Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows: Blog items

Y2 03.04.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 10:06am

Buenas Dias Swallows

Happy Friday! Have a rest from doing any work over the weekend and relax. I think that the weather is going to be nicer on Sunday so hopefully we can all get outside. My boys have asked for us to have a BBQ! I'm not sure it is warm eough for that yet! It was so lovely to speak with your families yesterday and to hear some of your voices, I am in school on Monday so I will ring your parents if I missed them yesterday. 

Did you manage to have a go at the indoor scavenger hunt? If not maybe you could have a go today? This situation is going to be a very important time in our history. It would be great for you when you are older to be able to look back on things that you were doing during the Corona Virus lockdown. Maybe you could make a scrap book, a time capsule or keep a dairy so that you can remember. I'm going to start a scrap book with my boys today. This might be a nice lttle job to do over the next two weeks. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and I will write to you again here over the Easter holidays. I think we are writing one blog each week during the Easter break. Swallows, just remember: When this is all over , we'll knock on our friends doors, and go to every party and say I love you more.

Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson (who asks about you all every day and can't wait to see you) xxxx

A message from Mrs Powell

“You will never have this day again. So make it count”

Good morning children, It may not feel like it but we are all very lucky to have each other. What are you going to do today to make it different from yesterday, we never get today again. What will you do today? How will you use it? Will you draw a picture? Do some PE? Help someone at home? I’m keeping a diary so that I can remember how I made each day count, could you? Stay safe and remember this: “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.”

Y2 02.04.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 9:29am

Buenas Dias Swallows

I am in school today! It feels very strange without you all being here. I hope that you are all ok and having fun. Look out for Twitter today as I will pop the next part of our story on. The caterpillars are doing really well, they are 5cm now! I will also film them again for you later today when I get home. Have you done any word searches from your pack yet? Maybe you could make one of your own with these words:

habitat, Amazon, animal, home, forest, trees.

I have found a little hunt that you could do at home. Have fun with this one then perhaps you could make a different one for your family to do? 


A message from Mrs Powell

“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Dear children, Are you getting a bit grumpy? It is all very strange, before you say anything when you are cross, say to yourself would I want someone to speak to me like that? Remember we all get grumpy and that is OK!


Keep smiling Swallows

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Y2 01.04.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 9:33am

Buenas Dias Swallows smiley

Today is the 1st day of a new month, so the date has a 4 in the middle as April is the 4th month. It is April Fool's Day where people can play little tricks on each other. Can you trick someone today? cheeky

Have you been able to listen to me reading The Enchanted Wood on Twitter? I can only upload short videos at a time so can usually read 2 pages each time I tweet. Thomas and Will have been filming me, that's why the top of my head sometimes disappears or the camera wobbles a bit!

It is wet outside today, so the perfect day for snuggling up with a story, drawing, watching a film, making a Lego model or doing a couple of pieces of work from your pack!

Take a look at Gareth Metcalf's website, he is a teacher near to us who is putting daily maths lessons on line. We are going to do them today, they are really good and he uses the bar model and part part whole like we do. http://www.iseemaths.com/home-lessons/ 

I'm off now to make breakfast, chocoloate brioche today for the boys and worms, slugs and spiders for me cheekycheeky Just joking....April Fool's!! I'm really having yougurt with fruit (not as much fun!). I wonder what you have had today? Remember to keep saying por favor (please) gracias (thank you) and de nada (you're welcome) at home.

I miss you and am thinking about you every day. Have fun, watch Twitter for our next story read.

A message from Mrs Powell

“You’re off to great places. Today is your day.” – Dr. Seuss

Dear children, Where do you dream of going? What do you want to do? Just because we can’t visit new places doesn’t mean we can’t think about what we would like to do and where we could like to visit. This saying also means you can do great things. What great thing can do today? This can be anything, big or small it is still an achievement.


Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx

Y2 31.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 6:30pm

Buenas Dias Swallows

How are you all? I am very tired today! Thomas, Will and I went on a bike ride adventure yesterday (well I was running beind them!) and we were out for ages, exploring the county lanes. We had great fun although as I am getting old now, my legs are very sore today! Especially with all the Joe Wicks PE lessons that I am doing. I hope that you have managed to join in with him too. Whilst out, we spotted so many birds singing happily in the bushes, lots of beautiful flowers and other signs of spring in the counrty side.

