Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Robins Wk Beg 20.09.21

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 10:43pm

Welcome to Robins Weekly Blog

We have had a wonderful week in Robins class. I am really pleased with how the children have settled down to their learning routines in class. We are filling our recognition board regularly and have enjoyed playing 'hide and seek' and 'stuck in the mud' as our rewards together. This week, our Top Table award goes to Alexa and our Prasie Book award goes to Alexia. Well done girls :) 

You will be able to book a 'Parents Evening' phonecall on Monday 20th September. This will be a ten minute phonecall to touch base and discuss how the children have settled. Year Three phonecalls are on Tuesday 28th September. I am really looking forward to talking to you all and getting to know you :) 

Our spelling quizes will take place each Friday morning. This week, some children will have spellings that begin with the 'wr' sound such as 'wrong' and some children will have spellings that begin with the prefix dis and in such as 'disconnect and invisible'. The children wil have a list of their spellings in their reading diaries that they will tick/dot to let you know which words they spelt correctly during the quiz.

Reading - We have given the children a reading book from our class library. This may be a RWI book aimed at your child's reading level plus a story/non fiction book from our class library to share with you at home or a text from our class library. Please let me know if you feel the texts the children are selecting are too challenging or not challenging enough. I have now extended our class library with texts that the children are familiar with from Year Two for them to enjoy. We are continuing to read The Sea Book by Charlottle Milner in our whole class reading lessons. This week we will continue to discover new vocabulary, retrieve literal information and explore how the features of a non fiction text and it's structure all help the reader to understand the information. 

Writing - The children are really enjoying reading 'Seal Surfer' by Micheal Foreman. We have loved learning new facts about seals and watching video clips of them in their natural environments. We will be writing a non chronological report about seals using paragraphs to organise our information. We will also be using prepositions of place and noun phrases to enhance the detail in our sentences. 


Maths - We will continue to explore our place value knowledge and understanding of three digit numbers. The children will represent three digit numbers in a variety of ways, learning the value of each digit and positioning them on a numberline. Each morning, on entering the classroom, the children complete a '4 a day' arithmetic activity. This involves questions from all four operations ( addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) so that these skills are continuously developing. We have also introduced a times tables grid which allows the children to pratise and rehearse their mutliplication and divsion facts. This term, we will consolidate the 2, 5 and 10 times tables as well as introducing the three and four times tables. I have set weekly games on Times Tables Rock Stars for the children to enjoy. 

Geography - We will be consolidating Year Two knowledge of features of English forests verses a rain forest, looking at the human and physical features of both. The children will use atlases to locate rain forests around the world, exploring reasons as to why they are positioned near to the equator. 

RE - The children will explore a variety of Bible stories, considering the message for Christians that each one gives about God. 

PE - Mr Ault will teach the children how to play football, focusing on space, pace and invasion techniques. 

DTThe children are learning about the seasonality of food and will be making apple crumble as they have identified that apples are in season in the autumn in the uk. I will send a letter out with further information. 

Thank you for your continued support with reading, spellings and times tables at home. These three things are the basis of our weekly homework.

Please contact me if you have any questions, I am aways available for you.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan

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