Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness


Date: 14th May 2020 @ 7:20am

Buenas Dias Swallows

Click here for my little video message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qXbMJcmYNI

Happy Thursday, a chilly one right now! Hopefully it will warm up later today. How are you all? I hope you are all well, safe, happy and smiling as beautifully as ever. We are very busy at school planning for when everybody comes back together, there's lots to organise so that we can all stay safe. But for now Swallows, you stay at home with your families where you are very safe and we will wait until all of the year two's across England can return to school. I know how much some of you want to come back, my Thomas wants to see his teacher so much too. I want to see all of you also, we both miss you. 

Did anyone try out the shape hunt when you were out walking or riding yesterday? Thomas, Will and I saw lots of circles and triangles on traffic signs. We spotted rectangular road names, cylinders on lamp posts and lots of interesting shapes on the reflections of the water against a wall. We thought that certain tree trunks look almost like a cylinder. What do you think? What did you see? Maybe you could spot shapes out on your walk today? 

Today's idea is Bingo!

Play walking bingo. Ask your grown up to print a bingo card (https://www.template.net/designtemplates/free-printable-bingo-card/) All look for the numbers on your card whilst walking together. If you find a number that is on your bingo card, you can cross it off. Can you complete a line or get a full house? Look at house numbers, road signs, numbers on bus stops etc. Have fun and let me know who won!

Our Oak Academy lessons for today are continuing with fractions and The Firework Maker's Daughter. You will explore recounts today which is when you write about something that has already happened in the past tense. Remember our song? "Already happened, ed!" You have all written recounts before, we have written about our trip to The Liverpool Maritime Museum and you have written lots in our writing books about events that have already happened eg the dragons destroying our classroom and when Timothy and Tabitha swapped lives. 


A message from Mrs Powell

Squirrels are often seen hanging on birdfeeders, trying to grab as much food as they can. Sometimes they even hang upside down while they feed! Sometimes they fall off, but they soon come back again to try to get more! Often birds can’t get to the birdfeeders because the squirrels are already feeding from them! The poor birds have to wait, even though they are hungry! Sometimes they fly away and perch in the trees, watching the squirrels feed. When the squirrels have finished, then the birds can have their turn to feed, even though the seed and nuts are really put there for them. It could be that the squirrel is trying to keep the food for itself. It could be that the bird is challenging the squirrel for the food. It could be that they are sharing!

There are times in our lives when we all find it difficult to share! Christians believe that God has given us the world and everything in it - it is a gift from God that we are all to share with each other. Christians also believe that it is good to share what we have with others. We can share our possessions, food, money, friends, talents, even our love. Follow the link below to watch Mrs Powell's video message. 


Have a super day everybody. Remember to play lots, listen to your grown ups, be kind and show Friendship. 

Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx

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