesday 9th November 2021. Please give your consent and pay using school gateway.
  • Christmas Play Costumes - Our class will perform a party scene dance so your child will need to wear party clothes (e.g. a colourful t-shirt and jeans/legging, a dress, sparkly shoes, etc.). Please do not go out and buy anything new for our performance, any type of party wear your child already owns will be perfect. We would like these costumes to be in school for Monday 29th November 2021.


After half term (W.B. 1.11.21)

In our English lessons after half term, we will begin to explore our new book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray. We will explore the book page by page, asking relevant questions, making predictions and identifying characters, themes and conventions.

In maths we consolidate our understanding of addition and subtraction by using both mental and written methods to reason and problem solve. We will also have an active maths day on Thursday 4th November where will explore aspects of shape and measure through hands-on, practical exploration.

In science we will continue our learning on soluble and insoluble materials. The children will carry out their fair tests exploring dissolving which they planned before half term. In groups, they children will have to chose an appropriate way to record and present their findings.

In RE we will start our new topic on ‘incarnation’. We will begin by exploring the different titles given to people today, before comparing these to the titles given to Jesus at Christmas time.

During our topic day we will continue to look at our Year 5 theme of ‘Identity’. We will begin by recapping human and physical features, before going on a walk of our school grounds to identify some of these features in our local area. We will then use our knowledge of 6 figure grid references to help us draw a sketch map of our school grounds. In the afternoon we will further consolidate our understanding of 6 figure grid references by identifying the features of Northwich on an Ordinance Survey map.

We will also have a computing day on Friday 5th November 2021 where we will continue to work on our Keynote presentations about how computers impact our lives. We will look at the history of games and how they have developed over the decades.


Our PE days for the Autumn will continue to be Thursday (Swimming) and Friday (Athletics) so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue. On Thursday your child will also need to have their swimming costume and towel in a plastic bag.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? Have a lovely half term everyone!

Miss Beattie x

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