Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Monday 1st June

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:15am

Hello again Robins!! J


Good morning and Happy Monday! I have missed chatting to you all this week. I hope you had a wonderful half term and a well-deserved rest. Thank you to those who shared some lovely photos with me of what you have been up to – it put a big smile on my face! It did also make me miss you all though! Can you believe it is June already? I keep my fingers and toes crossed every day that we will be able to see each other again before the summer holidays.

Here are a few snaps of what Teddy and I have been up to over the half term. Lots of walks and adventures (and of course snoozing):

In case you missed it, we have put together a video of ‘Lostock’s Lockdown Memories’ for the children. Don’t worry if you didn’t send in a photo for this video, we will be making a part 2 video soon! You can watch it here:


I have attached a new class timetable below with some suggestions for history/geography, science and RE projects. I hope you enjoy them! Remember this is only a suggested timetable and task list – you can pick and choose what you would like to do and personalise the timetable to fit in with your day J

For your maths and English lessons I would like you to follow the lessons on either Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize:




Have a lovely Monday and a great first day back to home learning after the half term. I will speak to you all again tomorrow morning J

Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx

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