Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Year 6 Responsibilities & House Teams


Children are at the heart of everything we do and Christ is the light that guides us.



At Lostock Gralam, our school is supported by the valuable help of our Year 6 students. Each pupil has a role in which they can 'Let their light shine' in order to support other pupils, look after the school environment and share their ideas for fund raising and charity events.

“We were elected by our friends and school staff and are role models for the rest of the school. We help make decisions and set the example for younger children. We consider everyone’s opinions."


This year we have reps for:

School Council.JPG          Eco.JPG           Ethos 24 (2).JPG

             School Council                              Eco                                            Ethos




                                                    Nurture 24.JPG        Well Being 24.JPG

          Pupil Parliament,                           Nurture                                       Well-Being



 Librarian 24(1).JPG      ICT 24.JPG          JSO 24.JPG

          Librarians,                                          ICT                                      Junior Safety Officers 


We are all Buddies for each of the new Reception children in Owls class.

All of our responsibilities give us opportunities to help people and help us find out who we are as a person. Our roles help run the school and make sure we are part of all decisions that impact us and the rest of school. We know we are role models for the younger children. 


Tree Teams

  Our 4 House Teams are:                                   

                        Maple                      Birch                      Ash                       Oak                                                                                                                                                                                             

Each child is allocated a tree team as they enter Reception Class and will stay in this.team throughout their time at Lostock. Siblings stay in the same teams. Throughout the year, children will have opportunities to compete in sports to earn points for their tree team. 

Year 6 children vote amongst their peers for team captains for each tree team who are responsible for chairing half termly team meetings and helping to organise and run competitive or team events.

Here are our Sports Captains for 2024/2025:

Sports Captains 24.JPG


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