Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 13.05.20

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:06am

Buenas Dias Swallows

Happy Wednesday to you all. How are you? I am currently having a hayfever attack! I am sneezing lots and coughing which is making it difficult for me to film my Wednesday morning hello! I am hoping that it will calm down later this morning and I will film a little message for you all then. 

Here it is, I feel a bit better now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAS0v_00y24

Our lessons today include a Science one about reflective materials. You have already learnt lots about the properties of different materials so I think that you will be experts at this. 


I have promised the boys that we will go out on our bikes this aftenoon and if they are good and don't argue...we might bake too. I'm not sure that will happen though as William and Thomas are having lots of arguments at the minute! It can be tricky being with the same people all day every day. I know how kind you are though so I am sure that you are showing Friendship to all your family members. Please keep your Friendship posters, poems, stories and photgraphs coming in in either by our sharing window, Twitter or email them to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk. I really enjoy seeing what you are getting up to at home, it makes me smile. Even if it is a photo of you snuggled up watching the tele or playing, it doesn't have to be work. 

I have some maths ideas for when you are out walking. They are saved on our home learning page called Walking Maths but I thought I'd put one on here for you each day to make your walk or bike ride more interesting. 

SHAPE HUNT: What shapes can you find on your walk? Look for road signs, shapes in patterns on front doors, shapes in fencing. Maybe take a tick sheet out with you so your child can cross shapes off as they find them. Ask your grown up to print a 2d shape mat off from this link https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n105-2d-shape-word-mat to help you to identify the shapes.  

A message from Mrs Powell

In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.

This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in.

Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.

Follow this link for Mrs Powell's video message this morning:


Have a lovely day Swallows. 

Lots of love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxx


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