Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Friday 3rd April

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 5:44pm

I can't believe it is Friday again! Where did that week go?Well done to you all on another fantastic week at home.

You filled the week with lots of fabulous fun at home. Yesterday, it was lovely to see some of you sharing videos of you doing your speed sound lessons and lots of wonderful drawings and writing. Some of your sunflowers have started to grow which is very exciting. Please keep me posted. I wonder what you have planned today? I have promised Leo and Artie that we can do some baking today. 

We went on an extremely long walk yesterday and have very achy legs today! Artie likes all the blossom on the trees. What do you see if you go out on a walk? It has been nice having time to do some of our favourite things at home and Leo and Artie have enjoyed playing with their favourite things! Maybe you could take photographs of your favourite things at home and send them to me on Tapestry?

Grown ups-I saw this lovely idea online for things to do when the children say they are bored at home(there are cleaning jobs in there too!) Might be something else to try at home.

I miss you all lots but keep sending your lovely pictures and videos to Tapestry. Keep smiling lovely Owls!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will catch up with you on Monday. xx

You will never have this day again. So make it count”

Message from Mrs Powell

Good morning children,

It may not feel like it but we are all very lucky to have each other.  What are you going to do today to make it different from yesterday, we never get today again.  What will you do today?  How will you use it?  Will you draw a picture?  Do some PE?  Help someone at home?  I’m keeping a diary so that I can remember how I made each day count, could you? 

Stay safe and remember this: “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.”

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