Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

17.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Wednesday

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 8:48am

Good morning everyone J

Happy Wednesday everyone! How are you all this morning? I hope you are well and staying positive.


I hope you are enjoying hearing lots of lovely stories read by our very special teachers – I know I am. For today’s special treat Mrs Evans would like to read you ‘The Watcher’. To watch simply just click on the following linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njoiXEV_FkM


Our Maths and English lessons continue on the Oak National Academy website today. Our English lesson focuses on using the first person and the past tense to write a recount. Our Maths lesson focuses on adding two amounts together to find the total amount in the context of money.


Other Activities

PSHE – My Lockdown Feelings

In today’s lesson, we will review our time capsule that we created last lesson. We will reflect on our lockdown experience and on how it has felt being away from school for so long. We will think about what we have enjoyed and create a feelings jar, filled with all of the things that have made us happy, which might help others feel better about their experience.https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/my-lockdown-feelings/



We have all been spending more time online while we have been at home. Try this quiz (attached below) about online safety to make sure you know how to stay safe when you are on online. Then make a poster or a video to tell a child in Owls class how to stay safe online.


Can you complete our special reading comprehension revision mat? To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short text; these will be taken from either a fictional story, a non-fiction text or a poem. Once you have read and understood the text, you will have to answer questions based on what you have read. Each question will be one of five different question types.


Before you start, think about the toys you play with. Do you think your parents, grandparents and people older than them played with the same toys when they were your age? What do you think might be the same about their toys? What do you think might be different? Use the PowerPoint attached to find out some more about old toys and new toys. Now watch this video where children try some toys from the past. Are there any toys you recognise? Are there any toys you would like to try?


If you have any questions or just wanted to pop by to say hello, just join our class discussion this morning! Today, our discussion is all about jokes. Do you have a funny joke that you would like to share with your Starling friends?

Sending you all lots of love and hugs,


Miss Gillam


A message from Mrs Powell

Mark Ian Macleod Beaumont BEM is a British long-distance cyclist, broadcaster and author. He holds the record for cycling round the world, completing his 18,000-mile route on 18 September 2017, having taken less than 79 days. So many of you have learnt to ride a bike over the past few months and have been going on really long bike rides. What could your challenge be?


Have a think about setting yourself a challenge, I wonder what new skill you could learn?




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