Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Starlings Home Learning 26th February

Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 9:12pm

Friday 26th February


Hello super Starlings, and welcome to your Friday home learning blog. You have made it to the end of another week of home learning. We are missing you so much but you only have one more week to go after today and we can all be back together in school! We are so excited.

I am looking forward to our Zoom call this morning. You don’t need to bring anything with you today, just yourselves!

Because it is Friday, you have a Science task today. You also have a writing task and your usual phonics videos too.

Mrs. Southern will be online on the homework page today so please share your learning with her as you have been doing all week. I will also be available if you need me. Any problems please let one of us know or email admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will do our very best to resolve these straight away.

Read, Write, Inc Phonics

Please follow the links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as yesterday but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is usually after 9:30am) 

Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below: 


Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:


Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.



Today you will be learning to write sentences about the extinct animals you have read about in The Museum of Lost Animals. In today’s lesson you will be using Page 4 to write a list of endangered animals, then you will choose 5 animals to write questions about.

Once you have decided on and written your questions, you need to follow this link https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/ or google to research and find the answers to your questions. If you want to print sheets to record your work on you’ll need pages 4, 5 and 8 of the PowerPoint today.

The link for today’s lesson video is https://youtu.be/ZbE1VO71uWo


Today, you will be continuing your work on the 5 senses and learning all about taste. There is a taste experiment for you to try using some ingredients you already have at home if you want to but don’t worry if you find this a bit scary, you don’t have to do it.

There is a sheet for you to download and record your experiment on if you’re feeling up for it.  

Please click the link to find the lesson video:   https://youtu.be/6Qvgxn4cWK8

The PowerPoint version is attached below.



Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries.


Username: starlings1

Password: Home



Today’s story is ‘Mog the Forgetful Cat’

Please click this link to find the story https://youtu.be/9pof3Tk8d-o




Please find Mrs. Powell’s Friday worship by clicking on this link https://youtu.be/I7xoLfBdehQ 



 Fitness Challenge

Have a go at these animal yoga poses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-Z127YfUQo


Good luck, have a lovely day and a safe and restful weekend!

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling, and Mrs. Southern

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