Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y3 Wk beg 19.10.20

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 10:58am

Hi Everyone

What a fabulous week we have had! The children have been so engaged in their learning this week, it has been fantastic to see. I am really proud of the passion the children are showing for their writing, as we further explore the Space Race and Moon Landing in 1969. The children are beginning to plot the key events in Katherine Johnson's life in preparation for writing a biography about her. We will be using noun phrases, a variety of conjunctions and the correct tense. 

The children are making excellent predictions, connections and inferences in our reading lessons as we read more of our gorgeous story, Lights on Cotton Rock. We are also loving sharing Stig of the Dump together as we discover what life was like in The Stone Age in preparation for our topic after the holidays. We have explored our understanding of The Trinty in RE and discussed how other people view us. The children produced some beautiful work in this lesson. 

Next week in Maths we will begin addition of three digit numbers using partitioning, practical equipment and eventaully the column method. We are continuing our learning, understanding and recall of the three times tables and we have seen great progress with this already. Thank you so much for the work that you are doing at home with the children, it really makes a difference.

Please may I add a gentle reminder that reading at home regularly remains an expectation for the children and greatly benefits thier progress and love of books. Three comments in their diary enables the children to enter our reading raffle. 

Mrs Brennan and I feel like we have won the lottery with our class. We are so so proud of their efforts and attitude towards school, coming into school each day to teach your children is a real pleasure. They are also making Mr Ault happy with thier football and netball skills. 

I am attaching the Y3/4 spelling words from the National Curriculum for you to have as flash cards at home. These words are the expectation for the end of Y4 so please don't panic as they are quite tricky. I just thought it would be useful for you to have these. We will be working on Y3 spelling patterns in class from now on which include:

Prefixes dis, in, super, sub, re and anti.

Suffixes ous, ly, ion and ian.

Homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently with a different meaning eg knight/night)


As always, please ask if you have any questions or worries via the admin email or give me a call in school. 

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan


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