Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

It's Friday!

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 10:26am

Wow its Friday!! Well done grown ups on surviving your first week at home-hope you are still hanging on in there! I think you are doing an amazing job!! I can't believe how busy you have all been this week and the wonderful things you have been up to!

To finish our week, I thought I would share one of my favourite stories 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers. It links lovely to the story we read for World Book Day 'Blown Away.'

Here is a link to the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hipx6HJs4XQ

After you have listened to the story, here are a few ideas of what you could do in your busy time today!

1-You could make your own kite using card, twigs and string.

2-Can you remember the the things that were thrown into the tree? Maybe you could draw and label them in your book? You can watch the story again to see how many you remembered and which ones you missed out?

3-Do you have any trees in your garden? Or can you see any from your window? Maybe you could draw me a picture. Are there any birds, blossom or new leaves growing?

Have the most wonderful day my lovely Owls and a fantastic weekend. I will be back in touch on Monday. 

I have sent a message on Tapestry who would like to be a mystery reader. You and your grown take a video of you reading your favourite story together, send me the video and I will post so you can share it with all of your Owl friends on Tapestry. I will reveal the first Mystery Reader tonight! I wonder who it will be?

Oxford Owl have just released new RWI books on the website so over the weekend maybe you could have a read with your grown up.

Username: owlsclass2020

Password: Owls2020

Thank you for all of your support this week and all the wonderful messages and videos on Tapestry. It has made me smile so much.

Love from Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

“The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is, I’m the only one.” Tigger

Message from Mrs Powell: Good morning children!  This morning I want you to think about how special and unique you are, talk to someone in your house about all the special qualities that make you unique.  What about the people you live with, what makes them special, why don’t you tell them!

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