Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness



Here at Lostock Gralam C of E Primary School we ensure our Maths teaching and learning reflects our school vision ‘Children are at the heart of everything that we do and Christ is the light that guides us John 8:12.


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Our children live out our Christian Values (Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness) in their lessons. Children show friendship and love as they work together to solve challenging problems as well as perseverance when tackling tasks that require an element of wrestling and grappling. Children feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when they have those “lightbulb” moments in lessons. They are able to experience awe and wonder as they make connections and see patterns of number.

Maths learning at Lostock focuses on fluency, reasoning and problem solving in a child centered and fun way. We use a mastery approach to learning which nurtures and supports all learners through the delivery of age specific learning objectives. Children work in mixed ability pairs for the majority of the lesson however groups are targeted for further support to consolidate misconceptions or are presented with deeper learning challenges in order to strengthen their understanding. We begin by securing the basics of early number through direct teaching and child initiated learning. High quality texts and exciting resources in the early years are used to engage the children and provide a context for learning. Excellent outdoor learning opportunitues begin with our reception children and continues through into year six. Making connections, exploring patterns and providing reasons help our children to use and apply their number facts in an interesting and purposeful way.

Maths is taught through many other curriculum areas such as PE, Science and Topic where the children can use and apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts. We provide both a high level of challenge and support for all of our children to enable them to make the continued progress that our data shows. Teachers plan bespoke,stimulating lessons, drawing on a wide range of resources that meet the needs of all learners. Misconceptions in learning are acted upon immediately and sound interventions are put in place ensuring gaps in learning are closed. Our pupils tell us that they enjoy their maths lessons as teachers help them to improve and find ways that maths can be fun.

"We are singing Incey Wincey Spider with my teacher . I have made a web outside using the blocks that Incey has done. I have got 5 here but I want 2 more to make his web so big then it will be longer than me." (Reception)

" I loved being able to use my measuring skills in Design and Technology when we made hedgehog shelters to look after the animals in our school grounds. I measured the length of the wood using cm on my ruler." (Y2)

"We used our maths skills in Science when we investigated  what different liquids do to the shell of an egg. We worked together to time the egg in the liquid then we collected the results in a table that we designed ourselves. We put our results into a line graph. It was tricky to work out the scale for the graph but we had a fun time." (Y4)

"I enjoy working with my friends in maths as we help and support each other. We have a new partner each week so I get to work with everybody. Adding decimlas this week with the place value counters has really helped me to understand how decimals link to whole numbers." (Y6)


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    Parent's Information:

Click here to visit the National Curriculum Objectives for Key Stages One and Two Mathematics National Curriculum Objectives

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