Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Wednesday 13th January

Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 5:03pm

Wednesday 13th January

Good Morning Starlings, I hope you’re ready for another day of our home learning. Mrs Southern is going to be on the Class Discussion page today so make sure you send her a message to let her know how you’re getting on.

For today, please do your home learning on maths, writing, phonics and spellings. For Worship, take some time to switch off and do a My Smiling Mind Meditation. Also, Mrs Esling has read a story for you to listen to today so please relax and enjoy listening to both of these.  

Fitness Challenge - Are you fit for 2021?

Here is a fitness challenge from Mrs Whittingham that we would like everyone to take up and start today.

Can you do 20mins or over of continuous movement and 21 mins or over of continuous exercise every day? 

You may not be able to participate every day but every day counts so do what you can.

The challenge finishes on the 22nd February. 

Who will be our top scorer in each class? Across the whole school? Against other primary children in our sports partnership?

Best of luck everyone and enjoy. We would love to see photos of everyone taking part in the challenge on Twitter and use:  #2021FitnessChallenge and tag @ValeRoyalSSP .


Money – This is our final lesson on money and it’s all about the notes we use in the United Kingdom. You may just have to look with your eyes…not your hands as the notes are very valuable! Or I have attached an image of them - take note of the different sizes. Please see the PowerPoint attached (click on the audio buttons or read the instructions) or you can follow the link to the YouTube version:




In your Writing lesson today, you are going to write some character descriptions about the characters in the Little Red Riding Hood story. The Character Description Sorting Activity is attached. Please see the PowerPoint attached (click on the audio buttons or read the instructions) or you can follow the link to the YouTube version:



Read, Write, Inc Phonics

Please follow the YouTube links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as last week but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is after 9:30am

Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below: 


Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:


Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.


The links are also at the end of the English PowerPoint if you need them or the video version of instructions can be found here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRNrR2TuHO0&feature=youtu.be



The final slide of the English PowerPoint has today’s spellings. Please have a break after completing the Little Red Riding Hood work and come back to the spellings later on.




We hope you’re enjoying using the Oxford Owl website to access RWI books or their e-library. Please follow the link below:


Login and select student login area

Username: starlings1

Password: Home

The instructions in case you need them are here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHItlAaDk5Y&feature=youtu.be




Mrs Esling has read ‘The Very Noisy Night’ today so sit back and enjoy the PowerPoint version of follow the link for the video!




Today for our worship, we would like you to take part in a guided meditation on My Smiling Mind, just like we do in school. Follow the link: https://app.smilingmind.com.au/ 

In order to access the resources at the link below you will need to sign up to a free account (it only takes 2 minutes!) Once you have signed up, select the age category  ‘12 and under’. Then you need to select which type of mindfulness activities you are interested in, I recommend choosing ‘improving wellbeing’. Finally select the resources for ‘3-6 year olds’ and you will now have access to 60+ mindfulness sessions that are great to help your child relax, unwind and switch off after a busy day of home learning. 


Have a lovely day! 

Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern



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