Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 24.06.20

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 10:41pm

Buenas Dias Swallows Class

It was just fabulous to see so many of you yesterday in school. I hope that you enjoyed meeting Teddy. He was extremely tired after you had all gone home after getting so muh attention! Today is going to be very hot. Please put your sun cream on if you are playing outside (without moaning like Will and Thomas do!) and drink lots of water.

Today's sporting challenge is "The Wacky Race" brilliantly demonstrated by Mr Beswick.


Can you create your own Wacky race? Add obstacles, find different ways to move and compete against the clock? Can you beat your time? Please send us photos of your challenges. 


Our storytime today is Mrs Hulse reading "Thank You Baked Potato." I'm intreguied about this story, I'm off to lie on my sofa with comfy cushions to settle down to a new story.



Our writing lesson today is all about Describing Words. You are great at using adjectives. 



In Maths, we are going to recap Fractions then start some new learning all about Length (cm)



A message from Mrs Powell


My Mum used to tell me and my brothers and sister this story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKWktweAZb0

What would you have said to the boy to help him?

Jesus told his disciples a story to teach them about honesty. He told them about a rich man who had a manager, and the manager was using the man's money for himself. When the rich man discovered that the manager was wasting his money, he called him in and fired him. After telling this story, Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

If you and I make sure that we are honest in the small things, then we can be sure that we will be honest in the big things. If people know that they can trust us in small things, they will know that they can trust us in the big things too.

Dear God

Please help us to remember what Jesus taught about honesty and help us to be honest in every situation big or small.



Swallows, have a fabulous day in the glorious sun shine. Please know how proud I am of you and how much I miss you all. We have got many exciting adventures ahead though as Robins.

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxxx


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