Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Skylarks WB 6.3.23

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 10:39pm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog! ?

We have had a super first week back after the half term. The children particularly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday and looked fantastic in their costumes!


Next week (W.B. 06.03.23)

In our English lessons next week, we will continue our work on poetry. We will be using our learning from this week to help us write our own free verse poems using similes and metaphors.  

In our shared reading lessons, we will be focussing on word meaning. We will analyse the author’s language choice and discuss its effectiveness.

In maths we will be continuing to develop our confidence when using formal written methods of multiplication and division. We will solve word problems and explore open-ended questions. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In Science we will be studying four different types of asexual reproduction in plans. The children will research how different plants can reproduce through cuttings, runners, bulbs and tubers.

In History and Geography, we will continue to learn about Viking life through asking questions and research. We will use what we find out to help us answer our enquiry question, ‘Where the Vikings ruthless killers or peaceful settlers?’

In Art we will be exploring the Viking ‘Jelling’ style frequently used on their armour and weapons. We will practice out sketching techniques to create intricate and interlocking designs.

In RE we will explore our new theme of ‘forgiveness’. We will look at examples of forgiveness in the bible and reflect on how we should live our lives.

Our PE day for the Spring Term will be a Wednesday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, please do let Mr Beswick or myself know so that we can offer them support in school. 

The children should complete page 24 of their maths homework book to be returned by Friday 10th March 2023. This homework is looking at written methods of multiplication.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 10th March will be words ending in the -ent suffix:

confident, absent, different, patient, magnificent, efficient, decent, intelligent


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x



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