Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 Wk beg 16.09.19

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 11:21am

This week the children will be delving deeper into our class text 'Troll Swap'. They will be learning how to use noun phrases effectively to describe characters and setting as well as how to use the conjunctions 'and, because and but.' We will be consolidating the skill of 'find and copy' in our reading lessons, using evidence from the text to support our thinking. I have asked the children to be the teacher when they read with you at home and ask you their own 'find and copy' questions! In Maths we will be learning the value of 2 digit numbers and partitioning them into their tens and ones. The children will be counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 and learning their ten times tables by looking at patterns and the realtionships between the multiplication and division fact eg 3 x 10 = 30 so there are 3 lots of 10 in 30 so 30 divided by 10 = 3. Our topic work is becoming more and more exciting as we explore the theme of 'Help'. Who helped during the Titanic disaster? Did the right help arrive on time? How could the help have been improved? It is great to see the children being so enthusiastic in their learning. Mrs Elson and I are continuing to reinforce the ideas of being Ready, Respectful and Safe with the children. 

A reminder that our visit to the Liverpool Maritime Museum is on Tuesday 19th November. Further details to follow nearer the time. 

As always please come and talk with myself or Mrs Elson if you have any queries. Please find attached this week's spelling list which focuses on question words. We have a little spelling test each Friday. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice 

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