I am going to set you a little task for each day this week. Don't worry if you don't do them, it is just some ideas. You can do them when ever you like and show me when we are back together again at school. Here goes:

Tuesday - Design a new front cover for The Enchanted Wood

Wednesday - Invent a new character for The Enchanted Wood story, draw a picture of them (someone who dwells/lives in the tree or in an exciting land above the tree) describe what they look like and what thier personality is like using exciting noun phraes eg long, bedy legs like spaghetti, eyes as wide as saucers, tangled, greasy hair and a sharp temper. 

Thursday - Spend 15 minutes learning your times tables. Can you say them in order, a mixed up order and tell your family what the division facts are? eg 30 divided by 5 means how many fives can fit inside 30?

Friday - Can you find 10 numbers that are:

A multiple of 2 and that number has to be a multiple of 5 and it has to be a multiple of 10 aswell. 

You can tweet your work to our school twitter account or send it to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk for me to have a look at.

These are only ideas to keep you busy, I just want you to keep safe and be happy. Keep smiling my lovely Swallows and don't forget to "shake your sillies out, yawn your sleepies out and clap your crazies out" if you feel bored! Try teaching our funny song to your family. 

A message from Mrs Powell

“ I think I can. I know I can.”

Dear children, When we do something do we say we can’t do it? Try and change that today and tell yourself you can do anything. Remember you are amazing and if you believe in yourself you can do anything!

Bye for now, I will write to you again tomorrow. We miss you all 

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Y2 30.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 10:17am

Buenas Dias Swallows

I hope that you have had a lovely weekend. The sun hasn't got his hat on today has he? Never mind, it isn't raining so please go outside and have some fun in the fresh air. I am really enjoying looking out for rainbows in the windows of houses as I walk through my village, it brings a smile when I spot one. Maybe you could do one for your window if you haven't yet? Thomas and I nailed his to our fence using his own hammer, it was great fun and now hopefully it won't blow away any more!

This is week 2 of your time at home. Please be kind to your parents and remember to keep saying please and thank you. I am always thinking about every one of you, I haven't gone any where, I am keeing safe at home with my boys and I can not wait to see you all again. 

Parents - This is a very strange time for us all. Please don't worry about having a strict time table or completing everything in a day. The most important thing for us is that our children are safe and happy. They will be feeling unsettled as this is new for everyone, so just enjoy being together and play, play, play. 

A message from Mrs Powell

“With the new day come new thoughts and new strengths.”

Dear children, This is now your second week, you have shown how great you are, what will you do today, how do you show how clever and strong you are each day?

Enjoy your day Swallows

Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx

Y2 27.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 11:47pm

Buenas Dias Swallows Class

Our magic fairy, Mrs Elson, has sent you a message todaysmiley

Hi Swallows,

Hope you are all enjoying the fabulous sunshine. I have been busy outside in the garden with my mini magic fairy.

I'm very excited to start planting my seeds next week.

Lola has been enjoying her walks and seeing lots of signs of spring. I wonder what you will find outside? 

Mrs Elson xx


And now a message from Mrs Powell

“The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is, I’m the only one.” Tigger

Good morning children! This morning I want you to think about how special and unique you are, talk to someone in your house about all the special qualities that make you unique. What about the people you live with? What makes them special?  Why don’t you tell them?

Did you see me reading our class story The Enchanted Wood on Twitter? Thomas set all of his teddies out for me to pretend that they were all of you, sitting on our carpet!  Look out today for the next installment. I can only manage to upload short clips, so it might take me a while!


Mrs Rice xxx

Friday 27.3.20, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 9:37pm

Hi all,

Please find below a few ideas and different websites that can be used to help support learning at home:


  • PE with Joe Wicks (YouTube 9am) different lesson each day

  • Wildlife with Steve Backshall (facebook 9:30) 

  • Dance with Oti Mabuse (Facebook 11:30am)

  • Music with Myleene Klass (YouTube - next Friday 27th March 10am but ca watch recordings too)

BBC Teach Live Lessons https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/live-lessons

BBC Learning through cooking https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/learning_through_cooking

Basics of British sign language (1pm every day)


TedEd Home

Parents: https://ed.ted.com/

Students: https://ed.ted.com/lessons?content_type=animations+talks&direction=desc&sort=publish-date&user_by_click=student

School Choice Week https://schoolchoiceweek.com/parent-resources-during-coronavirus/

Audible - Free stories https://stories.audible.com/start-listen

The Wind in the Willows musical https://www.willowsmusical.com/

Toy Theatre - Educational games https://toytheater.com/


Free Biff, Chip & Kipper kindle books on Amazon (you can download kindle app and put them on iPad) the ones to search for are: Floppy Did This!, Dad's Birthday, Funny Fish, Let's Recycle!, The Enigma Plot, Time Runners

