Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 20.04.20

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 3:00pm

Buenas Dias Swallows

I hope that you have all had a lovely, relaxing Easter holidays and enjoyed the fabulous weather that we have been blessed with. The boys and I have been in the garden lots and making friends wiht horses on our bike rides each day. Mrs Elson and I are missing you more and more. We just can not wait to see your little faces again. I have put lots of writing and maths on the website for your grown ups to help you with. If you click on the 'home learning' pages under 'classes' there are some great writing ideas for Y2 that Thomas and I have been exploring. I have also popped some maths there called I See Reasoning. There are lots and lots of tasks on there to be getting on with, you will enjoy those as they are really visual. Ask your grown ups to print them out for you. Or you could keep learning your 2,5 and 10 times tables today. Rememebr to use the division facts as well. 

I have also uploaded some cooking with maths ideas onto that page. Here is one that I thought you might like to try. Maybe you could tweet me the photos? 

Edible dominoes

Make edible dominoes using this recipe from Sainsbury’s https://recipes.sainsburys.co.uk/recipes/baking/domino-biscuits You will need to weigh with grams and measure volume with tablespoons. 1 tablespoon is 15ml, can you convert the amount of milk into ml? What about if you made a double batch? Can you double the other ingredients too? You have to roll out the dough until it is 3mm thick. Use a ruler to check.

Last of all cook them for 10 minutes. If you put the dominoes in at 3:30 what time would they be ready? What would that time look like on an analogue clock? Young children need to practise subitising (instantly recognising the number of objects in a small group without counting them) so put the smarties into a variety of arrangements on the biscuits instead of sticking to the classic dice formations in the picture. Ask older children to think systematically. If you had a different colour for each number, how many of one colour would you need for all the dominoes with a 6 on? With a 5 on? Etc. Can you use one answer to calculate the next answer more quickly? How?

Play classic dominoes to practise number recognition and matching. Play again but this time, instead of matching numbers, place dominoes touching so that the total where they touch is always 6? Can you make a list of all the possible combinations in order? Add the numbers on each domino and sort them by total. Can older children work out how many dominoes there will be for each total before checking practically. What if the dominoes could have 7 or 8 on them?

Have fun with this my lovely Swallows. Abrazos (hugs) xxxxxx

Here is a message from Mrs Powell

When you talk, you are only repeating something you know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” – Dalai Lama

What have you learnt from someone around you? On our daily walk, I found out that my daughter is an expert on windfarms. What could you learn from someone? What could you teach someone?


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