PE (Physical Education)
Here at Lostock we are very proud of how our children embrace all the sporting opportunities presented to them. Our vision 'Children are at the heart of everything that we do and Christ is the light that guides us’ John 8:12 is evident in all aspects of PE at our school.
This year (2024 - 2025) our Year 6 Sports Captains will lead us to ensure we are as active as possible and they have lots of ideas on how to ensure this takes place.
Here at Lostock Gralam C of E Primary School we pride ourselves on the quality of our PE provision. We ensure our PE reflects our school vision ‘Children are at the heart of everything that we do and Christ is the light that guides us’ John 8:12. Our children live out our Christian Values (Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness) in their PE lessons. They experience teamwork, develop a sense of pride and achievement, they aim to improve on their personal best, encourage others to do well and not to give up when they find a task difficult at first. Our high quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities, therefore offering a wide range of opportunities for all children. Our PE curriculum provides ample opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Our newly installed all-weather Golden Mile track, which was chosen by the children, encourages this along with the support of our PE Monitors, Health Ambassadors, Phys Kids leaders, House Team Captains, Mid-Day Assistants and Playground Buddies.
Our PE lessons are delivered by class teachers and/or our sports coach Mr Ault. We have listened to the views of our children and employed other sporting coaches to deliver specialist lessons tailored to the wants and needs of our children e.g. Beth Tweddle Gymnastics and cricket from the Cheshire Cricket Board.
We provide a curriculum which meets the needs of the national curriculum to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
Please check our school Twitter account for updates on what we have been doing in PE. It is also where we share our sporting achievements that take place both in and out of school. Through Pupil Voice, our children have the opportunity to let us know what they think about PE in school. 'We love our gymnastics lessons every week and I even go to the after-school club', I have loved going to the Judo breakfast-club as I have got to dress like a 'real martial arts person' and I have learnt lots of great moves', 'We love PE with Mr Ault as he alwasy encourages us to do our best and makes our lessons fun. He shows me how to improve and I know I am getting better at passing the ball', 'I like when we go on the Golden Mile Track as I can beat my score and I like the fresh air'.
During Lockdown 2020 our school was awarded for providing outstanding support to our children to ensure they were active and still got the opportunity to get involved in virtual sporting events.

I am delighted to announce that we have received The Platinum School Sports Mark for the outstanding opportunities that we provide for our children.