Scholastic home resources:

Teach Your Monster to Read app has been free to download

Free eBooks:

Top marks: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
Khan Academy:
NRich - Math's extension and enrichment for 5 - 18 https://nrich.maths.org/5716

Live animal webcams from Edinburgh Zoo: https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/penguin-cam/#penguincam
Live animal cams from Sand Diego Zoo https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams 
Dublin zoo https://www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/
Marwell Zoo https://www.marwell.org.uk/zoo/keep-in-touch/webcams
Chester Zoo "Connect with Nature at Home"

STEM learning:https://www.stem.org.uk/

Musuem tours:https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours

Live ballet lessons (times on the page for each age group):

Go Noodle dances and games:

Cosmic Kids yoga: https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Duolingo app https://www.duolingo.com/


Hope this helps!

Take care and stay safe!


Y2 26.3.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 9:20am

Buenas Dias Swallows

I hope that you all are happy, smily and having fun. The sun is out again, I wonder what adventures you will have today? I think that I will play my zillionth game of football with my boys! We are getting out on our bikes each day to keep fit aswell as doing Jo Wick's 5 minutue PE lessons each day. I hope that you are enjoying the time to relax with your family, read stories or information books and play with your toys. 

Thomas and I were writing a description  yesterday about a castle and William wrote about an imaginary island. There are daily writing and maths ideas on our home learning website page for each year group. Ask your grown up to take a look and maybe you can tweet your work to me? We also wrote letters to our grandparents to tell them what we have been doing as we can not visit them, I will take Alfie dog for a walk to the post box later to send the letters on their way. 

I am thinking about you all my lovely Swallows and can not wait to say Buenas Dias to you in person. I imagine that you will all look so much taller when I see you again!

Take lots of care love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx


A message from Mrs Powell (These Winnie The Pooh quotes are inspiring me to read the stories, thank you Mrs Powell.) 

“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” Eeyore

Dear children, I have a challenge for everyone to do in your house. Can you think of three lovely things to happen each day, then either tell them to someone in your house or write them down? I’m going to do this and hopefully we will all try and find our own sunshine.


Y2 25.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:30am

Buenas Dias Swallows

This is the second time I have written this blog today! My first one hasn't come up on the website, so you might find two from me today if it appears in a different place!wink

I am sat loking out of the window at the bright blue sky and feeling very lucky that we are having such super weather. Here are a couple of exclamation sentences that we have been working on.

What clear blue skies we have! How calm and fluffy the clouds are! How quiet it is without you!

Remeber that exclamation sentences start with how or what and they are not a question, you are telling somebody something. Have a go at saying some outloud today. 

My house is far from quiet though! It is much easier and calmer teaching all 28 of you at once than my two cheeky chappies at home! I am going to wake them now so that we can get ready for our fitness video with Jo. Have you tried doing one at home yet? He streams fitness classes on you tube everyday at 9am, they are really good. 

After that we will measure our caterpillars and post pictures on twitter. They look huge and very wriggly today!

Have you had a look at any Amazon Rainforest animlas and their habitats yet? Don't worry if you haven't, you have plenty of time. I have been learning about cute sloths and speedy jaguars that live there. 

My lovely Swallows, please keep busy, remember to say please and gracias, remember to read, read, read, remember to practise your times tables for just 5 minutes a day (2x, 3x, 5x and 10x) remember to keep smiling and most importantly, to have fun. smiley

A message from Mrs Powell

I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” Winnie the Pooh

Dear children, We all have more time, are you thinking about the things you like to do at home and at school. Please tell someone all about it and keep talking, it is great to talk! 

Have a fabulous day Swallows

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx

Y2 24.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 8:42am

Buenas Dias Swallows

Another sunny day today smiley Please go outside and enjoy this lovely weather that we are having. Have you planted your seeds from Mrs Powell yet? Maybe today is a good day to do that. I wonder how our seeds are doing at school? When I am there on Friday, I will take a photo for you. The caterillars are extra wriggly this morning! I wonder if they were munching on chocoloate cake and ice cream like The Hungry Caterpillar does in the story that I read??!!

I was looking through our class ipad last night and as I looked at each photo of you all, my smile grew and grew. I will post some of them on Twitter so you can see all of your friends. Don't forget to keep reading and do a little bit of something from your pack each day. Our website also has some great maths and writing links on the Home Learning page. Thomas and William are doing some little jobs from those tomorrow too!! 

