Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans ending 27.11.20

Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 5:10pm

Week ending the 27th November

Wow! What a busy week we have had getting ready for our Virtual play. The children have been fabulous, making props, learning lines, signing songs etc.


Thank you for supporting your child with their homework this week.

Remember they can mark their Maths work themselves at home (answers are in the back of the books). However, we would still like them to bring in their books every Thursday to check that they have done the homework and if they need any help with particular questions, Mr Beswick will be able to work with them before we return the books to the children on the Friday.

Maths Homework

Pages 29 and 30 Fractions due in on Thursday 3rd December

Spellings to be tested on Friday 4th December


Admitting, forgotten, committed, beginner, referring, regretted, forbidden, preferred, stoppable, wettest


In Maths we are continuing our work on Fractions by comparing fractions and by adding and subtracting fraction

In English we are starting our new writing unit based on the book Star of Fear, Star of Hope, which links nicely with our Conflict topic as well.

In RE we will be working on our new topic on Christian Community. We will look at how Christians worship and how they come together as part of a community.  

In Science, we will continue with our topic Light exploring sources and how light travels.

In Geography, we are learning about where places are in the world, developing our map reading skills.

In History, we are finding out about life in the trenches and general life during World War 1.

Home Reading

Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.

We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.


Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day.


Kind regards,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick

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