Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Week beginning 4.11.19

Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 11:31am

We hope you all have a much needed rest this half term- It has been a long one!!

Thank you all for all of your support this half term and we look forward to seeing you back bright and refreshed on Tuesday 5th November!

Coming up: 

Writing- we will continue with our Greek Myth theme and write our persuasive letters to Zeus to convince him that we are the best Heros to help him.

Spelling: in the first week back we will recap all of the words in the first column of the Y3/4 list and then send a copy of this home. If you want to practise spellings over half term then please focus on this first column of Y3/4 spellings (this is linked on the class web page)

Maths- we will begin to look at decimal numbers with tenths and hundredths and make links to measures and money. We began to learn the 7x table last week so will be continuing with the 7s whilst also practising the 6x table with division facts.

Maths Homework: TT Rock stars- practise, practise, practise! I can't wait to see who has the most coins and who is highest on the leaderboard when we come back to school!

RE- this half term continues with our focus on the Sikh Religion.

Topic- We will link our art work to topic with sketches and ink work inspired by Ancient Greek pottery. Please send an old t-shirt/apron into school for our art lessons.

Science- We will begin our new topic about sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.

PE- Mr Ault will continue with outdoor invasion games on Mondays. This will continue to be outdoors wherever possible so please ensure your child has trainers and a warm tracksuit for these sessions. We will have Dance on a Wednesday. 

Please ensure all long hair is tied back for school and that for PE earrings are either removed or covered with tape.

Once again, Happy half term

Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah, Mrs Brennan and Mr Mellor





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