Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans W.B. 27.03.23

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 6:36am

Welcome Back to Toucans’ Weekly Blog ?

Toucans have been busy completing some practice assessments to identify areas of revision focus for the next few weeks. They have all worked so hard and can see their own progress; they should be proud of their achievements. It was so lovely to speak to families this week during parents' evenings, so thank you to you if you came along to discuss your child's progress, achievements, and current areas of development. 


Praise: William

Top Table: Fran and Georgia


Next Week (W.B. 27.03.23)



  • Cake sale on Wednesday 29th March. KS2 will be holding a cake sale after school on Wednesday 29th March. The children are encouraged to bake or donate cakes on this day for the cake sale. Cakes will be 30p each or 4 for £1. You can be as creative as you like and maybe even think of an Easter theme for your cakes!
  • KS2 Disco on Thursday 30th March between 17:30 and 18:30. 
  • School closes on Thursday 30th March as Friday 31st March is a school INSET day. School will reopen following a two week Easter break on Monday 17th April. 
  • PE will continue to take place on both a Monday and a Friday each week, so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/navy.



In English, we will be focusing on practising our reading comprehension skills by reading and analysing a range of different text types, including a text on South America. We shall also be revising some of our SPaG skills through a range of activities. 

In maths, we will review our recent assessment papers to try and understand some of the areas of difficulty and how to improve. We will also focus on revising all things fractions: changing from a mixed number into an improper fraction, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions together or by a whole number, and dividing a fraction by an integer. We will continue with our 4-a-day arithmetic questions each morning to further practice our four operations.

In our history/geography lesson, we will be looking at the story of Paddington Bear and how that links to our current ‘home’ topic. We will discuss whether Paddington was a refugee, asylum seeker, migrant or immigrant using our recently acquired knowledge and explore some of the human and physical geography features of his native home in South America.

In art, we will create pop-up Easter theme cards that the children can decorate using their creativity and knowledge.   

In PE, the children will continue with practising their tennis and basketball skills with Mr Ault. 




Children in Year 6 will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers provided in the back of their homework book. If your child is finding the homework challenging, I will ensure that supervision is provided one lunchtime each week where your child can ask any questions or receive the support they need to complete the homework.


Children should complete pages 60 and 61 of their maths homework book this week and return it to school by Thursday 30th March. The homework consolidates our learning on calculating area and perimeter and the volume of a cube and cuboid from our recent lessons. Children should also complete pages 28-30 (Set B: Test 3) of their reading homework book. 


Please also encourage your child to read for 15-20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings and times tables. Children need to record their reading in their homework diaries/planners. This really will help them with their reading speed and stamina. Try to talk to your child about what they have read in their book (the character, the plot, their opinion). Try to vary choices to include classic texts, non-fiction texts, and poems.


The following website is great for times tables practice: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Our spellings for the quiz on Thursday 30th March will concentrate on the next set of Y5/6 statutory spelling words and will be: muscle, necessary, neighbour, nuisance, occupy, occur, opportunity, parliament, persuade, physical. 


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact!


Mr Corkill ?

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