Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Toucans 2.6.20

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:38am

Toucans Blog Tuesday 2nd June

Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham


Take a look at the attached Wellbeing Calendar for June. There are some great ideas on here. I’m going to try as many as I can. I may change the order and just do my favourite ones but plenty to keep us busy. I’m sure you will enjoy these.









Like yesterday, I would like you to focus on ensuring that you can spell the majority of spellings from the Year 5/6 spelling list. Remember to make it interesting for yourself. You can use the attached ‘Make Spelling Fun’ document to help you. Also continue working through the other activities in the attached ‘Spellings at home’ booklet.

Make sure you have completed your green Read Write Inc spelling book, if you brought it home! Also try one of the Sats styled spelling tests from your CGP books.












Today we will continue to work on developing our Maths Fluency skills. Again continue to work through the activities in your CGP books, if you have not completed these already. Also ensure your Times Tables are fluent by regularly going on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Using today’s fluency grid, decide on your own numbers to work with (e.g. 4, 50, 86, 700 etc) and just do a variety of the activities. Can you remember what a factor is, a prime number, how to find a percentage?














See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson  PSHCE – No Outsiders

Can I accept being different and being proud of who I am?








Mrs Powell’s Worship

Pause for Thought: Be Kind

Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk

We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).

Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?

Dear God,

Please help us to be kind to those around us.

Please help us to think about the needs of other people.

Please help us to seek to live in peace.



Remember we are so proud of everything that you do and I’d like to give you all a gold star!

Best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick












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