Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches WB 13.3.23

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 8:59pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

We have been marvellous mathematicians this week.

Friday Superstar: Jacob C

Top Table: Ella and Molly


This week we have:

…worked so methodically in our maths lessons learning methods of division. We are already absorbed in ‘When the Giant Stirred’ and ‘Ariki and the island of wonders’ in our English lessons and are using these texts to support some beautiful descriptive writing. We are learning about the human impact on the environment in Science and thoroughly enjoyed the Science assembly too.  

HOME- Our new whole school topic 

This half term we have begun our new whole school topic- Home. This has been planned around the theme of the importance of our homes to us and the human conflicts and natural disasters that result in homelessness for others. We are hoping to use photographs of our children’s homes as part of our displays. If you would like to, please send or e-mail a photo/copy of your home into school after half term. Thank you. 


Cake Sale – thank you for buying lots of delicious cakes. We raised an impressive £174.04. It is Goldfinches’ turn to bake/donate cakes for our next sale on 29th March.


Friday 17th March- Non uniform day. £1 which will be donated to COMIC RELIEF. Please ensure clothes and footwear are suitable for PE.


Next week we will:

Writing: We will apply our understanding of fronted adverbials to writing a diary extract and recap using direct speech within a speech sandwich.

Spellings: Spellings with the suffix ous

Words for the test on Friday 17th March: famous, fabulous, joyous, tremendous, jealous, enormous, glamourous, disastrous, adventurous, nervous

Reading: We will infer details and refer to the text to find evidence to back up our answers within our Spring assessment texts.

Reading homework: Reading is getting better and better in Year 4 with the children showing they are becoming more and more independent in their reading and more confident in their shared reading. Keep up the great work everybody.

Maths: We will choose and use appropriate methods of multiplication. We will complete our Spring Maths assessments.

Times tables: We are continuing to work on our times tables every day by using games, online games, worksheets and tests in class. We have introduced the 9x table this week.

Please continue to support your child to learn their tables fluently in order, out of order and know the division facts for the 2, 5, 10, 4, 8, 3, 6 and 9 times tables.


Please ensure your child uses this game at least a couple of times a week to get used to speed and time limits and prepare them for the online check.

Other fun games to try:




Science: As it is Science week we will enjoy some activities with the theme of Connections.

PE: Mondays and Fridays.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Miss Wilkinson, Miss Nelson and Mrs Simmonds.

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