Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Friday 24th April

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:39am

Friday 24th April

Hello Goldfinches - I send happy Friday and Hot chocolate thoughts to you all.

What are you doing this weekend? Over the Easter Weekend my little team made a den in the living room and camped in it for three nights! They loved it and because it is still so warm, we are getting the tent out after our school work is done and sleeping in it this weekend. 

Yesterday we added 4 more moves to our garden circuit -we magpie the moves we like from Joe Wicks.  I ended up doing the last circuit by myself whilst the children snuck back indoors ! (I enjoyed it though!) What are you doing for your daily exercise today? 

Great Fire of London: Toby, Lola and I watched the London Fire Brigade Museum clip about the Great Fire of London. Toby remembered lots of facts after learning about it in Y1. Give it a go...How much can you remember and recall from studying it in Year 2? 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3IUJp9dHGw&t=16s  (It is only about 6 minutes long) 

Which plants were which? ...... The reveal....

 A = Pea  B = Bean and C = Pumpkin. Well done if you had a go at guessing.

School Jobs today:

Maths:  Have a go at the third  ISEEMATHS home learning lesson for Y3/4. Continue with the next lesson (Wednesday 25th March)  http://www.iseemaths.com/lessons34/ 

Spelling: Chalk your spellings outside or make your own spelling doodle for this week’s words. Ask an adult in your house to test you on your spellings. Perhaps you could test them!

Water Cycle: How is your water cycle coming along? Have you looked at all of the links on the weekly timetable to help you? Here ther are again as a reminder:








OAK NATIONAL ACADEMY: This week I have been looking at the resources provided by 'The National Academy' (These are lessons on line taught by teachers- a bit like the ISEEMATHs. It is organised into year groups and subjects. Today, Lola and I are going to try out the Y4 SPAG lesson and see how we like it. Here is the link if you want to give it a go. 


Have a great learning and playing day today all of you and enjoy your weekend. I'll let you know how camping went on Monday. S

Stay Safe, Stay at Home and Be Respectful

Miss you all, 

Mrs Evans smiley

Message from Mrs Powell:

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.” – Henry James

What have you done that is kind? What could you do today that is kind? Could you take a picture and put it on Twitter so we can all be kind like you.

Remember what you are doing is amazing and we are so proud of you. If you can, have a hot chocolate today. If not, have a cup of anything you like to drink and remember how very special we think you are! “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.”

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