Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness


Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 1:05pm

                      Wednesday 20th January 2021                            

Good morning Team Goldfinch. Looking forward to us all seeing each other on Zoom today at 9am.

Don’t forget to go on the discussion page today where we can ‘chat’ about the work you are doing and I will be able to answer any questions you have.


In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity https://www.smilingmind.com.au/

Parents: This is a FREE App that you just need to sign in with an e-mail account.

Create a new account with an adult’s e-mail address.

Follow the quick question survey (which takes about 10 seconds)

Click the ‘I’m a parent’  tab and the next page

Choose the   tab and there will be lots of different mindfulness activities to do together. We have done some in class and it really doesn’t matter if they are repeated.


Subtract two 4-digit numbers with one exchange- Click the link for today’s lesson

Mrs Evans’ maths lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txKLSP3ZrCw

and if you want to print the worksheet, the resources page is attached below.

Maths challenge link for after the lesson:  https://nrich.maths.org/1116

  Times Tables

Goldfinches play Hit the Button today and practise your 4x and 8x table. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


European country information page - Click the link for today’s lesson. Remember you can hover over the bottom of the page for the button to pause the video whenever you need to.

Mrs Evans’ writing lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfpu3ew_X5I

Link to Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/

Link to the interactive map of Europe: http://www.yourchildlearns.com/europe_map.htm

Link to the kids travel guide: https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/


Did you enjoy your reading yesterday? What is going to happen in your story today? Curl up in a cosy spot and find out.


We are learning words with the prefix ‘dis’ ‘mis’ ‘un’ ‘in’

Today words:

Misspell        (word family words: spell, spelling, speller, misspelling)

Mistrust        (word family words: trust, trusty, trustable, trustworthy)

Previous words:

Disagree      (word family words: agree, agreed, agreement, disagreed,


Disable          (word family words: able, enable, enabled, disabled)

Mistreat        (word family words: treat, treatment, mistreatment, mistreated)

Misunderstood (word family words: understood, understand, understanding)

Click on the BBC bitesize link for a video clip to watch and spelling games to play. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8mxrwx/articles/z9hjwxs

Story time- More from Danny the Champion of the World.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RicIOtJWfA



How is you Fitness Challenge going? So far I have added walking, running, dancing, Zumba, Joe Wicks, 5-A-Day, Go-Noodle and Yoga to mine.  What are you going to do in your active time today?   I think you would love the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:


Can you do 20mins or over of continuous movement and 21mins or over of continuous exercise every day? 

Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Goldfinches- stay motivated and feel proud of all of the great work you are doing.

Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx

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