Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Week beginning 23rd November

Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 6:35pm

Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog. 

  Star of the week: Congratulations to Riley.

 Top Table: Congratulations to Isabel C.

Well done to our School Councillors: Ellie and Isabella and well done to everyone who tried out for the post. You were all so great.

  Home Reading

Wow! Well done to so many of you reading regularly at home – you are really impressing me with how much progress you are making.


Spelling focus: words with the pre-fix ‘super’

superficial, supersonic, superwoman, superglue, supermarket, superman, supermodel, superpower, superstar, superhuman

Spelling tests are on Fridays. The spellings will be glued into your child’s diary every week.

  Times Tables

6x table and soon moving on to the 9x table.

Try playing Coconut multiples for your times tables this week.


TTRockstars- Let’s see how many Y4 rock stars we can get on the leader board! Login details are on a sticker in your child’s diary. https://ttrockstars.com/

  This week we have…

Writing...this week we have enjoyed using drama to help describe the mood in the scene of Hannah’s kitchen and researching facts about gorillas to write a fact file. Next week we will be writing a diary from different points of view.

Shared Reading: We love our 50 Animal Stories book and have enjoyed reading, discussing and making true or false statements about the story of ‘The White Parrot’ from Spain.

Maths: This week we have succeeded in counting in 25s and exploring negative numbers. Coming up next week is addition and subtraction strategies.

PE: PE will continue to be on Mondays and Fridays with Mr Ault. Dodgeball and Netball at the moment.

Worship/PSHCE: This week we have thought about what we could do to ‘Unite Against Bullying’ and have enjoyed wearing odd socks, designing our own odd socks and creating a piece of puzzle for Team Goldfinch.

History: We enjoyed investigating different artefacts to help us learn about what life may have been like in Ancient Greek times.

Science: We have really enjoyed investigating switches in our electricity topic with a fun way of becoming a human circuit.

Music: We are beginning to learn to sign ‘Little Donkey’.

Finally, thank you all for your continued support, please e-mail or phone the school office if you would like to contact me about anything.

Mrs Evans

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