Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness


Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 7:42pm

  Monday 22ndFebruary 2021     

Welcome back! I hope you have had a wonderful rest and enjoyed your half term holiday.

Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.


We now have all of this week’s worships in one place. Please see the weekly worship page attached below.

Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c69EUY9_tY&feature=youtu.be


Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.

If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link https://youtu.be/eupwc0LulKs 

These links also appear in the power point for further learning

Maths Games 

 Times Tables

TTRock Stars today. https://ttrockstars.com/

Please make sure you don’t share your password with anyone else.

I have added the local school’s leader board. At the moment we are in 24th position based on speed. Keep going this week and see if you can get faster bit by bit and day by day!




Click on the attached power point below for your lesson with Mrs Whittingham or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link https://youtu.be/jOt6eAIdV-Q 

These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning

5 Pillars of Islam  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9U8T8x1AhQ 

Sawm http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02mwdxf 

Hajj  https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/24566691 

Steps involved in performing Hajj  https://www.youtube.com/watch/Hb-ngN7pVyw 


Please click here if you would like to find out more about the Water Aid charity which was what Mrs Powell was talking about in her worship today. https://www.wateraid.org/uk/the-crisis

Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.


We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’

Task: choose 2 or 3 of your spellings today and write the words from their word families

e.g. breezily word family words= breeze, breezy, breezed


Return to Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsNVH7zuE6Y


I wonder if you can make up your own circuit today Goldfinches. Choose 6 different exercises and number them 1-6. Roll a dice (or write 1-6 on some small pieces of paper and pick them out of a pot)

Whichever number you roll or pull out of the pot, do the exercise for 30 seconds.


Our clubs are starting this week. You can choose which one (ones) you do this week. The list and links are attached below.

Have a super first day back to home learning Goldfinches- it might be difficult to get back into at first but we know you can do it.

Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxxx

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