Here is a little message from Mrs Powell:

“When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.” Winnie the Pooh

Dear children, We have all started on a strange adventure, I wonder what we will learn to do over the next few months? I think you will find that your parents are the best teachers! Enjoy any activity you do for the first time, we are going to make bread in my house!


Keep smiling my lovely Swallows and remeber your manners!

Abrazos (This means hugs in Spanish)

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx

Y2 Wk beg 23.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 8:29am

Buenas Dias Swallows class smiley

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine. The boys have been on their bikes and I have been running behind them trying to keep up! The sun is shining today so when you have done a little bit of work from your pack, go outside and enjoy the fresh air (ask a grown up)

In our house, we are doing a reading comprehension today and painting pictures of rainbows to put up on our Lane to make others smile as they walk past. Maybe you could draw a rainbow and put it in your window too? I am collecting our fury friends today so I will update Twitter with how they have grown. Mrs Elson says a big hello to everyone.

I am thinking about each and every one of you and your families. Keep smiling. blush

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.” A.A. Milne


Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxxx

Saturday morning hello, by Mrs Rice

Date: 21st Mar 2020 @ 1:47pm

Buenas Dias Swallows

Just a quick hello to say thank you for all of your kind words, hugs, cards and pressies yesterday. They made me smile smiley I hope that you are all enjoying the sunshine. I will do a daily blog starting from Monday 23rd March.

Take care, keep smiling and remember your manners (gracias and de nada)

Love Mrs Rice xxx

Y2 Wk beg 16.03.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 5:34pm

Hi Everybody

We have been busy with assessments this week, looking carefully at SATs style questions and the children have worked really hard on these. Next week we will be embarking on our theme of 'Home' exploring the Amazon Rain Forest and comparing it with Delamere Forest. We will be considering the reasons that people may leave their homes and the thoughts and feelings that this would cause. In Maths, we are developing our links between multiplication and division.

Thank you for your continued support with home reading. Remember, three comments in the reading diary equals a raffle ticket! Regular reading is so so important to our children's progress and love of language. Times Table Rockstars is a great way of children becoming speedy with thier tables reall and having fun at the same time smiley

Our spellings are based on contractions, when two root words become one when we remove letters eg can not = can't. The apostrophe stands for the missing letters.

I'll, he'll, can't, shouldn't, couldn't, won't, don't, didn't, haven't. 

Please come and see Mrs Elson or myself if you have any queries. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice x

Y2 Wk beg 10.02.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 6th Feb 2020 @ 10:40pm


This week we will be focusing on our multiplication skills, our rapid recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables and learning how to multiply numbers outside of known facts eg 14 x 5. We will be exploring the connections between multiplication and repeated addition eg 5+5+5+5 = 4X5. The children will also be focusing on the associated division facts.

Our writing lessons will be based around setting descritpions of dragon habitats as well as instructional leaflets for how to take care of a dragon. The children are really engaged with this text and are enjoying the wide variety of writing that we are producing as well as learning new skills such as creating questions, commands and exclamation senences. 

We have our 'Come and Join Us' on Wednesday 12th February in the afternoon. This will have a Science focus, we will be exploring food chains in preparation for our residential visit to Delamere Forest. Please bring a coat hanger and be ready to get creative!

Thank you for all of your support with reading at home. This is so important for our children. Please remember to sign the children's reading diaries each time you read with them. We would like to see three comments a week please in order for the children to earn their raffle ticket. 

Please come and see myself or Mrs Elson if you have any questions.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Y2 Wk beg 20.01.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 5:46pm


Swallows have had a fabulous week using our new Power Maths books, ask the children all about them! We enjoyed a productive Booster session on Thursday, these will run for the whole term on a Thursday evening until 4.15pm.

This week we are beginning our new book The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. The children will be asking questions about the characters and writing dragon descriptions. We will also explore how to write a persuasive letter to Mrs Powell to ask for her help with the pesky dragons.

Our maths work will contiue to focus on subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Please can all children read three times a week at home? This is vital to encourage their love of reading, fluency and understandng. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Times Tables Rock Stars has lovely games on for our children to consolidate their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

A little reminder that we have our SATs meeting onn  Monday 20th January at 2.30pm and 5pm in our classroom. Please come along to find out how we are supporting the children with this. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson


Y2 Wk beg 06.01.20, by Mrs Rice

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 5:02pm

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.

