Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans week beg. 5.10.20

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 3:45pm

Toucans have had a great week and enjoyed their extra active breaks with Mr Ault. We also celebrated National Poetry Day by looking at the poem ‘Together’ and then composing their own poems linked to our topic ‘All Together Now’.

In Maths we have been focusing on our arithmetic strategies and using column addition and subtraction. Next week, we will look at multiplication and division.   

In English we are using the books ‘Of Thee I Sing’ and ‘Young, Gifted and Black’ as a stimulus for our writing. The children have been writing diary entries and have been focusing on writing cohesive paragraphs. We have also been looking at spellings that we are finding tricky in our writing – are/our, their/they’re/there, were/where

In RE our topic is Diversity and we have been thinking about various traditions that we celebrate in our families. We will continue to think about these traditions next week and will focus in particular on the religious ones.

In Science, we will continue our work on Light by thinking about sources and how light travels.


Home Reading

Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.

This week I have sent home your child with a reading book and their new homework diary. 

We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.


Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day. Mr Ault will also be running an after school club for Year 6s after school on a Friday.


Head Student

Don’t forget if you are interested in becoming one of our head students this year you need to get your letter of application completed by Monday 5th October.


Junior Safety Officers

Congratulations to Lewis and Keira who have been chosen as our new Junior Safety Officers for this year. They will spend the next few weeks learning about their roles and will then be launching their first competition.

Kind regards

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick

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