Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows - Wednesday 27th January 2021

Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 10:54pm

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Good morning and welcome back to Swallows class blog.

I hope you are all well and ready for another busy day of super learning.

Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentation videos below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch. I have a little surprise for you all today though Swallows…

Mrs Southern is going to be chatting to you all on our class discussion today as she is desperate to see the progress that you have all made since she last saw you in July. Let’s blow her socks off by uploading some fantastic learning to the homework section of our School Spider website. How exciting!

  Maths – Can I compare amounts?  Please see the talking Power point video linked below. I wonder who will spot ANOTHER little visitor on our Maths PowerPoint today? Let me know when you have spotted them.


I know that some of you like to use two devices or open separate tabs so here is a link to the White Rose video shown during our PowerPoint today for if you need it.


As we are comparing amounts using our greater than, less than and equal to symbols today, I have attached a poster and a link to a special song that Swallows loved singing along to last year. Please use these resources to remind yourself of the symbols that we can use to compare amounts.



  Times Tables

Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to learn your 2 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin email address and they will email them across to you. Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’. Please select the 2, 5 or 10 x table.


Note: When you log in to TT Rock Stars, please select schools, students and then enter our school name and your login details.


Can I re-tell the story of Saint George and the Dragon? OR Can I use my body and my voice to bring a story to life?

Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity.


Here is a link to the nursery rhyme mentioned on today’s PowerPoint. Can you sing along to ‘The Queen of Hearts’ today?





Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day.  Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. Here you can access Read Write Inc and other story books at your level.

Username: starlings1     (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home

If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.

 Read Write Inc

Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint.  Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day.



Our spellings will be on our English PowerPoint each day. Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn them. We will complete our little spelling quiz each Friday.


Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day. 



In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity. Please visit the ‘My Smiling Mind’ website and enjoy completing a meditation activity today. We love completing these activities in school.


Note: This is a FREE App. You can sign up through social media or with an e-mail account.

All you need to do is create a new account with an adult’s e-mail address. Follow the quick question survey and click the ‘I’m a parent’ tab. Finally, choose the 3-6 Year Olds or 7-9 Year Olds tab and there will be lots of different mindfulness activities to complete together. We have done some in class and it really doesn’t matter if they are repeated.




Please spend 20 minutes outside, keeping active. Maybe we could share some ideas of different ways to keep active outdoors in our class discussion today.


Have a wonderful day Swallows and don’t forget to let us know how you are getting on with your learning today on School Spider. I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning. Please have a piece of work that you are proud of ready to hold in the air and show your friends. Don’t worry, you don’t need to speak about it unless you want to at the end of the meeting.


Lots of love from


Miss Gillam

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