Thank you for our many Christmas gifts and wishes, it was very kind of you.

It has been lovely to see the children again this week and listen to their stories from the Christmas holidays.

We have been very busy with maths investigations this week, applying our addition skills to help us to solve problems and puzzles.

The children are writing a non chronological report about Owls linked to our text The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark. Their use of commas and adverbs has been excellent.

Next week, we will be focsing on subtraction of 2 digit numbers, introducing our new text The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward and exploring moral questions about the Titanic before moving onto learning about the invention of the aeroplane by the Wright brothers. 

Our spellings are words that have the suffix ed to make them in the past tense:

waved, shaded, liked, phoned, cycled, replied, cried, married, chatted and stopped.

Please come and see myself or Mrs Elson if you have any questions.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice

Y2 Wk beg , by Mrs Rice

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 12:15pm

Hi Everyone

What a busy week we are having in school. Lots of Christmas play rehearsals and church services to get ready for. Mrs Elson and I are really pleased witht the children's writing. They are working so hard on their letter formation, joins, adjectivces and adverbs. We will continue to focus on this in our wrinting next week as we become poets. Our maths work will focus on addtion problem solving. We will be exploring contractions in our spelling work. The children learn that when two words are contracted into one, for example can not becomes can't, the apostrophe stands for the letters that are missing. This week's spellings are:

can't, didn't, I'm, he'll, she'll, I'd, couldn't, wouldn't, won't, we'd

Please continue to read at home with your children as often as possible, it is crucial for their love of reading, attainment and progress. We require three comments each week from an adult to ensure that the children receive a raffle ticket and have a chance of winning. We are having lots of fun, learning our words for the play with expression. Please come and see Mrs Elson or myself if you have ay questions. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice

Y2 Wk beg 25.11.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 6:23pm


We had such a fabulous day at the Maritme Museum,we were so pleased with the children's attitudes and behaviour, they made us very proud. We have produced some beautiful art work as a result of the trip. Next week we will be busy preparing crafts for the Christmas Fair which is on Wednesday at 2pm as well as rehearsing our lines for the Nativity. We have some excellent performances on the way for you! Thank you for supporting us with costumes. The children will be writing poems based on their Titanic learning as well and continuing with our inference and deucation skills in reading. In maths, the children will be adding 2, 2 digit numbers that cross the tens boundary using equipment such as place value counters and number lines. 

Our spellings are sill based on homophones, where the word sounds the same but can multiple meanings and spellings. 

see, sea, where, wear, pear, pair, whole, hole, knot, not. 


As always, please come and see Mrs Elson and I if you have any questions. 

Wk Beg 04.11.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 4:14pm

Swallows have had a super first week back after half term. They have explored the bar model in Maths to help their understanding that addition can be done in any order.  We have started our new story "The Owl Who Was Afraid Of the Dark" by Jill Tomlinson. The children have been introduced to the main character, the cute baby barn owl, Plop. Next week, the children will continue with addition of multiples to ten that total 100 and the addition of 2, 2 digit numbers. In Science, the children will be exploring materials and investigating using torches, which material is the most suitable to make curtains that block out the light. 

Our spellings are words that begin with the 'n' sound using the letters 'kn.' 

knight, knit, knead, knee, knife, know, knot, knock, knuckle, kneel. 

Please come and see Mrs Elson and I if you have any questions. 

Y2 Wk beg 21.10.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 8:38am


This week the children are writing their own version of Troll Swap, inventing new characters and using a wide variety of noun phrases. We will be exploring Bible stories for example Moses and the Burning Bush and thinking about the meaning of the story. In maths we are looking at number bonds to 20 and how they can help us to calculate larger numbers. We are having a No Outsiders focus, looking at different families and how every family is different but equally special. Friday is a non uniform day, please can KS1 children bring a chocolate donation for the Christmas Fair?

Mrs Elson and I have had a fantastic half term with our children. We hope that you all have a gorgeous break and look forward to seeing you after the holidays. Please remember that the first day back, Monday 4th November is an INSET day. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Y2 Wk beg 21.1019, by Mrs Rice

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 2:40pm

What a busy week we have had! Mrs Elson and I have been so impressed with the quality of the children's handwriting, noun phrases and conjunctions. The children have been busy solving place value number problems. Thank you to everyone who came to see me at Parent's Evening, it was a real pleasure to chat with you all and gain a full picture of the children. 

