Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Starlings WB 1.5.23

Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 7:06pm

Welcome to this week's Starlings class Blog.  What another fantastic week we have enjoyed




Friday Superstar: Rory

Top Table: Jack and Jayden B


Diary Dates:

Monday 1st                    May Bank Holiday

Friday 5th May               King Charles Coronation celebration in school

Monday 8th May            Extra Bank Holiday

Monday 5th June           INSET DAY

Tuesday 20th June        Trip to Belwilderwood

Tuesday 21st June         Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June   Reserve Sports Day


HOME- Our new whole school topic 

We have begun our new whole school topic- Home. This has been planned around the theme of the importance of our homes to us and the human conflicts and natural disasters that result in homelessness for others. We read the story of Paddington this week and discussed if he was right to leave Peru or if he should have stayed.  In groups, we completed an activity where we had twelve photos of items such as  - a family photo, biscuits, warm clothes etc we then had three minutes to decide which four of these items we could take.  The children used discussion and persuasive strategies to convince others why they should be allowed to take the time they chose.  A lot of interesting discussions took place.




Read Write Inc 

Our RWI lessons start promptly at 9 am.  If you are able to drop your child off as near to 8.45 as possible it would be very beneficial as we have activities prior to the class registration.

The children will continue to bring home a Read Write Inc book, a book bag book and a bedtime story each week. This provides them with a variety of familiar, new and challenging texts to read. Bedtime storybooks are to be enjoyed with an adult. Reading TO the children ensures that they experience the magic of a story coming to life and have a purpose and love of reading.

 Please check your child’s diary to find out which group they are in, which sounds they have learnt that week and which books they have in their book bag.  Each time they move to a new group they will receive a RWI bookmark.  On this bookmark are the ‘red’ words that are practised in that group.  These words inform our spelling quizzes and regular practice supports fluency and confidence in writing. 


On the class page, I have uploaded three new files named Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3.  These contain the QR codes for all the sounds.  Each video is about ten minutes long and can be viewed by your child independently.  Please check your child's bookbag on a Friday to see which new sounds they have learnt that week and use the videos to support their learning.


No spellings will be sent out this half term.  Instead, your child has real and alien words to practice at home.  This is to ensure the children have lots of exposure in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check.  More will be added to your child's folder but please don't feel you have to review every word each night as it will be too much for them.  I would recommend no more than eight at a time and mix them up daily.


In maths, we continue to explore the numbers up to 50. we will be looking at counting in 10s and also grouping in 10s and 1's



We have enjoyed exploring our school grounds to spot the signs of Spring!  The sun was shining and we spotted tulips, daffodils and beautiful green shoots on the bushes.

Over the next few weeks, we will be designing a trolley for Paddington to wheel his sandwiches in as his suitcase is getting too heavy!! We will also be testing different materials for their sandwich wrapping suitability!  We are hoping to find a material that not only keeps Paddington's sandwiches fresh but also want it to be environmentally friendly.


In religion, we are learning about the Good News that Jesus shared.



Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please come to school wearing the appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered with own plasters.



Children in KS1 receive free fruit.  Children do not have to bring a snack from home but if you wish to do so we ask that it is a healthy option and just one item, please. Please also remember we are a NUT-FREE SCHOOL. Please can you also make sure that your child only has water in their water bottle; juice, however, is fine at lunchtime if your child brings a packed lunch.



We love celebrating the children's birthdays and hearing about all the exciting things they are doing. We appreciate that it is not always possible to invite the whole class and we would ask therefore that in these instances invites are given out before or after school.  Thank you.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606 668270 

Many thanks, Mrs Esling and Mrs Westland

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