Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows Wk Beg 17.10.22

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 10:03pm

Hi Everyone

This week we have our Forest Schools session on Thursday. Please can the children bring wellies, a spare change of shoes for inside and a warm waterproof coat with them. They will still have Cricket in the afternoon so will need their trainers. 

In Maths, we will be placing 2 digit numbers on a number line in tens, then in tens and ones and finally estimating the position of numbers. The children will progress onto comparing two given numbers using the <, > and = signs. They will continue to learn their ten times tables.

In Writing, the children will be planning their own story based on the story Troll Swap. They will create characters who swap lives as they don’t fit in with their families. We will explore how to write sentences that make sense with noun phrases and correct punctuation. The children are also working hard on their letter formation and overall presentation of their handwriting.

This week's spellings are:

clothes, could, door, cold, even

In Science, the children will be testing which material is the most suitable for a teabag.

In History, we will explore the role the band played during the sinking of the Titanic and the Christian Values that they demonstrated. The children will discuss ways in which help could have altered the outcome.

In RE, the children will continue to explore Bible stories that help us to understand Jesus.

This week will be the children’s final Cricket lesson so after the half term, they will only need to wear PE kits on a Monday.

I hope that you all have a wonderful half term holiday. I have loved getting to know the children and we are really proud of them all.

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern 

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