Next week, we have a non uniform day on Thursday, please can KS1 childrn bring a bottle for the Christmas Fair?

Our focus is going to be addition within 20 and using these facts to calculate larger numbers. We will be using the part part whole and bar model to look at how the number facts are linked. The children are going to be writing a story following our class text Troll Swap. They have invented a new character to add in and will be following the main plot as well as including exciting noun phrases, conjunctions and voacabulry from the text. 

Our spelling focus this week adding the suffix 'ly' to a root word to describe how an action is done

Our words are: sadly, loudly, bravely, gladly, quietly, slowly, quickly, softly, carefully, easily. 

Please come and see either Mrs Elson or myeslf if you ever hhave nay questions. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice 

Y2 Wk beg 23rd September 2019, by Mrs Rice

Date: 18th Sep 2019 @ 1:46pm

Hi Everyone

The children have been so busy with their learning, Mrs Elson and I are particularly proud of the presentation of maths work in our books, well done Swallows. This week we will have a session with Teresa on Wednesday 25th September as it is National Fitness Day. Our weekly gymnastics lesson is every Tuesday afternoon. Please can all children have their PE kits in school every day, as if we have a nice afternoon, we may sneak an extra session in! The children will be creating a new troll character in our writing lessons that we will use in a story shortly. We will continue to explore the conjunctions 'and, but and because' as well as creating exciting noun phrases eg The shy, unusual troll hides in the shadows during the day but at night time, he roams the streets searching for new friends.  We will deepen our understanding of how sources of evidence can teach us about the past in our Titanic lessons as we read letters that were found from passengers to their families. In Maths, the children will be exploring how to add and subtract multiples of 10 from a 2 digit number by exploring patterns and relationships. Just a reminder about home reading. Please can the children read with an adult at home at least three times a week as this is so important for their progress. Thank you for all of your continued support. It is lovely to welcome such happy, smiling children every day.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

Y2 Wk beg 16.09.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 11:21am

This week the children will be delving deeper into our class text 'Troll Swap'. They will be learning how to use noun phrases effectively to describe characters and setting as well as how to use the conjunctions 'and, because and but.' We will be consolidating the skill of 'find and copy' in our reading lessons, using evidence from the text to support our thinking. I have asked the children to be the teacher when they read with you at home and ask you their own 'find and copy' questions! In Maths we will be learning the value of 2 digit numbers and partitioning them into their tens and ones. The children will be counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 and learning their ten times tables by looking at patterns and the realtionships between the multiplication and division fact eg 3 x 10 = 30 so there are 3 lots of 10 in 30 so 30 divided by 10 = 3. Our topic work is becoming more and more exciting as we explore the theme of 'Help'. Who helped during the Titanic disaster? Did the right help arrive on time? How could the help have been improved? It is great to see the children being so enthusiastic in their learning. Mrs Elson and I are continuing to reinforce the ideas of being Ready, Respectful and Safe with the children. 

A reminder that our visit to the Liverpool Maritime Museum is on Tuesday 19th November. Further details to follow nearer the time. 

As always please come and talk with myself or Mrs Elson if you have any queries. Please find attached this week's spelling list which focuses on question words. We have a little spelling test each Friday. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice 

Y2 Wk beg 02.09.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 5th Sep 2019 @ 10:53am

Welcome to Swallows class and to our  weekly blog. I will post a blog each Thursday to let you know what the following week will entail and the learning that the children will be taking part in. Firstly, Mrs Elson and I would like to congratulate our new children on thier attitudes and behaviour this week. They have setled into Y2 so well and have arrived each morning with huge smiles which is a delight to see. Hopefully the children wil be sharing their learning with you on the Titanic disaster which has captured their interest greatly. Our reading challenge is up and ready, three comments each week in diaries equals a raffle ticket and really supports the children's reading progress. Please talk with your child about what they have read, what they have enjoyed and the meaning of any tricky new words.

Next week we will continue with our class text "Troll Swap" by Leigh Hodgkinson. The children will be making predications about the story and looking at character information that we gain from the text. We will be constucting sentences focusing on correct punctuation, letter formation as well as the use of the conjunctions 'and' and  'because' within our writing.Our maths learning will focus on place value. The children will be counting forwards and backwards in steps of 10 from any given number and partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones using equipment. We will also be positioning numbers to 100 on  a number line. In Science, the children will be learning about the properties of materials with Mrs O'Mara by going on material hunts around school and taking part in investgations.

Thank you for your continued support, we are always available after school if you need to discuss anything with us. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson 

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