Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches WB 9.1.23

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 7:34pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Happy New Year and welcome back everyone!


Friday Superstar: Harriet W

Top Table: Hannah and Chloe

Coming soon: Trip to Chester Grosvenor Museum. Thursday 19th January. Please ensure you have given permission for your child to attend this fantastic day out.

This week we have:

… welcomed the lovely Miss Nelson to our Goldfinches nest and have loved getting to know her.

… returned refreshed and full of lovely enthusiasm to work. We have loved being introduced to our new Writing and Reading texts ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and ‘Volcano’ and have already developed some interesting new vocabulary. We enjoyed voting for our new Recognition Board class target ‘To get straight on with our work’.

Next week we will:

Mondays: Miss Wilkinson will be teaching Goldfinches on Mondays from now on. Mrs Evans will continue to teach Tuesdays-Fridays.

PE: This will be on Mondays and Fridays for the next half term. Indoor gymnastics on Monday and outdoor (where weather permits) Team building and tactics games on Fridays.

Writing: Use our senses to describe the sights and sounds of Pompeii in the past and begin to organise our ideas into paragraphs.

Spellings: Spellings from the Y3/4 Statutory word list set this week to be tested next Friday 13th.

Words to learn: different, difficult, disappear, early, earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience.

Reading: We will look at how organisation and pages such as the contents and index support our understanding of Non Fiction writing.

Reading homework: Please continue to support your child’s love of reading and the chance to disappear into another world whilst they do! Please sign when your child had read independently and comment when they have read aloud to you.

Maths: We will complete our unit on addition and subtraction and problem solving and move on to finding the area using squares.

Times tables: We are continuing to work on our times tables every day by using games, online games, worksheets and tests in class. At the moment we are recapping 8x and introducing 3x. Please continue to support your child to learn their tables fluently in order, out of order and know the division facts. I will be holding a meeting for parents soon to share information about the National Y4 Multiplication Check.


Please ensure your child uses this game at least a couple of times a week to get used to speed and time limits and prepare them for the online check.


Other fun games to try:




History: We enjoyed exploring the question ‘How Great was Alexander the Great?’ this week and will continue with this inquiry next week.

PSHCE: We will be focusing on the theme of being unique and being proud and confident to be ourselves in our No Outsiders lesson this week.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Miss Wilkinson, Mrs Simmonds and Miss Nelson.

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