Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows - Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 7:01am

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning Swallows and welcome back to our class blog.

Guess what? We have a very special birthday to celebrate today.


Gorgeous little Teddy is 1 today! Happy Birthday to our lovely Teddy Tedster.

I hope you enjoyed some mindfulness and wellbeing time yesterday. Did you go outside and close your eyes yesterday? Did you listen for the sounds of nature? I am attaching the suggested activities for you to choose from at the bottom of our blog post again. Today, I would like you to be weather watchers.

Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentations below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch.

 Maths – Can you find the change?

We are continuing to focus our learning on money this week. Please see the talking Power point video linked below. Today we will be finding change. Tricky stuff!


Here is the link to the White Rose video mentioned in the PowerPoint. You may want to use this link if you have any problems with sound today.


  Times Tables

Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin address and they will email them across to you. Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’. Please section the 2, 5 or 10 x table.


Note: When you log in to TT Rock Stars, please select schools, students and then enter our school name and your login details.


Here is a brilliant song to increase your fluency when learning your 2 x table. Can you sing along?




Can you ask questions about cats?

Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity.  I hope you enjoy learning how to use Kung Fu punctuation again today. SHI SHI SHI HA!




Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day.  Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. Here you can access Read Write Inc and other story books at your level.

Username: starlings1     (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home

If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.

Here is another great resource to access lots of brilliant reading books online.

Children use a QR code to access a range of stories being read by their authors. The link is: https://www.booksfortopics.com/storytime-online  To scan the codes, please download the posters attached at the bottom of today’s blog.

 Read Write Inc

Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint.  Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day.  You may notice that the sounds will start to repeat soon. The children revisit sounds many times when we are teaching Read Write Inc in school. We want to encourage fluency. We want the children to be able to read a text containing each sound at speed, without the need to Fred Talk. In order to achieve this, the children need to see each sound several times.  Please continue to focus on the spelling, red word and hold a sentence videos.



Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn our 5 spellings for this week. Remember to think of rhymes, songs and actions to help you.

would   who   whole   any   many


Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day.  We are almost half way through the story now.


It is time for an ‘Open the Book’ worship again today. We love singing along to their special song in school, don’t we Swallows? Please sing along and listen to the story of ‘The Two Houses’.


This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so we have been thinking of lots of lovely activities for you to choose from to help with your wellbeing. Please have a look at the wellbeing plan which is attached at the bottom of our blog today.



 PE –

For today’s fitness challenge I would like you to have a go at ‘Jack Jack’s Super Shapes’ challenge.  It's your turn to shapeshift like Jack-Jack – he can transform his body! Can you lead everyone in a shapeshifting routine?




We are very excited to be taking part in a fantastic award winning #EcoschoolsAtHome campaign open to 30 schools in Cheshire West!   By taking part our school could win one of 3 litter picking kits worth £770. This challenge will help us to keep our Eco Green Flag Award for the coming years.

Below are ways in which you at home could help us to win this challenge.

·         Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home

·         Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new

  • Deliver a short(remote) presentation on the danger of litter to wildlife to the rest of their school or family

·         Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter

·         Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via video call from home and the findings put into a document)


We hope that you have fun making these with your families.


Thank you for sharing your work with me yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing your work on our homework pages again and being able to provide you with some feedback on your learning again today.


Have a brilliant day Swallows and I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning. Please have a piece of work that you are proud of ready to share with your friends at the end if you would like to.


Lots of love from


Miss Gillam

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