Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans Week beg. 13.9.21

Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 8:13am

Week beg 13th September 2021

We warmly welcome all our pupils to Toucans Class. They have all settled in well and are working hard already! Thank you for reading with your child at home as this will benefit them enormously. The children are expected to read every night for 15 -20 mins. They will also have weekly spellings and a Maths task which will reflect what we are doing in class for that week.


Spellings for next week will focus on words ending in shus spelt -cious

Spellings will be tested on Friday 17th September – spacious, vicious, precious, suspicious, conscious, delicious, malicious, gracious, atrocious, ferocious

Maths – The children have all been given their own Maths book – Key Stage Two Maths SATs Question Book. They will be set 2 pages to do weekly which they can mark themselves using the answers at the back of the book. Maths homework will be set on a Thursday and if the children could bring their books back into school for the following Wednesday so we can check them. If they are struggling with anything, please don’t hesitate to send the book back sooner and we will do some extra work with them in school.

In school we have been exploring Place Value this week so the homework is Ordering Numbers pages 2 and 3 of the SATs book.


Maths – Next week we will continue working on Place Value – Rounding Numbers, Negative Numbers before moving onto the Four Operations the following week.

History – We will begin our Conflict Topic by finding out about the Battle of Hastings.

RE – Our first unit is all about Diversity – appreciating the people all around us in the world today and celebrating their similarities and differences     

Science – Light

The children have been revising what they know already about light before exploring our topic further. Next week they will be looking at how light travels in straight lines.

On Friday the 24th September we will have an ART Day focusing on the War Artist Paul Nash. The children will be developing their sketching and painting skills before producing a picture in the style of Nash to reflect the hardship of conflicts.

PE day will be on Wednesday (Cricket Coach) and on Friday (Mr Ault). Children can come to school wearing their PE uniform on these days.


We are delighted to have the support of Mr Corkill (associate teacher) with us this year in Toucans.


Kind regards,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing, Mr Beswick and Mr Corkill

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