Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans 22.05.23

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 5:29pm

Welcome Back to Toucans’ Weekly Blog ?


Toucans have now thankfully completed their SATs which means no more revision or booster afternoons. We have been looking at lots of statistical work in maths and the rainforest this week in both English and Geography.


Praise: Mack

Top Table: Toby and Ed


Next Week (W.B. 22.05.23)



  • PE will continue to take place on both a Monday and a Friday each week, so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/navy and should only be worn on PE days.
  • Y6 class photo on Friday 26th May.



In English, we will be writing our final piece for this unit of work on The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. In shared reading, we will continue to practise our comprehension skills by reading another section of ‘Great Adventures' by Alastair Humphreys.

In maths, we will continue with our unit on statistics by looking at more complex pie charts and problem solving involving the mean. We will continue with our 4-a-day arithmetic questions each morning to further practice our four operations.

In science, we will continue with our unit on living things and their habitats. We shall look at creating a classification key.

In our geography lesson, we will be researching and reporting on what the rainforest provides to our homes and the impact of our actions of this environment.

In computing, we will continue our unit on ‘growing up in a digital world’.

In PSHE, the children will begin to discuss their thoughts and feelings towards the transition to high school and we will create a class poem on the topic.

In PE, the children will continue their lessons with Mr Ault looking at all things athletics this half term.




There will be no homework set this week!


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact!


Mr Corkill ?

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